#1: Attempting my own V6 conversion Author: Gheatley01, Location: StaffordshirePosted: Sun Nov 25, 2012 6:22 am ---- Hi All,
Am quite new to forum and this is my first post so bear with me..
I have for sometime now been thinking of doing my own V6 convertion, i know this has been done a few times before by Gary Stone at CCC but i wanted to do it myself
I run my own peugeot second hand spare business that speicalise in 406 v6's and 206 GTI's so getting the parts together will be the easy part.
I have got a gti 180 on a 53 as my selected car for the conversion. Then i have got a complete 406 D9 V6 as the donor car.
Im not a stranger to some hard graft and was an electrician by trade. So am hoping i can work my way through this with a bit of guidence here and there from people.
Now then i quite confident that im going to get it all sat in the engine bay fine. My biggest concern is the intergrating the ecu and engine wiring.
I got the D9 engine running on a pallet but did not want to swap the loom in the 180. I have seen on youtube that a d9 conversion has been done.
So my question is does anyone know where i would start on the wiring??
cheers gav
#2: Re: Attempting my own V6 conversion Author: Howey, Location: Kings LynnPosted: Sun Nov 25, 2012 6:32 am ---- I would probably start with pre-plexed GTI 138 tbh. The electrics will be simpler.
#3: Re: Attempting my own V6 conversion Author: Gheatley01, Location: StaffordshirePosted: Sun Nov 25, 2012 6:36 am ---- Thanks for that but i've already commited to the car now.
What could you recommend? Or do you know of somewhere i can find it out.
#4: Re: Attempting my own V6 conversion Author: DeadEyePaul, Location: Rugby,WarwickshirePosted: Sun Nov 25, 2012 6:38 am ---- I am the owner of the 206 d9 done by Gary stone
#5: Re: Attempting my own V6 conversion Author: Gheatley01, Location: StaffordshirePosted: Sun Nov 25, 2012 6:41 am ---- Hi DeadEyePaul,
Do you have any advise for me on how i could go about sorting the electrics out for this? Whats it like?
#6: Re: Attempting my own V6 conversion Author: DeadEyePaul, Location: Rugby,WarwickshirePosted: Sun Nov 25, 2012 6:50 am ---- I wouldn't know where to start with the wiring but if you click the picture in my Sig
.you can see my progress thread towards the end page 9ish you will start to see pictures of the project in progress!
All I can say it's a absolute monster and I love every drive every corner all the time, it is soo much fun to drive
#7: Re: Attempting my own V6 conversion Author: DeadEyePaul, Location: Rugby,WarwickshirePosted: Sun Nov 25, 2012 7:00 am ----
DeadEyePaul wrote:
A mass of un needed spaghetti wiring
Wiring it in
I wish good luck to anyone attempting this job on their own!!! I'm horrified!
#8: Re: Attempting my own V6 conversion Author: Gheatley01, Location: StaffordshirePosted: Sun Nov 25, 2012 7:30 am ---- looks like this project is going involve a lot of swearing! do you know what they did ECU wise then? did they use the d9 engine ecu? or both?
Could you email me the wiring pics over so i can have a closer look. Some close up pics of the fuse box and engine ecu would be nice
#9: Re: Attempting my own V6 conversion Author: DeadEyePaul, Location: Rugby,WarwickshirePosted: Sun Nov 25, 2012 7:45 am ---- Pm your email address and I will try and take some tomorrow and forward you the pictures as I am going to work soon and it will be dark later- the ecu had to be replaced after engine was running as it wouldnt rev past 1, 000
#10: Re: Attempting my own V6 conversion Author: JamieM, Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2012 8:56 am ---- No offence - You're going to ruin a getting rarer 180 and stick a V6 in it? :S.
Why not sell the 180 and buy a cheap 138 or base model to ruin lol.
#11: Re: Attempting my own V6 conversion Author: Gheatley01, Location: StaffordshirePosted: Sun Nov 25, 2012 9:20 am ---- Hi Jamie,
Having owned and driven many 140s and 180s i would pick the 140 everytime.
Not only are they nicer to drive there cheaper to run and maintain!
#12: Re: Attempting my own V6 conversion Author: L5_UKS, Location: West MidlandsPosted: Sun Nov 25, 2012 11:09 am ----
Gheatley01 wrote:
Hi Jamie,
Having owned and driven many 140s and 180s i would pick the 140 everytime.
Not only are they nicer to drive there cheaper to run and maintain!
Why did you pick the 180 then? :S
#13: Re: Attempting my own V6 conversion Author: Gheatley01, Location: StaffordshirePosted: Sun Nov 25, 2012 11:38 am ---- I've got a mate that was selling one cheap. Its the colour i wanted and the body work is good.
#14: Re: Attempting my own V6 conversion Author: anton1989, Location: west midlandsPosted: Sun Nov 25, 2012 12:14 pm ---- contact Gary stone. he will have all the answers. only thing you will get from here is plp moaning at you for "wrecking" a 180.
keep us updated though
#15: Re: Attempting my own V6 conversion Author: qwert, Location: ukPosted: Sun Nov 25, 2012 12:24 pm ----
JamieM wrote:
No offence - You're going to ruin a getting rarer 180 and stick a V6 in it? :S.
Why not sell the 180 and buy a cheap 138 or base model to ruin lol.
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