#1: still in limp mode Author: rockerted, Location: co durhamPosted: Thu Dec 16, 2010 6:02 am ---- just continuing the saga, had the 206 1.4hdi into pugs,found heater plug relay fault, fixed and a clutch switch, had maf checked, ok.been into a real expert,checked numerous things, to no avail!!now going to check the ecu!!so far £240 spent and still in limp mode..one thing certain, it,s the last pug we ever buy!!
#2: Re: still in limp mode Author: Big_Rich180, Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2010 6:04 am ---- [quote="rockerted"]just continuing the saga, had the 206 1.4hdi into pugs,found heater plug relay fault, fixed and a clutch switch, had maf checked, ok.been into a real expert,checked numerous things, to no avail!!now going to check the ecu!!so far £240 spent and still in limp mode..one thing certain, it,s the last pug we ever buy!![/quote]
Ive lost count how many times ive said that
#3: Re: still in limp mode Author: qwert, Location: ukPosted: Thu Dec 16, 2010 7:07 am ---- have you had it scanned? Or are you just replacing parts for the fun of it?
#4: Re: still in limp mode Author: rockerted, Location: co durhamPosted: Sat Dec 18, 2010 5:59 am ---- hi qwert, yes, diagnostic by peugeot, also by a tuners in sunderland,so checking bit by bit,next is ecu,not showing anything on diag,..ted
#5: Re: still in limp mode Author: nelson, Location: salisbury, UKPosted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 3:45 pm ---- I'm using mine with the MAF disconnected... it uses more fuel and does not get all the power back but it is better than nothing
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