I have a 206gti that has produced a water leak coming from the timing belt side. So I have replaced the water pump but it is still leaking in the same place can any 1 help please
I have had the same problem with my Gti. Change the coil pack and the should stop the reving. As for the missing that should be an injector, do you lose power?
I have the same problem I changed the plugs and coil pack as I was told that was a common problem on pug's
so if anyone can help andybuff2000 and DrunknMonkey would be a great help
it runs fine for ...
Hi everyone. I have a 206 gti that runs lumpy after it has been on a run, or if I'm on a run and have to stop and re-start. When i changed the spark plugs the No1 chamber had oil on the plug and in th ...
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