#1: ppt30 mfd not working at all Author: Danpotter, Location: norfolkPosted: Sat Jun 18, 2011 9:16 am ---- Hi all. hope someone can help me. my ppt30 wasnt working when i got the car. it has no display on it. i changed the bulbs just in case but nothing. is there a fuse or has it given up. my a/c display is fully working. do you know what wires to check to test for lives ect. the car is an x reg gti 138. cheers
#2: Re: ppt30 mfd not working at all Author: kit325, Location: LondonPosted: Sat Jun 18, 2011 5:16 pm ---- Most likely need too take it apart and inside it there's a 3 pin connector need soldering. Try to find a guide on forum"how to" section.
#3: Re: ppt30 mfd not working at all Author: Harry, Location: StaffordPosted: Sat Jun 18, 2011 5:17 pm ---- 206info.co.uk/Forums/v...t=206.html
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