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Summer Meet 2011 Photo Thread (Hugely Pic Heavy)
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#1: Summer Meet 2011 Photo Thread (Hugely Pic Heavy) Author: tomd0801754, Location: Moscow PostPosted: Sun Jul 31, 2011 10:43 am
So… After months of organising and trying to work out who was coming and who wasn’t, 206info’s annual Whole Site Summer Meet @ Buxton took place at Coldsprings Farm Campsite on the 29th July 2011.

After waiting for woman #1 (Simone – Exovyper) as he was late arriving at mine as he was washing his hair or something of the sorts. We eventually left Carlisle with woman #2 – M60SHW (Shaw - MrIgo<20mpginmycrappycar). After meeting transvestite #1 (c**k Dave – Sucidalsoldi3r) in Stockport we arrived at the campsite slightly after the Three Musketeers (Nath, Liam and Davina – Abzynthe, Liam-Hutch and Mrs. Abzynthe). Once the others had arrived (Paul – Snowster88, Iain – IainLovatt, Charlotte – Charlie99, Coffee Dave – Kencoboy and Jazzi – Kencogurl) – ran out of nicknames. We set up camp and decided to go out for a few drinks and some food.

The Railway Inn provided the perfect set up for the evening meal, whilst a slightly drunk c**kney Dave provided the evening entertainment. We had men flashing their a**e cracks towards us, unknowingly, whilst Cockney Dave was almost ejected for ‘perving’ and ‘photographing’ the young barmaid (or taking photo’s of said arsecracks as she happened to walk past (so he said, shame she was on the other side of the pub Wink .) The evening moved back to the Campsite and into the gazebo where we spent the evening exchanging pleasantries and talking gay talk. The only notable part to explain was how JazziJeff left her purse on her roof driving back to the campsite, to which she was phoned and went to retrieve the said purse. When she asked the guy how she got her number he replied with; “From a ‘eciept luv, sorree ‘a ‘ad to go threw your purse” Jazz was then mortified when she saw where the receipt was from. Laughing (You can ask her).

Next morning we awoke to some cocks running around the tents, fooking birds. So we blearily eyed got dressed and engaged everyone in a PS3 vs xBox vs CoD vs WoW vs other poop discussion, before heading to Morrisons for the BBQ Shop. So £82 later and a revelation that Morrisons keep their BBQs on the Freezer Aisle we were set for the day. c**k Dave bought another 2345293 cigs and everything was all good. AntKnee (Ant) and his scary friend (Nikki) turned up, followed by a fleeting visit from Big_Rich and his partner. So now… 10hours to pass.. How to do this? Move a car to a completely different place about 150yeards away whilst somebdy sleeps inside it and of course...Water Fight!!! Wink Unfortunately some people may have been soaked a little more than others, to which every member apart from CockDave ended up a little bit wet, not helped by the 5 litre bottle of water and 200+ water bombs. The evening progressed with a BBQ and lots of merry car related talk as well as many random jokes, to which some members went wood hunting for the fire and then Buxton must have known we were going as we were treated to a firework display Wink The night was rounded off with a Happy Birthday Sing Song to Charlotte as her birthday was once again on the same weekend as the meet.

Sunday arrived and it was moan about sunburn and pack up time, Shaw (last person to wake) was helped pack by removing all guylines and poles from his tent, shame he was still in really. Once packed up we might have realised that no photo’s had been took yet, so: photo time! (As well as myself and Shaw educating Si, Jazz and CoffeeDave in car cleaning), goodbyes were then exchanged and after some more gay banter we left, leaving the place (minus 200+ burst water bomb remains) exactly as it was found. The campsite was once again hugely accommodating and very glad to have us, offering us back again next year! Hopefully everyone enjoyed and everyone (plus others shall attend again next year).
Many more high jinxes that either cannot be discussed or if they where would fill about 6 pages.

Thankyou to all attendees, good meeting most of you again and seeing some for the first time! Another good meet I have attended (and the first one I have organised).

Now remember, if a girl called Nikki calls you and says she has a bottle… run. However you can die in the knowledge that I shall attend your funeral.

Last edited by tomd0801754 on Mon Aug 01, 2011 2:01 pm; edited 4 times in total

#2: Re: Summer Meet 2011 Official Photo Thread Author: 00budham00, Location: Ips PostPosted: Sun Jul 31, 2011 11:03 am
Can't wait !

#3: Re: Summer Meet 2011 Official Photo Thread Author: iainlovatt PostPosted: Sun Jul 31, 2011 11:27 am
will get some shortly! Smile

#4: Re: Summer Meet 2011 Official Photo Thread Author: Antknee, Location: Manchester PostPosted: Sun Jul 31, 2011 11:31 am
my camera is in the car, cbaaaa getting it! still got all my stuff in there too!

#5: Re: Summer Meet 2011 Official Photo Thread Author: ExoVyper, Location: Waiting for the tugboats to push me into port (Whitehaven) PostPosted: Sun Jul 31, 2011 11:46 am
yay for my new internet working Very Happy

pics please!

#6: Re: Summer Meet 2011 Official Photo Thread Author: wagsy206, Location: Coatbridge, Lanarkshire PostPosted: Sun Jul 31, 2011 11:55 am
Sad pics please. lol. hope you all had a good meet.

#7: Re: Summer Meet 2011 Official Photo Thread Author: Abzynthe PostPosted: Sun Jul 31, 2011 11:56 am
Ive got 310mb of photos Laughing

I'll put some up in here too Smile

#8: Re: Summer Meet 2011 Official Photo Thread Author: kencogurl, Location: Carmarthen - WALES PostPosted: Sun Jul 31, 2011 11:57 am
just got in half hour ago Smile car is unpacked and all in the dinning room on the floor, dave feels human as hes had a s**t shower and shave (SSS)

was lovely driving home, only one congestion pile up.

would upload pics but we didnt take any as camera had died before we even started, so ill steal all of yours, Smile

#9: Re: Summer Meet 2011 Official Photo Thread Author: -Dave-, Location: North Manchester PostPosted: Sun Jul 31, 2011 12:01 pm
I will put some up when I can physically get up. Sunburn is too painful.

#10: Re: Summer Meet 2011 Official Photo Thread Author: iainlovatt PostPosted: Sun Jul 31, 2011 12:09 pm
Suicidalsoldi3r wrote:
I will put some up when I can physically get up. Sunburn is too painful.

lol! Smile

#11: Re: Summer Meet 2011 Official Photo Thread Author: Antknee, Location: Manchester PostPosted: Sun Jul 31, 2011 12:11 pm
I got home in 30 mins Razz winning!


#12: Re: Summer Meet 2011 Official Photo Thread Author: Abzynthe PostPosted: Sun Jul 31, 2011 12:14 pm
I got home at 3 o clock. So werent too bad, although i parked up in a KFC about 30 miles from home and the rest of the car park was full of Gypos Confused Didnt think i was gonna get home Laughing

#13: Re: Summer Meet 2011 Official Photo Thread Author: tomd0801754, Location: Moscow PostPosted: Sun Jul 31, 2011 12:15 pm
I could only manage a cold shower, worse than I thought Sad

I will post a write up when I stop falling asleep. Smile

#14: Re: Summer Meet 2011 Official Photo Thread Author: Abzynthe PostPosted: Sun Jul 31, 2011 12:26 pm
Some Pics Smile











































#15: Re: Summer Meet 2011 Official Photo Thread Author: Antknee, Location: Manchester PostPosted: Sun Jul 31, 2011 12:46 pm
Got some too:

for some reason photobucket generated the codes in the wrong order lol



























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