#1: How many In your street/ road ? Author: martin56, Posted: Sat Sep 28, 2019 9:25 am ---- I think I must live in Peugeot 206 central, if you count 206cc's there must be 8 206's in my road at least there's at least 5 other 3 doors and 3x 4 doors, go round the corner, its a triangle of 3 roads, and there's 2 more 3 doors, and another 4 door, so how many in your road I'm down on the Sussex coast, and they do seem to be popular.
#2: Re: How many In your street/ road ? Author: oasis, Location: BerkshirePosted: Sun Oct 06, 2019 2:08 pm ---- Not many 206's at all in my part of Berkshire. Until recently, we had 2 left on our street, including mine.
Now, the neighbours have sold theirs, so my 206 is the last one here.
Driving around, I don't see many on the roads either, compared to a few years ago when they were such a common sight!
#3: Re: How many In your street/ road ? Author: MrBSI, Location: What's it to you? ? ?Posted: Mon Oct 07, 2019 4:12 am ----
oasis wrote:
Driving around, I don't see many on the roads either, compared to a few years ago when they were such a common sight!
They either get destroyed by the youth running out of driving talent element OR just get thrown away due to old age / not worth spending money on.
I had mine for 13 years before I traded it in for the 308 as it just wanted to much money / time spending on it to keep it running.
#4: Re: How many In your street/ road ? Author: gazza82, Location: South BucksPosted: Mon Oct 07, 2019 7:04 am ---- See a few in various states of dis-repair .. don't count them though and that is over a wider area than just my street and side roads .. perhaps 2?
#5: Re: How many In your street/ road ? Author: Rubyoptics, Location: Warsaw - PolandPosted: Wed Oct 09, 2019 9:06 am ---- Quite a few round me, still a very popular car in Poland as they are cheap to repair and keep on the road. One very nice one lives on my estate, the owner uses it for amateur rallying and it really does look the dogs danglies!
#6: Re: How many In your street/ road ? Author: LeeUK, Location: NorthumberlandPosted: Wed Nov 27, 2019 6:49 pm ---- Hardly see any now apart from the odd one for sale for peanuts usually requiring repairs.
When I first got mine 10 years ago they were a common sight. I traded mine in years ago for a 207 and have since traded that in for a Focus.
RIP 206.
#7: Re: How many In your street/ road ? Author: ekjdm14, Location: CheshirePosted: Mon Jan 06, 2020 10:58 pm ---- Our end of the road there's 6, of which 4 are ours & the other two are opposite side of the road 2 doors up and 2 doors down .
3x 3 door, 2x 5 door & an SW... Only one missing is the CC (we had one but sold it last summer though!) and of course a van, of which there is one running about locally.
Further round there's 3 or 4 others roadside, not really counted any on driveways for obvious reasons (looking where I'm going lol). These things are the 21st century equivalent of the red Mk2 Fiesta, just everywhere round here. For good reason too, I say.
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