#1: 206 -00 Central locking problems Author: Rpbh, Location: Oslo, NorwayPosted: Fri Apr 06, 2012 8:31 am ---- Central locking on my Peugeot 206 -00 does not work, or anyway not the right way.
When I unlock the car from the keyhole of the door (remote control will not work even though I tried to sync it a few times. This is also a problem I need help with) only that door is unlocked and the same is when I lock it. This creates a major problem since the trunk does not have a keyhole and it is not unlocked with the others, because the central locking is not working properly! However, when I start the ignition, it unlocks all the doors incl. the trunk and when I press down the lock from the inside and the ignition is on, all the doors locks. But the central locking does not work when the ignition is off and from the outside of the car.
I have checked the fuse and it's not blown.
The question is: How do I get the central locking to work when I unlock the car from the outside? How do I get the remote control key to work?
Many thanks for the help!
#2: Re: 206 -00 Central locking problems Author: Rob.Be, Location: BelgiumPosted: Fri Apr 06, 2012 10:38 am ---- check battery in plip key, check deadbolt fuse, (inner fuse box, one of the two big yellow ones at the bottom in the middle), and search for peugeot plip key programming free, gives you instructions about how to re sync it, will find it in like 2 mins with google, know its something like hold down the big button and little button until light flashes or something, release little button light goes off, after 5 seconds light stays on, release big button, unlock car windows up and place key in ginition, turn nothing on, dont even touch windows, etc for 2 mins or something stupid
there is a list see if you can find it and if it works
search immobiliser reprogramming peugeot free, google is your friend
#3: Re: 206 -00 Central locking problems Author: Rpbh, Location: Oslo, NorwayPosted: Fri Apr 06, 2012 11:39 am ---- Thank you Rob.Be!
I have done all that before I posted this.
• Checked the battery in key
• No broken fuse.
• Resynced the key several times (both according to the manual and a key programming I found from Google)
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