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My 206 xs - Update - Laguna splitter - Pg 5
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#1: My 206 xs - Update - Laguna splitter - Pg 5 Author: Mike_XS, Location: Southampton PostPosted: Sun Jul 04, 2010 2:57 pm
Right, so I'd already done a bit of a progress thread, but I thought I'd start a new and put all the pics up of my car from when I bought it to how it is now.

So, this is what the car looked like when I first got it, completely standard apart from the horrible trims I put on it, which at the time I thought looked good....



The first thing I did was take out the sound system I had in my old car (a 1999 Fiat Bravo 1.4s, which survived 2 crashes and awful driving. Finally gave up by the gearbox smashing itself to pieces all over the road...) I don't have a picture of the original set up in the boot, but it was horrible, I very roughly cut out holes for the 6x9s in the standard parcel shelf, run the cables over the carpets, but under the seats and mats and had the 12" sub smashing about in the boot in its box.




The car was running 14" 175 steelies, which were just complete crap and made the car handle like a boat. So, following an accident I had while driving in England where an old man in a brand new Ford Focus managed to rear end me, I got £500 compensation, which I decided to treat myself to some nice alloys Smile I bought some AEZ 15" 195s. They instantly made the car look a millions times better and increased the handling hugely.


I then left it how it was for a few months as I had been 18 for just less than a year and the going out on the razz every weekend was still a novelty to me, and I was almost spending as much as I was earning...but of course, it got boring after a while and I managed to start saving up my money.

I was getting pretty sick and tired of my boombox knocking around in the boot and how crappy the 6x9s looked so I decided to make my own custom parcel shelf. I managed to get hold of a bit of MDF from work, pencilled out the shape and worked out where I wanted the speakers and made this.


My cat decided to help out


In my opinion the standard lights on the phase one 206s look ugly, and after seeing angel eyes on my mates Megane I decided get myself some. I sourced some on eBay and bought them. They took ages to come through, the company didn't send them when they said they would and sent me no confirmation emails. Also, to make it worse when they did arrive they weren't 'plug and play' as advertised. The adaptors which were meant to be included weren't there either. I emailed them several times with no response. So in the end I fitted them by chopping and connecting. Oh and I do know that blue side lights are illegal, but so far I've not been pulled on them





I then painted the callipers red, which came out pretty good. I'm still undecided what to do with the drums on the back, might just paint them black.



While trawling through the scrappys for a splitter for my mates Megane I found a nice gear knob off a written off 206 which I got for a fiver.


Looking through the project threads I came across someone who had put this tax disc holder on their car, I had to have it Very Happy


I'm not too keen on the black bumper grill, so I looked into getting a sp grill, which to my surprise are pretty expensive, after posting a thread on here asking for cheaper options Mattie@ got in touch with me asking if I wanted his one second hand. Which I bought off him.




After making my parcel shelf I left it uncovered following several failed visits to a constantly closed fabric shop. Finally got round to doing it and bought some black fabric for £6 and it now looks like this. I had also got pretty fed up of the cables being visible so I took out the seats, pulled up the carpet and run the cables with the cars wiring loom.




The next job was to tint the windows, I attempted the back window first, and was harder than I thought! But I did manage to tint the two rear windows with the only problem of having to drill one of the brackets holding the window on due to it being riveted on for some reason.


After looking around for a while I came across craig.head selling his 3" sportex backbox on here. It looks and sounds awesome Smile


My brother bought my a spoiler for my birthday, I got that sprayed and fitted, looks like this. I also put on the 206info sticker, I would assume I'm the only person on the Isle of Man with one on, so I'm hoping a few people from here might join!



And that's everything I've done up to date, so here's before and after.



Hope you guys have enjoyed reading through this and sorry if you haven't Razz opinions and constructive criticism welcome Smile

Last edited by Mike_XS on Thu Jan 05, 2012 1:42 pm; edited 8 times in total

#2: Re: My 206 xs Author: apjs87, Location: Plymouth PostPosted: Sun Jul 04, 2010 3:10 pm
thats a tidy 206 you got there! what a transformation the SP Grille made.

Think the next thing on the job list should be new interior!

#3: Re: My 206 xs Author: RicH, Location: South East UK PostPosted: Sun Jul 04, 2010 4:16 pm
Great 206, coming along nicely. P.S where did you get the tax disc from. I could never find one. lol

#4: Re: My 206 xs Author: ryanrox, Location: Coventry PostPosted: Sun Jul 04, 2010 5:47 pm
loooking alot better Smile

you send me the link to those headlights at all , they look ace

#5: Re: My 206 xs Author: cromarty1991, Location: Ripon PostPosted: Sun Jul 04, 2010 6:41 pm
were did u get the tax disc?

#6: Re: My 206 xs Author: Abzynthe PostPosted: Mon Jul 05, 2010 12:58 am
Looks very tastey Smile
I've been working on an Orange XS for a while now, so appreciate the work put into it Wink

#7: Re: My 206 xs Author: Mike_XS, Location: Southampton PostPosted: Mon Jul 05, 2010 8:17 am
I got the tax disc on eBay, took ages to find it though. I got a spare one if anyone wants it for a couple of quid?

#8: Re: My 206 xs Author: drew, Location: leicestershire PostPosted: Thu Jul 15, 2010 8:18 am
have you just got the rear side windows tinted then? I attempted a diy job on it too and the back one was effing solid.

#9: Re: My 206 xs Author: Mike_XS, Location: Southampton PostPosted: Tue Oct 12, 2010 6:01 am
Yeah, just the rear quarters, I tried to tint the boot window, nut epically failed! Haha. Sorry for the late reply. not really been on here much...

#10: Re: My 206 xs Author: Callum206, Location: West Sussex PostPosted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 12:48 pm
Whats the sound system like with that set up?

#11: Re: My 206 xs Author: Mike_XS, Location: Southampton PostPosted: Mon Oct 25, 2010 6:44 am
It's immence mate, it's so very clear, and has to go right to the highest volume before the speakers distort. I never get bored of it, it makes all types of music sound amazing

#12: Re: My 206 xs Author: JayP, Location: Neath, South Wales & RAF Marham PostPosted: Wed Nov 03, 2010 3:15 am
Is that welsh at the bottom of your tax disc?
Looks like our language!

Looks like a really nice car mate! Great transformation from what it was before.

#13: Re: My 206 xs Author: NorthantsBen, Location: Raunds, Northamptonshire PostPosted: Wed Nov 03, 2010 3:32 am
Nice tax disc but iirc it's down to the council not tax to fix roads Wink so I read in the paper other day. dont matter tho Razz

Comming along nicely Thumb Up

#14: Re: My 206 xs Author: Mike_XS, Location: Southampton PostPosted: Wed Nov 03, 2010 9:58 am
JayP wrote:
Is that welsh at the bottom of your tax disc?
Looks like our language!

Looks like a really nice car mate! Great transformation from what it was before.

Thanks :D, got a few updates to stick up soon! Smile Nope, it'll be Manx, the Isle of Man language.

#15: Re: My 206 xs Author: 2Oh!6, Location: Gloucester PostPosted: Wed Nov 03, 2010 10:24 am
Nice, don't paint drums!

#16: Re: My 206 xs Author: Mike_XS, Location: Southampton PostPosted: Wed Nov 03, 2010 10:28 am
I wouldn't paint them red. If anything black.

#17: Re: My 206 xs Author: Mike_XS, Location: Southampton PostPosted: Sat Nov 13, 2010 9:15 am
Right guys, got a little update of a few things I've done over the past couple of months.

I painted the mirror caps:

Painted the windscreen wiper cover:

I then painted a few bits inside, I also did the door handle surrounds but I don't have a picture as of yet:


After seeing another thread on here of the guy who loves LED's, I decided to do my interior light, so here's before:

And after:

I've also put on a shark fin aerial as my old one hit the spoiler:

And finally, this isn't an update, I just wanted to show off how shiny my roof is after a good polish today Smile not bad for an 10 year old car!

I've also got footwell neons in, but I need to wait for it to get dark to take a picture.

#18: Re: My 206 xs Author: wardie_206, Location: Rayleigh, essex PostPosted: Sat Nov 13, 2010 9:22 am
coming along nicely mate.

#19: Re: My 206 xs Author: Mike_XS, Location: Southampton PostPosted: Mon Jan 24, 2011 8:14 am
Just another couple of pics, changed my original dials to Lockwoods Smile

Old dials:

New Lockwood dials:

I've also recently de-wipered and put a few stickers on, I'll take some pics when I next wash her Smile

#20: Re: My 206 xs - Update - Dials Author: Dabamash, Location: The car in front PostPosted: Mon Jan 24, 2011 8:37 am
I'd scrape the paint off the needles and have them white instead of red. Looks good though.

#21: Re: My 206 xs - Update - Dials Author: Mike_XS, Location: Southampton PostPosted: Mon Jan 24, 2011 8:45 am
Yeah, that would look pretty sweet. Might look at doing it.

#22: Re: My 206 xs - Update - Dials Author: Dabamash, Location: The car in front PostPosted: Mon Jan 24, 2011 8:48 am
scrape the red paint off the tops of them, then use some white nail varnish and go over them. Otherwise they will just be clear and could be hard to see in the day.

#23: Re: My 206 xs - Update - Dials Author: jpnavarro, Location: Malta PostPosted: Tue Jan 25, 2011 2:50 pm
Great Job!!! Love the grille.

#24: Re: My 206 xs - Update - Dials Author: Mike_XS, Location: Southampton PostPosted: Thu Jan 27, 2011 12:42 pm
Another quick update, I've changed the standard dial backlighting bulbs to super bright white LED's. Let me know what you think Smile

This is the back of the cluster showing the bulb holders:


And this is the result:


This is the blueness of the inside of my actually looks a lot better in person, but hey ho.


Last edited by Mike_XS on Thu Jan 27, 2011 1:12 pm; edited 1 time in total

#25: Re: My 206 xs - Update - Dial LEDs Author: Sephiroth, Location: Kidderminster PostPosted: Thu Jan 27, 2011 1:00 pm
that's looking awesome. was tempted by the lockwood dials but wasn't sure how good the blue would be. They black or white dials?
Just got my Angel lights the other day and going to try and fit those the weekend. Have noticed there's no how to so looking at doing that.

Were your clocks LED's soldered in or bulbs?

Looking really cool mate

#26: Re: My 206 xs - Update - Dial LEDs Author: Mike_XS, Location: Southampton PostPosted: Thu Jan 27, 2011 1:11 pm
Cheers man. They're white ones, to make the blue any good you need to get brighter bulbs to illuminate them. Angels are pretty easy to fit really, I'm taking mine out soon though. The LED's were bulbs.

#27: Re: My 206 xs - Update - Dial LEDs Author: Sephiroth, Location: Kidderminster PostPosted: Thu Jan 27, 2011 1:13 pm
Ok cool, could i ask why your taking them out? haha before i put mine in

#28: Re: My 206 xs - Update - Dial LEDs Author: Mike_XS, Location: Southampton PostPosted: Thu Jan 27, 2011 1:15 pm
I'm bored of them really, the halos aren't that good either. I'm putting crystals in now with HIDs.

#29: Re: My 206 xs - Update - Dial LEDs Author: Sephiroth, Location: Kidderminster PostPosted: Thu Jan 27, 2011 1:18 pm
Fair enough, i'll give em a go........if not then Morettes it is!!!

#30: Re: My 206 xs - Update - Dial LEDs Author: Mike_XS, Location: Southampton PostPosted: Fri Jan 28, 2011 10:09 am
A few more pics....I de-wipered the rear a couple of months ago..and I've put a few stickers on. I know people on here wont like it, but I do Very Happy




#31: Re: My 206 xs - Update - De-wiper and Stickers Author: Mikey2uk, Location: Stevenage PostPosted: Fri Jan 28, 2011 10:27 am
Im really not a fan of the stickers, whats the point in the boost one when you havent got a turbo??

Liking the interior lights...

#32: Re: My 206 xs - Update - De-wiper and Stickers Author: Mike_XS, Location: Southampton PostPosted: Fri Jan 28, 2011 10:39 am
There isn't....I just found it amusing.

#33: Re: My 206 xs - Update - De-wiper and Stickers Author: iGiddy, Location: Wales,Cardiff PostPosted: Fri Jan 28, 2011 11:23 am
Good thread mate,
Any chance you could link me up with the link for the clocks

You Need to lower it and put some arches on it will look really smart then....

#34: Re: My 206 xs - Update - De-wiper and Stickers Author: Mike_XS, Location: Southampton PostPosted: Fri Jan 28, 2011 11:48 am
These are the dials I bought. You need to make sure you buy the correct ones though...


#35: Re: My 206 xs - Update - De-wiper and Stickers Author: iGiddy, Location: Wales,Cardiff PostPosted: Fri Jan 28, 2011 5:47 pm
AsphericSmile wrote:
These are the dials I bought. You need to make sure you buy the correct ones though...


What about the millage,
if i changed them would my millage be at 0 ?

#36: Re: My 206 xs - Update - De-wiper and Stickers Author: Mike_XS, Location: Southampton PostPosted: Fri Jan 28, 2011 6:17 pm
Nope, there are just the dial faces. You don't actually change the cluster. I'll stick some pics on to show you.

#37: Re: My 206 xs - Update - De-wiper and Stickers Author: iGiddy, Location: Wales,Cardiff PostPosted: Fri Jan 28, 2011 6:31 pm
AsphericSmile wrote:
Nope, there are just the dial faces. You don't actually change the cluster. I'll stick some pics on to show you.

Cheers mate, would be a great help...

#38: Re: My 206 xs - Update - De-wiper and Stickers Author: Mike_XS, Location: Southampton PostPosted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 5:22 am
Got another update...

I got bored of the stickers, I thought they looked good at the time, now I think they were chavvy. So I removed all the stickers (apart from the 206info one) and while I was at it, de-badged.

Also, on Monday I got the rear window tinted.

So, here is the car after I de-badged and de-stickered:


And here it is after I got it tinted:


Let me know what you think Very Happy

#39: Re: My 206 xs - Update - De-sticker/badge and tinted Author: Mike_XS, Location: Southampton PostPosted: Mon Mar 21, 2011 8:19 am
A few more updates, I've recently taken the angel eyes out and replaced them with crystals. I then fitted them with 8000k HIDs. The picture quality is a bit poor, took it on my phone. Might go out with the proper camera at some point.



They look a lot bluer in real life. I think they're amazing. I would recommend HIDs to anyone, put out so much light.

I've also put in blue LED sidelights, which I think look awesome Smile


I then had a bash at spraying the centre console surround. I'm pretty happy with the results.


Next on the agenda is to change my sound system install. Gonna get some 6x9 boxes and mount them where the rear headrests are, then the sub is going back in it's box in the boot. Might not be till summer though. Overloaded with college work....

#40: Re: My 206 xs - Update - HIDs + Centre Console 21/3/11 Author: Danw_VVT, Location: Herts/London PostPosted: Mon Mar 21, 2011 8:50 am
looking good mate. do the fogs in hid to!

and chase to a phase 2 strip! Very Happy

#41: Re: My 206 xs - Update - HIDs + Centre Console 21/3/11 Author: juanfernandes, Location: London PostPosted: Mon Mar 21, 2011 8:51 am
Looking good. Thumb Up

#42: Re: My 206 xs - Update - HIDs + Centre Console 21/3/11 Author: Danw_VVT, Location: Herts/London PostPosted: Mon Mar 21, 2011 8:57 am
P.S that re-wiper bung looks good. i bet the person who sent you that was a really nice guy!!!! Laughing

#43: Re: My 206 xs - Update - HIDs + Centre Console 21/3/11 Author: Mike_XS, Location: Southampton PostPosted: Mon Mar 21, 2011 8:57 am
Danw_VVT wrote:
looking good mate. do the fogs in hid to!

and chase to a phase 2 strip! Very Happy

Yeah, I was thinking of a colour coded boot strip. I want HIDs in the fogs...It's just more money. And I'm a poor student.

Cheers juanfernandes Smile

#44: Re: My 206 xs - Update - HIDs + Centre Console 21/3/11 Author: Mike_XS, Location: Southampton PostPosted: Mon Mar 21, 2011 8:58 am
Danw_VVT wrote:
P.S that re-wiper bung looks good. i bet the person who sent you that was a really nice guy!!!! Laughing

Yeah, he's the dogs dangles Smile

#45: Re: My 206 xs - Update - HIDs + Centre Console 21/3/11 Author: juanfernandes, Location: London PostPosted: Mon Mar 21, 2011 9:01 am
AsphericSmile wrote:
Danw_VVT wrote:
P.S that re-wiper bung looks good. i bet the person who sent you that was a really nice guy!!!! Laughing

Yeah, he's the dogs dangles Smile

Is that the rubber one or plastic?

#46: Re: My 206 xs - Update - HIDs + Centre Console 21/3/11 Author: Danny., Location: Peterborough PostPosted: Mon Mar 21, 2011 9:02 am
Looking good Smile Change the Sidelights to SMD Ones.... Blue are illegal and you will get stopped Smile

#47: Re: My 206 xs - Update - HIDs + Centre Console 21/3/11 Author: Mike_XS, Location: Southampton PostPosted: Mon Mar 21, 2011 9:04 am
juanfernandes wrote:
AsphericSmile wrote:
Danw_VVT wrote:
P.S that re-wiper bung looks good. i bet the person who sent you that was a really nice guy!!!! Laughing

Yeah, he's the dogs dangles Smile

Is that the rubber one or plastic?

It's rubber.

#48: Re: My 206 xs - Update - HIDs + Centre Console 21/3/11 Author: Mike_XS, Location: Southampton PostPosted: Mon Mar 21, 2011 9:05 am
Danny. wrote:
Looking good Smile Change the Sidelights to SMD Ones.... Blue are illegal and you will get stopped Smile

I'll change them when I do get stopped Razz Coppers are pretty relaxed over here unless you drive like a tool.

#49: Re: My 206 xs - Update - HIDs + Centre Console 21/3/11 Author: Danny., Location: Peterborough PostPosted: Mon Mar 21, 2011 9:11 am
AsphericSmile wrote:
Danny. wrote:
Looking good Smile Change the Sidelights to SMD Ones.... Blue are illegal and you will get stopped Smile

I'll change them when I do get stopped Razz Coppers are pretty relaxed over here unless you drive like a tool.

Lucky you Smile

Car looks good though change the Phase 1 rears Smile

#50: Re: My 206 xs - Update - HIDs + Centre Console 21/3/11 Author: Mike_XS, Location: Southampton PostPosted: Mon Mar 21, 2011 9:13 am
I've had blue sidelights in for about 2 years now. I've just recently upgraded them. I want to change the rear lights. I quite like the look of the M3 ones.

#51: Re: My 206 xs Author: danlouiee, Location: Plymouth, Devon PostPosted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 1:47 pm
AsphericSmile wrote:
Just another couple of pics, changed my original dials to Lockwoods Smile

Old dials:

New Lockwood dials:

I've also recently de-wipered and put a few stickers on, I'll take some pics when I next wash her Smile

where did you get those dials from? did they come with white backlights because i have black dials at the moment with orange numbers? does that make sense haha!

#52: Re: My 206 xs - Update - HIDs + Centre Console 21/3/11 Author: Mike_XS, Location: Southampton PostPosted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 2:07 pm

They're what I bought. The colour isn't changed with the bulbs, it's the film that is on the dials themselves. So the original dials have an orange film, the lockwoods have blue.

But, the original backlight bulbs are yellowy. So to make the dials bluer I put super bright white LED's in. So it now looks like this:


#53: Re: My 206 xs Author: Mike_XS, Location: Southampton PostPosted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 2:08 pm
danlouiee wrote:
where did you get those dials from? did they come with white backlights because i have black dials at the moment with orange numbers? does that make sense haha!

My original dials were black too. The lookwoods are white.

#54: Re: My 206 xs - Update - HIDs + Centre Console 21/3/11 Author: danlouiee, Location: Plymouth, Devon PostPosted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 2:09 pm
ah right, so the number colours change automatically? where did you get the dials from? where they hard to fit?

#55: Re: My 206 xs - Update - HIDs + Centre Console 21/3/11 Author: Mike_XS, Location: Southampton PostPosted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 2:17 pm
Well, yeah. The dials have a coloured film on them that make them that colour. So changing to different ones with a different colour film will change the colour of the numbers. I already linked you where I got them from.... It's not difficult, just fiddly.

#56: Re: My 206 xs - Update - HIDs + Centre Console 21/3/11 Author: danlouiee, Location: Plymouth, Devon PostPosted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 2:29 pm
okay thanks buddy, thats ideal! looks wel good, so if i got some blue bulbs to change the colour to a proper good blue, could i change the need colour bulb too?

#57: Re: My 206 xs - Update - HIDs + Centre Console 21/3/11 Author: Mike_XS, Location: Southampton PostPosted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 2:34 pm
No, no point getting blue bulbs. They won't be very bright. I don't have any blue back lighting.

#58: Re: My 206 xs - Update - HIDs + Centre Console 21/3/11 Author: danlouiee, Location: Plymouth, Devon PostPosted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 2:40 pm
sorry i meant white to give a blue effect...did you get white background dials? and did you use smd's or LED bulbs?

#59: Re: My 206 xs - Update - HIDs + Centre Console 21/3/11 Author: Mike_XS, Location: Southampton PostPosted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 2:41 pm
By getting super bright white LED's it makes the blue more vibrant.

#60: Re: My 206 xs - Update - HIDs + Centre Console 21/3/11 Author: danlouiee, Location: Plymouth, Devon PostPosted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 2:48 pm
is there any soldering involved or is it a case of bulb out bulb in? what year is your 206?

#61: Re: My 206 xs - Update - HIDs + Centre Console 21/3/11 Author: Mike_XS, Location: Southampton PostPosted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 2:51 pm
There wasn't on mine. Your's is 2001, so I would of thought your's will be plug and play aswel.

#62: Re: My 206 xs - Update - HIDs + Centre Console 21/3/11 Author: danlouiee, Location: Plymouth, Devon PostPosted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 2:59 pm
Thanks for your help, sorry about all the questions! oh where did you get the bulbs and how much?

#63: Re: My 206 xs - Update - HIDs + Centre Console 21/3/11 Author: Mike_XS, Location: Southampton PostPosted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 3:00 pm
Tenner off eBay

#64: Re: My 206 xs - Update - HIDs + Centre Console 21/3/11 Author: danlouiee, Location: Plymouth, Devon PostPosted: Tue Mar 29, 2011 12:02 pm
can you link me to some bulbs..about to buy a lockwood set! thanks:)

#65: Re: My 206 xs - Update - HIDs + Centre Console 21/3/11 Author: Mike_XS, Location: Southampton PostPosted: Mon May 09, 2011 4:16 pm
Mike_XS wrote:
Danw_VVT wrote:
looking good mate. do the fogs in hid to!

and chase to a phase 2 strip! Very Happy

Yeah, I was thinking of a colour coded boot strip. I want HIDs in the fogs...It's just more money. And I'm a poor student.

Cheers juanfernandes Smile

Who changed that?... :S Didn't write that haha

#66: Re: My 206 xs - Update - HIDs + Centre Console 21/3/11 Author: Mike_XS, Location: Southampton PostPosted: Sat Jun 11, 2011 4:17 am
Got a few updates, I changed to a phase 2 boot strip recently:


I've also changed the cd player as I am now running two amps. I'm gonna do a proper job of mounting the amps soon. Thinking of under the seats:


I decided to take the plunge and lower the car. I did the brakes the other day only to find the drivers shock was leaking oil. I'm now running it on bilstein shocks with 40mm lowering springs.

This is before:


And after:


Old springs vs new Smile


I've not yet done the back end, but it should be getting done this week.

#67: Re: My 206 xs - Update - 11/6/11 - lowering - ph2 boot Author: Mike_XS, Location: Southampton PostPosted: Thu Dec 01, 2011 5:48 am
Ok, so not updated this in ages. I've recently had the rear end lowered. Looks so much better! Here are the pics Smile




#68: Re: My 206 xs - Update - Rear end lowered - Pg 5 Author: Mike_XS, Location: Southampton PostPosted: Thu Dec 01, 2011 5:56 am
Oh and the Janspeed exhaust, been on there for a while now, but not put any pics up lol. It's stainless steel with a sports cat Smile


#69: Re: My 206 xs - Update - Rear end lowered - Pg 5 Author: craigy00craig, Location: surrey PostPosted: Thu Dec 01, 2011 7:13 am
looking good Smile loving those dials, might have to get a set when my student loan comes in!!

#70: Re: My 206 xs - Update - Rear end lowered - Pg 5 Author: Mike_XS, Location: Southampton PostPosted: Thu Jan 05, 2012 1:41 pm
I fitted the splitter ages ago, only just got round to taking a picture! Well here it is, I really like it. Undecided whether to colour code it or not though. Scraps everywhere, so might be better left how it is!


#71: Re: My 206 xs - Update - Laguna splitter - Pg 5 Author: johnboy1989, Location: South wales PostPosted: Fri Jan 20, 2012 5:40 am
Mate im glad 2 see anoth xs on the road tbh you dont see alot mate loving the car what splitter is that mate i want 2 put 1 on my car ??

#72: Re: My 206 xs - Update - Laguna splitter - Pg 5 Author: Mike_XS, Location: Southampton PostPosted: Fri Jan 20, 2012 8:23 am
It's a Laguna splitter mate. Says in the thread title.

#73: Re: My 206 xs - Update - Laguna splitter - Pg 5 Author: johnboy1989, Location: South wales PostPosted: Fri Jan 20, 2012 8:46 am
How much did that cost you mate ??

#74: Re: My 206 xs - Update - Laguna splitter - Pg 5 Author: Mike_XS, Location: Southampton PostPosted: Fri Jan 20, 2012 1:55 pm
I got it for £5 from a scrappy. But I hear people pay more for them.

#75: Re: My 206 xs Author: Ghosty, Location: Wiltshire PostPosted: Sat Jan 21, 2012 1:48 pm
Mike_XS wrote:
a 1999 Fiat Bravo 1.4s, Finally gave up by the gearbox smashing itself to pieces all over the road...

dude my fiat brava 1.4s also a 1999 (s-reg) did exactly the same, i still have a section of the gearbox (only about 1" square) to remind me.

#76: Re: My 206 xs - Update - Laguna splitter - Pg 5 Author: Mike_XS, Location: Southampton PostPosted: Sun Jan 22, 2012 1:48 pm
Lol, the Brava wasn't the best made car!

#77: Re: My 206 xs - Update - Laguna splitter - Pg 5 Author: Ghosty, Location: Wiltshire PostPosted: Mon Jan 23, 2012 12:25 pm
it appears not, loved it though, not that id get another Razz

#78: Re: My 206 xs - Update - Laguna splitter - Pg 5 Author: Mike_XS, Location: Southampton PostPosted: Mon Jan 23, 2012 3:47 pm
Yeah, it was beastly! Partly due to the fact I didn't care about scratching/denting it. Hand break turns and pedal to the metal everywhere Smile

#79: Re: My 206 xs - Update - Laguna splitter - Pg 5 Author: phillspug, Location: Leicestershire PostPosted: Mon Jan 23, 2012 4:08 pm
Get a ph2 boot strip next, looking good tho bud Wink

#80: Re: My 206 xs - Update - Laguna splitter - Pg 5 Author: Mike_XS, Location: Southampton PostPosted: Mon Jan 23, 2012 4:11 pm
It already has one lol

#81: Re: My 206 xs - Update - Laguna splitter - Pg 5 Author: marc206, Location: Bourne, Lincs PostPosted: Sat Apr 07, 2012 5:25 pm
Love the dial lights, how easy is it to change the bulbs? Is it just simply taking out the old and replace with new or do you need to solder them or something, also which bulbs did you use, could you post the link?

Thanks Thumb Up

#82: Re: My 206 xs - Update - Laguna splitter - Pg 5 Author: Mike_XS, Location: Southampton PostPosted: Sun Apr 08, 2012 3:26 am
It was pretty easy to do. All I did was replace the original bulbs with super bright LED's, they were just push and twist. However, where they were only cheap, I had to bend the contacts a bit to get them to work.


If your car was made post 2003 I think you'll have to solder your LED's in.

I think I got something similar to these, I can't remember the exact type.

But I would advise buying better quality ones.

Also, I'm not sure if you're aware, but if you only change the bulbs, it won't change the colour of the dials. You need to change the actual dial face themselves.

Hope I've helped!

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