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PostPosted: Fri Jul 17, 2020 11:49 pm    Post subject: Re: Does my car has a wireloom for rain sensor?


It's seems like the socket is not there. May have to find another way.
PostPosted: Fri Jul 17, 2020 2:15 pm    Post subject: Re: Does my car has a wireloom for rain sensor?

No idea .. but if any plug is in there it will be behind the interior light not the a-post cover.
PostPosted: Fri Jul 17, 2020 10:48 am    Post subject: Re: Does my car has a wireloom for rain sensor?

I couldn't find the wire or the socket. Could you please let me know if it's there how many wires are going into the cabin light. My car has 6 wires.

Does it has the needed wires. If not is it possible to get the wires from the BSI. I checked with peugeot planet 2000 and seems the necessary confururation is there to enable for both rain and luminosity sensors.
Same as in this
Really appreciate your help here.
PostPosted: Thu Jul 16, 2020 2:20 pm    Post subject: Re: Does my car has a wireloom for rain sensor?

It might have the wiring but I bet the BSI isn't configured to use it in any way.
PostPosted: Sat Jul 11, 2020 1:16 am    Post subject: Does my car has a wireloom for rain sensor?

Hi all,

I bought a 206 Yom 2006. I would like to have(retrofit) a rain sensor and did some search on Google on this. But no guide found. But there are people who has done this.

I want to know whether my car has a rain sensor socket or not. If not is it feasible to get the wire loom from the existing.

I looked removing the interior light and found 2 sockets one is fit to the plastic body and one is free socket with 2 wires. Where else I should need to look.

My car VIN is VF32AKFWA44868401.