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PostPosted: Sun Oct 27, 2013 3:49 pm    Post subject: Re: changing clutch and brake fluid

gogs_macaulay wrote:
whats all that?

Removed due to it screwing the forum width up and looking like a odd bit of code.
PostPosted: Sun Oct 27, 2013 2:51 pm    Post subject: Re: changing clutch and brake fluid

whats all that?
PostPosted: Sun Oct 27, 2013 12:13 pm    Post subject: Re: changing clutch and brake fluid

also on a 180 rember to never let the reservoir run dry because if you get ANY air into the abs pump you will need pp2000 to actervate the pump so you can bleed it out.
PostPosted: Sun Oct 27, 2013 10:43 am    Post subject: Re: changing clutch and brake fluid

where is the slave cylinder on the gearbox? under the battery?
PostPosted: Sat Oct 26, 2013 10:19 pm    Post subject: Re: changing clutch and brake fluid

oh and DOT4. original total, nothing else
PostPosted: Sat Oct 26, 2013 10:19 pm    Post subject: Re: changing clutch and brake fluid

things you will need:
1. A buddy
2. a large turkey baster/syringe or something like that
3. some hose like what used in a fish tank... i like to use a clear hose so i can see if there are bubbles in the line. and a bottle.
4. 11mm, 8mm spanners.. closed 6pt box type not the multi point dont wana strip those bleed nipples.
5. Jack, axle stands wheel spanner, etc if you're thin enough and you can fit under that can work too.

well just read that u can bleed brakes so same procedure and you'll be using the 11mm spanner. it bleeds right on the slave cylinder on the gearbox. just dont get brake fluid in your eyes
PostPosted: Sat Oct 26, 2013 3:33 pm    Post subject: Re: changing clutch and brake fluid

Sorry it's a gti180
PostPosted: Fri Oct 25, 2013 6:50 am    Post subject: Re: changing clutch and brake fluid

Got hydraulic on my 1.4 hdi and that has a MA box ... it's the engine/trim that often decides ... same gearbox!

Same way as brakes but via the clutch slave on the side of the gearbox ..

As for fluid, whatever is recommended ... so probably stick with bog standard DOT 4 or may be 5.1 NOT DOT 5 as that is for a different braking system as the two don't match (5.0 can destroy the seals in the wrong system!)

And don't splash any on paint ... world's best paint-stripper ... and very very hard to repaint as it gets in the metal!
PostPosted: Fri Oct 25, 2013 4:44 am    Post subject: Re: changing clutch and brake fluid

Morning, might be worth putting which model 206 you have.

As far as i know the MA box is cable operated and has an auto adjuster.
Sorry, the above is incorrect as per the the more knowledgable person below Smile

For the BE box, i would follow this guide from Peugeot:

Hope this helps, Richard.
PostPosted: Thu Oct 24, 2013 4:13 pm    Post subject: changing clutch and brake fluid

want to change the clutch and brake fluid

1. whats the best stuff to go for or what do i need

2. how do u bleed the clutch?

i know how to bleed brakes but no idea with the clutch. also can i drain the fluid through the brake system or do i need to do it with the clutch too?