#1: new gearbox clutch etc Author: robdob, Location: oxfordPosted: Sun Feb 27, 2011 4:17 pm ---- just had a new gearbox, clutch and clutch cable fitted... driving along and 4 and 5 are a lil shaky... this normal? will it die down after a while i mean? any help appreciated
#2: Re: new gearbox clutch etc Author: Sephiroth, Location: KidderminsterPosted: Sun Feb 27, 2011 6:30 pm ---- I've just had my gearbox and clutch done. Pulling off in 1st is a little juddery but been told to leave it for a week or so, then if continues the clutch cable will just need altering. If its shaky driving along in 4 or 5 it seems could be a probably with gearbox. It brand new or a used one put in?
#3: Re: new gearbox clutch etc Author: Deceitful, Location: Leigh, Tonbridge, KentPosted: Mon Feb 28, 2011 2:05 am ---- i have a similar problem, it werr's in low gears and powers a tad bit lumpy on engage, what id say is where safe floor it paying key attention to the revometer if the power is smooth on gear changes its just the gear box
#4: Re: new gearbox clutch etc Author: robdob, Location: oxfordPosted: Mon Feb 28, 2011 4:14 am ---- its a new one... ive been out a few times in it and each time seems different :s
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