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-> 206 Problems

#1: Symptoms. Author: Laurenyt680, Location: Stoke-on-Trent PostPosted: Mon Feb 07, 2011 5:50 am
First post and I'm afraid it's bad news Sad

I was out for a drive one night, and all was going well until the water starting pouring out of the bottle and when I finally managed to get the lid off, because it was so pressurised, the water was boiling and had literally been evaporated in about 5 minutes. I filled it back up and hoped it would get me home then the exact same thing happened again, a whole bottle of water boiled away in a matter of minutes!

Got my boyfriend and his dad to have a look around and because the water was being pushed UP out of the bottle, they figured it would be air coming from somewhere, they got rid of an air lock, flushed the whole of the radiator and joining pipes out incase there was a blockage - chunks of old oil and scum were coming out the entire time they were doing this. I started it back up and the same thing happened again.

We were told by a Mechanic that we should replace the thermostat which we did at the weekend and it too was full of what can only be described as a diarrhea like substance, I had my fingers crossed thinking it was solved but hey presto, same thing happened again.

Please if you have any other thoughts on what this could be other than the dreaded head gasket (haven't had any of the scum on the lid of the water bottle which is the msot tell tale symptom.. ) let me know, I really don't want to get rid of this car and would appreciate any help/feedback you might have.

Sorry about the essay I didn't know how else to explain it! - Boyfriend and his dad have titled it a mystery...

#2: Re: Symptoms. Author: CD-B3, Location: Salisbury / New Forest PostPosted: Mon Feb 07, 2011 5:55 am
Head gasket Sad

#3: Re: Symptoms. Author: Ape, Location: Clipping the Apex! PostPosted: Mon Feb 07, 2011 6:00 am
Sounds like the Head Gasket to me too.

There will be alot of pressure in the bottle as it's a pressurised cooling system Smile That's normal. The bit which isn't is the evaporation. Do you get white smoke out of the exhaust when the car's up to temperature? There definitely isn't a leak on the system elsewhere?

#4: Re: Symptoms. Author: leigh_boy, Location: Eastbourne PostPosted: Mon Feb 07, 2011 6:01 am
yup sounds like the head gasket chances are the water jackets in the engine are also full of this gunk causing it to pressure up , its a head off and mega clean of all passageway job, for soe 1 that knows what there doign its a bout a half day job, i have seen it wer you get this gunk under the rocker cover that it split the cover!

#5: Re: Symptoms. Author: Laurenyt680, Location: Stoke-on-Trent PostPosted: Mon Feb 07, 2011 6:03 am
CD-vRS wrote:
Head gasket Sad

Dammit, it's been at the back of my mind the whole time I'm just in denial...

At the minute I'm just thinking to myself if I get this sorted will there be other problems, but then again if I get rid and by another car - will I have the same problems with that too. Just need to weigh up whether it's worth it...

Struggling with the decision and fairly heartbroken!

#6: Re: Symptoms. Author: Laurenyt680, Location: Stoke-on-Trent PostPosted: Mon Feb 07, 2011 6:06 am
Ape wrote:
Sounds like the Head Gasket to me too.

There will be alot of pressure in the bottle as it's a pressurised cooling system Smile That's normal. The bit which isn't is the evaporation. Do you get white smoke out of the exhaust when the car's up to temperature? There definitely isn't a leak on the system elsewhere?

No smoke out of the exhaust and can't find another leak, the issue is getting a decent mechanic who isn't going to charge me ridiculous amounts for labour (though I know its a hell of a job..)

#7: Re: Symptoms. Author: macca1411, Location: Westhoughton, Lancashire PostPosted: Mon Feb 07, 2011 6:16 am
You might as well get the car into the garage. The price of doing the head gasket is no where near the price of replacing the car. A good mechanic will have the job done well within the day.
Even if you have warped the head, still be cheaper getting it skimmed rather than replacing the car. The "diarrhea" is oil and water mixed. A good flushing oil can usually get rid of the residue.

#8: Re: Symptoms. Author: Ape, Location: Clipping the Apex! PostPosted: Mon Feb 07, 2011 6:18 am
What model is your 206?

I changed a head in about 3-4 hours the first time I did it. Stripping everything back takes the time, it can be done quite quickly. The time consuming bit is getting the head skimmed (if needed, but recommended). It can be done yourself (or your boyfriend/dad) if you're not too bad with spanners and a Haynes book.

I'll see if I can find the pictures I took when I did mine, was almost a step by step photo walkthrough.

#9: Re: Symptoms. Author: hobnob48 PostPosted: Mon Feb 07, 2011 6:33 am
I was about to say if its 8v engine should be nice and easy to do. Just make sure you get the bits you need like new head bolts and the head skimmed. Even if it doesnt need skimming will give you a slight bit more oompf lol

#10: Re: Symptoms. Author: Laurenyt680, Location: Stoke-on-Trent PostPosted: Mon Feb 07, 2011 8:12 am
macca1411 wrote:
You might as well get the car into the garage. The price of doing the head gasket is no where near the price of replacing the car. A good mechanic will have the job done well within the day.
Even if you have warped the head, still be cheaper getting it skimmed rather than replacing the car. The "diarrhea" is oil and water mixed. A good flushing oil can usually get rid of the residue.

A bloke at my work says if i've warped the head and I get the gasket sorted i may aswell get a new engine because it will just break agin and again etc.


#11: Re: Symptoms. Author: nellyhaggis, Location: Sheffield PostPosted: Mon Feb 07, 2011 8:16 am
Head gasket.

ive you have boiled the engine it will at the least need a head skim.

#12: Re: Symptoms. Author: Spanerman, Location: Neath, South Wales. PostPosted: Mon Feb 07, 2011 8:21 am
He is wrong, if the job is done correctly you shouldnt have problems, if you bought another (second hand engine) you could have the same problem again in 6months...


#13: Re: Symptoms. Author: Laurenyt680, Location: Stoke-on-Trent PostPosted: Mon Feb 07, 2011 8:22 am
Ape wrote:
What model is your 206?

I changed a head in about 3-4 hours the first time I did it. Stripping everything back takes the time, it can be done quite quickly. The time consuming bit is getting the head skimmed (if needed, but recommended). It can be done yourself (or your boyfriend/dad) if you're not too bad with spanners and a Haynes book.

I'll see if I can find the pictures I took when I did mine, was almost a step by step photo walkthrough.

Those pictures would be great if you can find them for me!

It's a Peugeot 206 Lx 1999 - just feel its a shame when i havent had it for too long, want to give it a fighting chance!

#14: Re: Symptoms. Author: Laurenyt680, Location: Stoke-on-Trent PostPosted: Mon Feb 07, 2011 8:23 am
Spanerman wrote:
He is wrong, if the job is done correctly you shouldnt have problems, if you bought another (second hand engine) you could have the same problem again in 6months...


Exactly what I thought, may aswell work with what I've got than risk having problems with another car... Thanks

#15: Re: Symptoms. Author: CD-B3, Location: Salisbury / New Forest PostPosted: Mon Feb 07, 2011 8:23 am
Laurenyt680 wrote:
Ape wrote:
What model is your 206?

I changed a head in about 3-4 hours the first time I did it. Stripping everything back takes the time, it can be done quite quickly. The time consuming bit is getting the head skimmed (if needed, but recommended). It can be done yourself (or your boyfriend/dad) if you're not too bad with spanners and a Haynes book.

I'll see if I can find the pictures I took when I did mine, was almost a step by step photo walkthrough.

Those pictures would be great if you can find them for me!

It's a Peugeot 206 Lx 1999 - just feel its a shame when i havent had it for too long, want to give it a fighting chance!

What size is the engine?

#16: Re: Symptoms. Author: Laurenyt680, Location: Stoke-on-Trent PostPosted: Mon Feb 07, 2011 8:26 am
CD-vRS wrote:
Laurenyt680 wrote:
Ape wrote:
What model is your 206?

I changed a head in about 3-4 hours the first time I did it. Stripping everything back takes the time, it can be done quite quickly. The time consuming bit is getting the head skimmed (if needed, but recommended). It can be done yourself (or your boyfriend/dad) if you're not too bad with spanners and a Haynes book.

I'll see if I can find the pictures I took when I did mine, was almost a step by step photo walkthrough.

Those pictures would be great if you can find them for me!

It's a Peugeot 206 Lx 1999 - just feel its a shame when i havent had it for too long, want to give it a fighting chance!

What size is the engine?

Sorry missed that out.. its a baby 1.1 Smile

#17: Re: Symptoms. Author: leigh_boy, Location: Eastbourne PostPosted: Mon Feb 07, 2011 9:26 am
can you show us some pictures of what you are explaining as pictures speak a thousand words Smile

#18: Re: Symptoms. Author: Laurenyt680, Location: Stoke-on-Trent PostPosted: Mon Feb 07, 2011 10:55 am
leigh_boy wrote:
can you show us some pictures of what you are explaining as pictures speak a thousand words Smile

Well I've cleaned the gunk now and don't really want to run it so that it's steaming/over flowing again as I'm afraid I'll cause more damage... Going to sort the head gasket 'myself' (with a little help from someone who knows more than I do of course!) and then see where it goes from there I think.

#19: Re: Symptoms. Author: leigh_boy, Location: Eastbourne PostPosted: Mon Feb 07, 2011 11:05 am
ok well good luck and dont be afraid to ask questions no matter how silly you might think it sounds.
Last edited by leigh_boy on Mon Feb 07, 2011 11:57 am; edited 1 time in total

#20: Re: Symptoms. Author: Seabook PostPosted: Mon Feb 07, 2011 11:18 am
you need to skimmed the head when changing the head gasket. otherwise you will have to change the gasket again next month

#21: Re: Symptoms. Author: Laurenyt680, Location: Stoke-on-Trent PostPosted: Mon Feb 07, 2011 11:51 am
Seabook wrote:
you need to skimmed the head when changing the head gasket. otherwise you will have to change the gasket again next month

Yeahhh I had the same advice from a guy I work with, Hopefully be doing it at the weekend, I'll update on how things go...

Thanks Smile

#22: Re: Symptoms. Author: macca1411, Location: Westhoughton, Lancashire PostPosted: Mon Feb 07, 2011 1:32 pm
The head skimming takes the time. I did a mates Rover and by the time I had the head off, took the valves out, taken to the machine shop (who had it for a week) re-ground the valves, replaced the valve stem oil seals, rebuilt his car, he decided that he didn't need it and bought a push bike instead.

-> 206 Problems

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