#1: UNBLOCK DIESEL FILTER warning + other symbol? Author: paulrushton, Location: HuddersfieldPosted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 2:59 pm ---- I bought my 206 GTI HDI (60k, late 2004) last week. On driving home the UNBLOCK DIESEL FILTER warning beeped and appeared. It continued all journey home with audible beeps every few miles. Every now and then an icon would flash on for s split second which resembled two circles one inside the other. It was on incredibly quick so couldn't fully make it out. The garage are going to sort the problem but wondered if anyone knew what the icon was. I've done another 100 mile in the car and the UNBLOCK warning keeps coming up but I've not seen the icon again.
Any ideas?
#2: Re: UNBLOCK DIESEL FILTER warning + other symbol? Author: MrBSI, Location: What's it to you? ? ?Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 3:04 pm ---- FAPTASTIC
Sounds like your FAP filter needs a good clean.
#3: Re: UNBLOCK DIESEL FILTER warning + other symbol? Author: Geoff, Location: Evesham, WorcestershirePosted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 3:05 pm ---- It will be to do with the Particulate Filter or FAP.
Its a special fluid in a tank near the fuel tank - that is injected every time you fill up. Its for the emissions - i.e. cheaper tax.
Its quite a pricey job... Peugeot charge £600 - so good job its in Warranty!
#4: Re: UNBLOCK DIESEL FILTER warning + other symbol? Author: paulrushton, Location: HuddersfieldPosted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 3:09 pm ---- Yeah I know it's the FAP and the garage are going to rectify the faults. The question really is does anyone know what the icon was that came on? I've searched everywhere but no pictures. I know it's related to the FAP but it's never appeared again and just intrigued. Cheers.
#5: Re: UNBLOCK DIESEL FILTER warning + other symbol? Author: Lee, Location: EnglandPosted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 3:14 pm ---- The glow plug light? To the right of the fog light icons
The glow plug light? To the right of the fog light icons
Could be engine management?
Where did this icon come up?
#7: Re: UNBLOCK DIESEL FILTER warning + other symbol? Author: paulrushton, Location: HuddersfieldPosted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 3:16 pm ---- No sorry it was on the display where the UNBLOCK DIESEL FILTER was displayed. The filter warning would flicker off briefly and this icon would display for a split second before the filter warning reappearing. No loss of power or economy. Did it for about 15 mins flickering on and off whilst on motorway.
#8: Re: UNBLOCK DIESEL FILTER warning + other symbol? Author: Lecktorious, Location: ScotlandPosted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 4:23 pm ---- Drop your speed back to 50-60, stay in a high gear and keep the revs low. That'll allow the right conditions for a regeneration of the FAP filter, if that doesn't work and the problem persists then a forced regeneration may be required or the sensor values may need set back to zero if they have taken a hissy fit
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