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GTi 180 Problems, Please Help
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-> 206 Problems

#1: GTi 180 Problems, Please Help Author: rob_1990, Location: Cambridge UK PostPosted: Wed Jan 12, 2011 1:21 pm
Hello All,

I changed my oil and filter on Sunday as it was due and ever since i have had a few concerns. I don't know if it's just coincidence or releated to the oil change but i occasionally get 'Coolent Temperature Too High' coming up on the MFD. It usually pops up for a few seconds then disapears again, but yesterday it lasted about 20 seconds at which point the water temp gauge went right into the red before dropping back down to the normal 80 degree mark.

Has anyone else had this problem?

I checked my oil level when I got home tonight and noticed that its just over 'MAX' I know that over filling oil can be just as damaging as under filling but is a little bit going to make a difference? Or is it completely un-related to the coolant problem?

Any suggestions would be a great help!


#2: Re: GTi 180 Problems, Please Help Author: drunknmunky, Location: Blackburn and Catterick PostPosted: Wed Jan 12, 2011 1:23 pm
i think this may be unrelated as i did my oil and filter only yesterday and mine has had no problems and i overfilled mine a touch Smile

#3: Re: GTi 180 Problems, Please Help Author: NICKST, Location: Little hulton (worsley) PostPosted: Wed Jan 12, 2011 1:29 pm
Might be a faulty temperature sensor.

#4: Re: GTi 180 Problems, Please Help Author: rob_1990, Location: Cambridge UK PostPosted: Wed Jan 12, 2011 1:32 pm
nick180 wrote:
Might be a faulty temperature sensor.

Yeah I did half think this... Can it be cleaned? or better to replace it? I also noticed that the inside of the oil filler cap is a bit of milky oil... I know this is usually a sign of a head gasket problem but there's hardly any there.

#5: Re: GTi 180 Problems, Please Help Author: drunknmunky, Location: Blackburn and Catterick PostPosted: Wed Jan 12, 2011 1:38 pm
thats quite funny as mine was the same :/

although i had been running mine with a very low amount of oil in for a while as my in car sensor was chatting bubbles to me Very Happy

#6: Re: GTi 180 Problems, Please Help Author: NICKST, Location: Little hulton (worsley) PostPosted: Wed Jan 12, 2011 1:44 pm
A bit milky and overheating. Have you lost any water? Does sound like head gasket now you said that. I would clean the milky oil off and monitor it and your water levels for a few days. But if it is the head gasket could corse more problems if you keep using it. As for the sensor best to replace it.

#7: Re: GTi 180 Problems, Please Help Author: rob_1990, Location: Cambridge UK PostPosted: Wed Jan 12, 2011 5:48 pm
nick180 wrote:
A bit milky and overheating. Have you lost any water? Does sound like head gasket now you said that. I would clean the milky oil off and monitor it and your water levels for a few days. But if it is the head gasket could corse more problems if you keep using it. As for the sensor best to replace it.

Ok i'll keep that in mind, thanks. I might try disconnecting the battery for a few hours too see if that can clear some faults/gremlins.

#8: Re: GTi 180 Problems, Please Help Author: rob_1990, Location: Cambridge UK PostPosted: Mon Jan 17, 2011 8:14 am
Tried disconnected the battery... No luck. I now have 'Anti Pollution Fault' coming up on the MFD and the engine management light up all the time. I removed all the plugs yesterday and checked for oil, they all seem to be ok but i put a torch in the plug holes and noticed that cylinder 1 and 3 pistons are abit black and carbonned looking. Its developed a slight misfire aswell and takes 3-4 turns to start when cold.

Any help would be much appreciated!

#9: Re: GTi 180 Problems, Please Help Author: Christer, Location: Stockholm, Sweden PostPosted: Mon Jan 17, 2011 9:26 am
I'd suggest you buy a new water temp sensor, and replace.
They are quite cheap. It's coloured green or something. Think you have to remove the rubber pipe going into the air filter box to access it, but it's quite easy otherwise.

#10: Re: GTi 180 Problems, Please Help Author: rob_1990, Location: Cambridge UK PostPosted: Mon Jan 17, 2011 10:24 am
OK you think that the misfire and Antipollution faults could also be related to the temp sensor? My brother is bringing he's fault reader over tonight so ill turn the faults off and see if they return.

#11: Re: GTi 180 Problems, Please Help Author: mattymj, Location: Norfolk PostPosted: Mon Jan 17, 2011 10:39 am
Could be coil pack? Best to get the faults read. My antipollution fault was a lambda sensor. Have you checked your battery voltage as a dying one can cause all sorts of problems on the 180. As for the gunk in the cap. Mines the same. Think its the general winter abuse.

#12: Re: GTi 180 Problems, Please Help Author: rob_1990, Location: Cambridge UK PostPosted: Mon Jan 17, 2011 10:53 am
mattymj wrote:
Could be coil pack? Best to get the faults read. My antipollution fault was a lambda sensor. Have you checked your battery voltage as a dying one can cause all sorts of problems on the 180. As for the gunk in the cap. Mines the same. Think its the general winter abuse.

Thanks mate, I cleaned my cap and it hasnt returned. Should i check the voltage when the car is running or off? The battery hasn't been changed for about 4 years...

#13: Re: GTi 180 Problems, Please Help Author: mattymj, Location: Norfolk PostPosted: Mon Jan 17, 2011 12:09 pm
Check it on and off. Also cranking amps. Around 12v when engine off. 14ish when on

#14: Re: GTi 180 Problems, Please Help Author: NICKST, Location: Little hulton (worsley) PostPosted: Mon Jan 17, 2011 12:12 pm
Clean the Map sensor aswell these can couse problems if that get dirty.

#15: Re: GTi 180 Problems, Please Help Author: rob_1990, Location: Cambridge UK PostPosted: Mon Jan 17, 2011 12:16 pm
nick180 wrote:
Clean the Map sensor aswell these can couse problems if that get dirty.

Where is the map sensor?

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