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When i get in and turn on the ignition?!?
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#16: Re: When i get in and turn on the ignition?!? Author: Lee, Location: England PostPosted: Sat Apr 02, 2011 11:49 am
Give her chance lol

#17: Re: When i get in and turn on the ignition?!? Author: Andy180+, Location: doncaster south yorkshire PostPosted: Sat Apr 02, 2011 11:54 am
been a couple of days since fault reported and asking for ideas!!!!

#18: Re: When i get in and turn on the ignition?!? Author: peachypeachez, Location: March, Cambridgeshire PostPosted: Sat Apr 02, 2011 2:17 pm
Lol, cheers Lee, gimme chance Andy! I was asking for ideas but ive only just paid out for brake pads and an MOT so no rush for the battery this month Razz

#19: Re: When i get in and turn on the ignition?!? Author: -Dave-, Location: North Manchester PostPosted: Sat Apr 02, 2011 2:36 pm
I had this, Got new battery and problem solved, By the way leave it too long like I did then eventually car will not start.

#20: Re: When i get in and turn on the ignition?!? Author: peachypeachez, Location: March, Cambridgeshire PostPosted: Sat Apr 02, 2011 2:49 pm
I wont leave it too long, it happens very rarely Smile thanks 4 heads up though Smile

#21: Re: When i get in and turn on the ignition?!? Author: copey, Location: rochdale PostPosted: Sun Apr 03, 2011 1:38 am
mine used todo this battery sorted it briefly, turned out the live wire to the fuse box under the bonnet was a bit loose, tightened the bolt problem solved

#22: Re: When i get in and turn on the ignition?!? Author: peachypeachez, Location: March, Cambridgeshire PostPosted: Tue Apr 05, 2011 12:13 am
All earth wires under the hood are fine checked them all yesterday, although battery when tested doesnt seem to be going out... Strange one, warning bleep came up yesterday no lights just a bleep instead of the doors locking and the hazards coming on...

#23: Re: When i get in and turn on the ignition?!? Author: Werdnal, Location: Cornwall, UK PostPosted: Tue Apr 05, 2011 2:57 am
206s seem to do funny things when battery on the way out. When mine went, there was no warning (previous cars had been sluggish to start or showed battery light, but nothing at all this time). Just went out one morning, and as you said, all the dials did a jig, and in my case the headlights flashed and I got the "bong" sound. Got it jump started and went to the local battery supplier, who tested and said batt was fine - charging well and holding.

Two days later, same thing, again jump started and it was find for rest of the day. Following day, again failed, so I got it tested at another battery supplier, who said it was a very old battery and even though showing good on the test, it was the original in the car (52) and probably on the way out. Changed it and its been fine ever since.

If you look at the battery, it will have a code on it. Google battery codes and it should show you how to use the code to check how old it is. If its getting on (5 yrs is a good average life so long as its always been charged) you might be wise to change it anyway.

#24: Re: When i get in and turn on the ignition?!? Author: peachypeachez, Location: March, Cambridgeshire PostPosted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 7:57 am
**UPDATE on my problem**

Right guys i havent changed the battery as of yet (pennys and all) but i am going to go have it checked by garage at some point today or tomorrow, the thing that happened before with the lights and indicators isnt happening anymore or anyless than before but yesterday when i started her up, dials bounced up to where they are meant to be, fuel, rev counter etc but the car had cut out (dials still stayed up as if the car was running :S ) I had to turn the key and hold it for a while longer than usual to get her finally started? Any ideas? Hasnt happened again as i got back in it to come home from where i had gone yesterday and she started fine?


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