SAB206 wrote:

#254:  Author: , Location: Ring y0Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo *Front Brake Setup Done*JamiePostPosted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 2:51 pm
No i meant get a set for the Brembos

#255:  Author: , Location: A Track near you ;)Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo *Front Brake Setup Done*Mattie-RSPostPosted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 2:52 pm
Ah i see what size you got now with the Brembos??

#256:  Author: , Location: Ring y0Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo *Front Brake Setup Done*JamiePostPosted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 2:53 pm

#257:  Author: , Location: A Track near you ;)Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo *Front Brake Setup Done*Mattie-RSPostPosted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 2:56 pm
Same as 180 then, wont be able to comment on these either wont be using them for time But surely bigger discs means better braking!Laughing

#258:  Author: , Location: West midsRe: Mattie® R3 Turbo *Front Brake Setup Done*spike_202PostPosted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 2:56 pm
are you upgradin your pads mattie?

#259:  Author: , Location: Oslo, NorwayRe: Mattie® R3 Turbo *Front Brake Setup Done*Daniel206RCPostPosted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 3:00 pm
Jamie, this has the same offset as the 180 discs checked it now. mattie are you sure it's the same calipers? I don't think you can get 302mm under the orginal 180 calipers.

#260:  Author: , Location: Ring y0Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo *Front Brake Setup Done*JamiePostPosted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 3:01 pm
So getting C4 VTS discs would be doable then?

#261:  Author: , Location: A Track near you ;)Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo *Front Brake Setup Done*Mattie-RSPostPosted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 3:03 pm
Yea will be getting new pads and discs Rich When i bought them the guy said there the same as the 180's and 307 HDi's Looking at the gap thats actually there i reckon you could get these under 180 calipers

#262:  Author: , Location: West midsRe: Mattie® R3 Turbo *Front Brake Setup Done*spike_202PostPosted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 3:13 pm
the 307 2.0ltr petrol are 302mm but i have the 307 2.0ltr hdi witch r 283mm the same fitment disc as the 180, what pads are you going for?

#263:  Author: , Location: A Track near you ;)Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo *Front Brake Setup Done*Mattie-RSPostPosted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 3:17 pm
Ah right, do you have a gap between the top of the disc and caliper then?? Not looked at pads yet tbh,, You recommend any??

#264:  Author: , Location: West midsRe: Mattie® R3 Turbo *Front Brake Setup Done*spike_202PostPosted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 3:26 pm
haha they are in my bedroom freshely painted atm geting them put on next month, well jamie says Cl but i dont fancy payin £140+ for pads, im talking to kamracing now about some mintex pads what are the same spec as the ferodo 2500 but alot cheaper, so ill be going for the mintex pads,maxtourqe discs and (ss) goodrich hoeses with Cl brake fluid

#265:  Author: , Location: A Track near you ;)Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo *Front Brake Setup Done*Mattie-RSPostPosted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 3:31 pm
cool man,, think i will be getting s/s hoses too, will proberly need to redo the brake lines aswell, tried to get my old caliper brake line off but wasnt happening tbh will look into these setups at a later date once its more or less running sometime in the future


#266:  Author: , Location: West midsRe: Mattie® R3 Turbo *Front Brake Setup Done*spike_202PostPosted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 3:35 pm
haha good man i mean mines going to be used for every day driving and a track every now and again so i wont be cooking them so it should be all good, get in the group buy on the hoses bud you could save your self some cashWink

#267:  Author: , Location: A Track near you ;)Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo *Front Brake Setup Done*Mattie-RSPostPosted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 3:40 pm
i was looking into that group buy but there's a good local firm that makes s/s hoses and was going to use them for all my hoses that i will be getting

#268:  Author: , Location: West midsRe: Mattie® R3 Turbo *Front Brake Setup Done*spike_202PostPosted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 3:45 pm
are you having the full cabudal done up to the master?

#269:  Author: , Location: borders, near carlisle.Re: Mattie® R3 Turbotwed207PostPosted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 3:55 pm
yup, JDM dyno at kirkbride air field... that corsa is an absolute weapon! it's his daily driver... lol jonathan that owns the place is an absolute genius! he's gonna be building my mates toyota soarer up to 500-550hp...
c2gt18 wrote:

#246:  Author: , Location: A Track near you ;)Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo *Engines Finally Together*Mattie-RSPostPosted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 11:28 am
Purchased these from wozza at FCS so thought id have ago at putting them on, Full front C4 VTS brake setup, Calipers are the same as the 180, but apparently the discs are bigger (302 x 26mm) Anyway much bigger than my stock setup, will let the pics do the talking. So this was my old setup: Old disc compared to new: New setup: New caliper: The Discs only just fit, and i mean there's like a 5mm gap: Tiny Old caliper with New bigger caliper:








#247:  Author: , Location: Ring y0Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo *Front Brake Setup Done*JamiePostPosted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 11:43 am
Are the discs the right offset for a 206?

#248:  Author: , Location: A Track near you ;)Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo *Front Brake Setup Done*Mattie-RSPostPosted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 2:27 pm
I'd have thought so Everything went on perfect, lined up and fit right.

#249:  Author: , Location: Ring y0Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo *Front Brake Setup Done*JamiePostPosted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 2:29 pm
Hmm dubious to try them with the Brembo's...

#250:  Author: , Location: A Track near you ;)Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo *Front Brake Setup Done*Mattie-RSPostPosted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 2:40 pm
Tried looking for offsett the only difference i can find between the discs is the overall size With the 180's im sure there will be a gap, with these its very tight they only just fit.

#251:  Author: , Location: Ring y0Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo *Front Brake Setup Done*JamiePostPosted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 2:44 pm
I'd be tempted to get a set if the offsets are the same

#252:  Author: , Location: North WestRe: Mattie® R3 Turbo *Front Brake Setup Done*SAB206PostPosted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 2:47 pm
you got rear disks dude?

#253:  Author: , Location: A Track near you ;)Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo *Front Brake Setup Done*Mattie-RSPostPosted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 2:49 pm
Would using both the C4 calipers and discs with a different offset to the 206 still fit tho?? not yet need carl to get a move on and sort me out with his

c2gt18 wrote:


#245:  Author: , Location: aberdeenRe: Mattie® R3 Turbo *Engines Finally Together*nakednakeddavePostPosted: Sat Jun 05, 2010 5:43 pm
that all???? looks disgusting anyway and has the back of a fridge for an intercooler....

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mattie wrote:

#244:  Author: , Location: A Track near you ;)Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo *Engines Finally Together*Mattie-RSPostPosted: Tue Jun 01, 2010 12:00 pm
Thats twin turbo and supercharged aint it?? and its only 1.4 8v aswell With single turbo ill get more than 180, but depending on lag with mine i may eventually get twin charged
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  Jamie wrote:Wink

#243:  Author: , Location: A Track near you ;)Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo *Engines Finally Together*Mattie-RSPostPosted: Tue Jun 01, 2010 10:07 am
That my friend, i have no idea Reason why i aint put timing belt on yet
Edward wrote:

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:: Forums › Jamie wrote:Wink

#242:  Author: , Location: BradfordRe: Mattie® R3 Turboc2gt18PostPosted: Tue Jun 01, 2010 10:06 am
what are the main functions of an ECU ?
Mattie® R3 Turbo /END
-> Project Cars

#1: Mattie® R3 Turbo /END Author: Mattie-RS, Location: A Track near you ;) PostPosted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 5:32 pm
Well i know a few people will have been waiting for this so her we go.

The Spec:

Pug 106 GTi 1.6 16v Engine 120bhp standerd.
T3 Turbo
Bailey DumpValve
Fully Stripped
Bucket Seats
Oil Cooler
SRS 4 Point Harness
Group N Gear Linkages
Custom Headgasket
C4 VTS Calipers
C4 VTS Discs (302 x 26mm)
S/S Turbo Manifold
Bosch 380cc Injectors
GTi Rear Axle

Too come:
Uprated fuel pump
Emerald ECU
S/S Boost Pipes

Alot more that i carnt think of off the top of my head Smile

So i have a nice little 1.6 8v XS started of like this


Then this is the most recent photo


Then the engine decided it didnt really like me anymore Sad it is only just shy of 100,000 mile mark,
So Tarmac-Terrorist said hey why not make it into a track car seen as it is in nice words f****d
So thats were the plan started and is starting on its way to be a turbo track car.

Pic of the engine semi-stripped


Bottom end, hmmm Pistons Razz


Double over head cams ( just like a golf Laughing )


Head getting a well needed clean


Just before the strippage,


After strippage of the rear, still front too do,


And no that aint PS i love you in the car Embarassed

UPDATE 20/2/10

Finished stripping for now



And this is all that came out,


Update 26/03/2010

Well the front end needs to come out to make it easier to access the engine bay and what not Smile

Out came the easy parts, lights and grill


Then the passenger side wing, yes this was a b1tch to get out Laughing


And then the drivers side, equally as awkward


And then the front bumper, but as is the usual case the last torx bit to take out decides to round off Evil or Very Mad So out came the Makita Cool


And off she comes Razz


Sp Grill for sale aswell guys Razz

Also that weird black cross member came out


And then the fan/radiator housing came out


Well Today James (Tarmac-Terrorist) decided to pay a visit and get the engine onto the floor atleast,

First thing first was to get rid of the rad, battery and all wireing out the way


Out came the power steering, manifold and s***ty T2


And then the rest of the ancillaries


The car then started too bleed, dont think it wants to loose ot mojo


Onto axle stands now and the engine onto a jack


We struggled with the passenger side driveshaft and strut, James got mad and out came the hacksaw Razz


After lots of meesing about with engine mounts we finally got the engine onto the floor and physically off the car Very Happy



Last edited by Mattie-RS on Sat Oct 09, 2010 9:12 am; edited 18 times in total

#2: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: johnk, Location: Fife, Scotland PostPosted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 5:37 pm
definitly watching this, always wondered about a 106gti engine in a 206 Thumb Up good luck and looking forward to progress

#3: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Mikey2uk, Location: Stevenage PostPosted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 5:38 pm
Looks like a good little progect you got going Mattie, you still using it as your everyday drive?

#4: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Mattie-RS, Location: A Track near you ;) PostPosted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 5:41 pm
Aye its going to be a challenge,,

Not anymore mikey, going to be off road till its finished now

#5: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Mikey2uk, Location: Stevenage PostPosted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 5:44 pm
Is it going to be finished for FCS?

Whats your daily drive now then?

#6: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Mattie-RS, Location: A Track near you ;) PostPosted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 5:49 pm
Hopefully will be drivable for FCS,

Rarely used the 206 anyway as i drive works van during week so will use that from now on

#7: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: namgaj, Location: Chasing Ash, Addaz and Lee........... hopefully catching Addaz and havin fun :P PostPosted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 5:50 pm
mattie, is it just engine work or is it having a respray as well?

#8: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Lee, Location: England PostPosted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 5:51 pm
Mattie® wrote:

Double over head cams ( just like a golf Laughing )

That made me laugh Laughing

#9: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Mattie-RS, Location: A Track near you ;) PostPosted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 5:52 pm
Mostly engine work mate

not too sure about a respray, i know it could do with one.

#10: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Mattie-RS, Location: A Track near you ;) PostPosted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 5:52 pm
Lee wrote:
Mattie® wrote:

Double over head cams ( just like a golf Laughing )

That made me laugh Laughing


Glad someone noticed Very Happy Cool

#11: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: coops180, Location: leicester PostPosted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 5:55 pm
looking good matey

#12: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Matt PostPosted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 6:08 pm
ossum Very Happy

#13: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: coopskin, Location: Hull, East Yorkshire PostPosted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 7:28 pm
you'll have to bring it across to the next Hull meet mattie Smile

#14: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: rttam, Location: devon PostPosted: Sun Feb 14, 2010 5:13 am
Lee wrote:
Mattie® wrote:

Double over head cams ( just like a golf Laughing )

That made me laugh Laughing

me too Laughing

#15: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Andy_206, Location: birmingham PostPosted: Sun Feb 14, 2010 9:32 am
going good mattie.. good to see you back on board.

p.s you strippin the radio out ?? no more timberlake hahah

#16: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Mattie-RS, Location: A Track near you ;) PostPosted: Sun Feb 14, 2010 9:35 am
Andy_206 wrote:
going good mattie.. good to see you back on board.

p.s you strippin the radio out ?? no more timberlake hahah

yes everything will be going including JT Crying or Very sad

will still have my phone handy though so i can still play Senorita and Like I Love You at FCS Wink

#17: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Andy_206, Location: birmingham PostPosted: Sun Feb 14, 2010 10:14 am
Mattie® wrote:
Andy_206 wrote:
going good mattie.. good to see you back on board.

p.s you strippin the radio out ?? no more timberlake hahah

yes everything will be going including JT Crying or Very sad

will still have my phone handy though so i can still play Senorita and Like I Love You at FCS Wink

you forgot cry me a river lol

#18: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Tarmac-Terrorist, Location: West Yorkshire PostPosted: Sun Feb 14, 2010 3:37 pm
Were drifting off course here ladies..........

Ill help you out with some of the planned spec mattie:

S/S Boost Pipes
GTI138 Radiator
***Possible twin fan setup
Mocal Oil Cooler

More to follow.........

#19: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Mattie-RS, Location: A Track near you ;) PostPosted: Sun Feb 14, 2010 6:10 pm
Cheers James updated the list Razz

#20: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Jamie, Location: Ring y0 PostPosted: Sun Feb 14, 2010 6:22 pm
Pm me if you want me to hook you up with an oil cooler kit Wink

#21: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Mattie-RS, Location: A Track near you ;) PostPosted: Sun Feb 14, 2010 6:26 pm
Jamie wrote:
Pm me if you want me to hook you up with an oil cooler kit Wink

Razz i will do mate, thought you may be sick of my PM's by now Razz haha

#22: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Jamie, Location: Ring y0 PostPosted: Sun Feb 14, 2010 6:32 pm
Haha, i should set up a POTN style company!
But yeah I can sort you out with a mocal kit no problem Wink

#23: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Mattie-RS, Location: A Track near you ;) PostPosted: Sun Feb 14, 2010 6:34 pm
yea you should Razz

Thats cool mate, i'll get in touch in next few weeks when its ready for that stage Razz

#24: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Mattie-RS, Location: A Track near you ;) PostPosted: Fri Feb 19, 2010 3:02 pm
Tiny update,

Got myself 8 new valves Razz will post pics of them when they arrive and i get them in the head,

still trying to find some hydraulic lifters, hopefully can get hold of some.

#25: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Mattie-RS, Location: A Track near you ;) PostPosted: Sat Feb 20, 2010 5:58 pm
Update page 1 Razz

#26: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Dillon, Location: Kent PostPosted: Sun Feb 21, 2010 1:35 pm
Gutted Literally !! you going to be pruning wires next? painting the interior or is this going to be a real hardcore track car.

#27: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Jamie, Location: Ring y0 PostPosted: Sun Feb 21, 2010 1:42 pm
BTW my mate is selling a 16 row Oxford Oil Cooler, proper big mans cooler!
He is asking £50 brand new, said I new someone might be interested!

#28: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Mattie-RS, Location: A Track near you ;) PostPosted: Sun Feb 21, 2010 6:58 pm
Dillon wrote:
Gutted Literally !! you going to be pruning wires next? painting the interior or is this going to be a real hardcore track car.

Aye it is really bare in there now, yep wires will be next too come out Razz

Just need to work out which ones i will still be needing.

Dont think ill be painting the inside Razz it looks to have had a thin coat of china blue on it.

Jamie has a PM Razz

#29: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: iainlovatt PostPosted: Sun Feb 21, 2010 7:11 pm
looks good!

#30: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Tarmac-Terrorist, Location: West Yorkshire PostPosted: Mon Feb 22, 2010 4:00 am
Coming along nicely there blue, Ill have to get myself over for the engine stage next!

#31: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Mattie-RS, Location: A Track near you ;) PostPosted: Mon Feb 22, 2010 10:55 am
Tarmac-Terrorist wrote:
Coming along nicely there blue, Ill have to get myself over for the engine stage next!

Yes you will Razz you can put the head back together if you like Wink

still waiting on them damn valves tho

#32: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Mattie-RS, Location: A Track near you ;) PostPosted: Tue Feb 23, 2010 1:58 pm
Woop, Valves came today Razz

Oil cooler bought, courtesy of Jamie Cool

And harness is on order Very Happy

#33: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Jamie, Location: Ring y0 PostPosted: Tue Feb 23, 2010 1:59 pm
What harness?

#34: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Cr4zYb0y, Location: Salisbury PostPosted: Tue Feb 23, 2010 2:01 pm
Looking forward to seeing the final results mate Thumbs Up

#35: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Quarmbo, Location: Bristol & Leicester PostPosted: Fri Feb 26, 2010 7:55 am
Good thread mate, looking forward to the finished article!

#36: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Jamie, Location: Ring y0 PostPosted: Fri Feb 26, 2010 8:39 am
Cooler has been sent, got all the recorded nonsense in case anything were to go wrong!

#37: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Mattie-RS, Location: A Track near you ;) PostPosted: Fri Feb 26, 2010 9:25 am
Jamie wrote:
Cooler has been sent, got all the recorded nonsense in case anything were to go wrong!

Nice one mate Razz Cheers,,

Thanks for comments guys.

#38: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: ExoVyper, Location: Waiting for the tugboats to push me into port (Whitehaven) PostPosted: Fri Feb 26, 2010 9:28 am
you clearly have too much money mattie. i am therefore required by law to relieve you of some of it Razz

i need mine finished Sad
stupid stealership :@

#39: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Ste, Location: Hull -or- The World Of Info Code PostPosted: Fri Feb 26, 2010 9:28 am
Gunneh be proppa chavved isn't it Mattie® Rolling On The Floor Laughing only jk mate, cant wait to see it finished and flying around some tracks Thumb Up

#40: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Mattie-RS, Location: A Track near you ;) PostPosted: Fri Feb 26, 2010 9:35 am
Laughing Simon, id love too give you some, but erm... the car needs it more Cool

OI you, Ste Chavs carn't afford to do what i do Wink
oo wait i'm a chav so they can Crying or Very sad

Laughing Laughing

#41: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: ExoVyper, Location: Waiting for the tugboats to push me into port (Whitehaven) PostPosted: Fri Feb 26, 2010 9:37 am
mines getting lowered next weekend so it's moving but i need to contact alb before i buy any more lol

#42: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Allen_206, Location: midlands PostPosted: Fri Feb 26, 2010 11:44 am
some work going on here will be watching this one

#43: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Mattie-RS, Location: A Track near you ;) PostPosted: Fri Feb 26, 2010 12:11 pm
Jamie wrote:
What harness?

Its a SRS 4 Point harness.

FIA approved till 2014

#44: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: freestylejamie, Location: East London PostPosted: Fri Feb 26, 2010 1:39 pm
Wot kinda power u aiming 2 get when all engine work is finishd u gona dyno it before the tracks?

#45: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Mattie-RS, Location: A Track near you ;) PostPosted: Fri Feb 26, 2010 1:46 pm
freestylejamie wrote:
Wot kinda power u aiming 2 get when all engine work is finishd u gona dyno it before the tracks?

not too sure about power, hopefully 220bhp minimum

may get it RR at FCS if its ready Razz if not ill get it done up here at RST and post results up

#46: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Jamie, Location: Ring y0 PostPosted: Fri Feb 26, 2010 1:48 pm
220 minimum?
You having any forged internals?

#47: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: freestylejamie, Location: East London PostPosted: Fri Feb 26, 2010 1:55 pm
Mattie® wrote:
freestylejamie wrote:
Wot kinda power u aiming 2 get when all engine work is finishd u gona dyno it before the tracks?

not too sure about power, hopefully 220bhp minimum

may get it RR at FCS if its ready Razz if not ill get it done up here at RST and post results up

nice mate sounds good, that's gona be quick, put up your 0 - 60 aswel, with all the new power n losing all the weight it should be great

#48: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Mattie-RS, Location: A Track near you ;) PostPosted: Fri Feb 26, 2010 1:55 pm
Jamie wrote:
220 minimum?
You having any forged internals?

i been looking a forged pistons, not sure what else i would need

#49: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Jamie, Location: Ring y0 PostPosted: Fri Feb 26, 2010 2:04 pm
Rods are the weakest link...
Speak to Macj, he will sort you out

#50: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Mattie-RS, Location: A Track near you ;) PostPosted: Fri Feb 26, 2010 2:06 pm
Jamie wrote:
Rods are the weakest link...
Speak to Macj, he will sort you out


standerd valves will be right tho wont they?
just bought 16 new ones Laughing

#51: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: macj, Location: Essex PostPosted: Fri Feb 26, 2010 2:26 pm
wossner pistons for a turbo... they do a 9.0:1 CR just for the 16V engine for a turbo application

Lot of money though and for a mere £599+ vat you can have a set of forged rods

I can get a small discount on those prices Very Happy

#52: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Mattie-RS, Location: A Track near you ;) PostPosted: Fri Feb 26, 2010 2:34 pm
macj wrote:
wossner pistons for a turbo... they do a 9.0:1 CR just for the 16V engine for a turbo application

Lot of money though and for a mere £599+ vat you can have a set of forged rods

I can get a small discount on those prices Very Happy

Very Happy cheers mate, this is something i definatly need to look into, and save some pennies for Razz

with these atleast i can have just the one headgasket Laughing

#53: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: macj, Location: Essex PostPosted: Fri Feb 26, 2010 2:36 pm
your welcome.... I like to think we are here to help rather than just take your money

#54: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Mattie-RS, Location: A Track near you ;) PostPosted: Fri Feb 26, 2010 2:39 pm
macj wrote:
your welcome.... I like to think we are here to help rather than just take your money

Laughing Razz is there anything else you'd recommend like, cams maybe Smile

#55: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: macj, Location: Essex PostPosted: Fri Feb 26, 2010 2:47 pm
I would need to know your full build spec... Cams are there to move your power about IMO. I will be at FCS so hopefully we will all meet up for a natter

#56: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Mattie-RS, Location: A Track near you ;) PostPosted: Fri Feb 26, 2010 2:53 pm
macj wrote:
I would need to know your full build spec... Cams are there to move your power about IMO. I will be at FCS so hopefully we will all meet up for a natter

cool Razz hope to have it done for FCS Laughing

#57: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Mattie-RS, Location: A Track near you ;) PostPosted: Sun Feb 28, 2010 6:30 pm
No massive update this week,

Just bought Inlet valves, and a 4 point harness Razz

A nice some of £160 Smile gotta love it Razz

Those parts and the oil cooler should arive this week Smile so could be a nice update by next weekend

#58: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Jamie, Location: Ring y0 PostPosted: Sun Feb 28, 2010 6:32 pm
Let me know when the cooler arrives, I was expecting it to arrive Saturday if I'm honest!

#59: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Jamie, Location: Ring y0 PostPosted: Sun Feb 28, 2010 6:32 pm
Also get some headwork done while you've got the engine in bits.

#60: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Mattie-RS, Location: A Track near you ;) PostPosted: Sun Feb 28, 2010 6:34 pm
Yea i will do mate cheers,

The head will be getting skimmed, and all new internals are getting bought, all 16 valves are bought now, will be going to pug to get some springs and see about some hydraulic lifters.

#61: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Jamie, Location: Ring y0 PostPosted: Sun Feb 28, 2010 6:35 pm
I could probably get you the lifters 2nd hand, same guy that sold you the cooler has a GTi in bits!

#62: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: mattievrs, Location: Leicester PostPosted: Sun Feb 28, 2010 6:36 pm
you upgrading the rods and bottom end rod bolts etc?

#63: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Mattie-RS, Location: A Track near you ;) PostPosted: Sun Feb 28, 2010 6:39 pm
most of mine are okay just 10 of them are solid, if he has 10 that are usable then yea Jamie let us know.

Not too sure about that mattie yet, think i will be just re-newing it all with the lowered compression will be okay if i dont run too much PSI

#64: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: mattievrs, Location: Leicester PostPosted: Sun Feb 28, 2010 6:41 pm
Mattie® wrote:
most of mine are okay just 10 of them are solid, if he has 10 that are usable then yea Jamie let us know.

Not too sure about that mattie yet, think i will be just re-newing it all with the lowered compression will be okay if i dont run too much PSI

id definately go for the bottom end bolts from arp mate as its easier to do them with the engine in bits imo.Think they need to be countersunk though!

Loving the reading of this though mate, it will be a monster when its done!

#65: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Jamie, Location: Ring y0 PostPosted: Sun Feb 28, 2010 6:42 pm
I'll text him, what price shall I say you want to pay?
Why not get your head ported?

#66: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Mattie-RS, Location: A Track near you ;) PostPosted: Sun Feb 28, 2010 6:47 pm
Cheers mattie, i'll take a look into that mate cheers

Jamie wrote:
I'll text him, what price shall I say you want to pay?
Why not get your head ported?

erm im not sure about £30-40 maybe aslong as they still move then they'll be right.

thought about the head, wasnt to sure about it seen as its been forced in i dont think it will make a difference

#67: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: mattievrs, Location: Leicester PostPosted: Sun Feb 28, 2010 6:53 pm
Mattie® wrote:
Cheers mattie, i'll take a look into that mate cheers

Jamie wrote:
I'll text him, what price shall I say you want to pay?
Why not get your head ported?

erm im not sure about £30-40 maybe aslong as they still move then they'll be right.

thought about the head, wasnt to sure about it seen as its been forced in i dont think it will make a difference

to be honest theyre needed for higher revving cars but with a turbo conversion id go the safe route and give the bottom end as much strength as possible so you dont throw a piston after a broken big end shell/bolt.

#68: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: gti180boy, Location: Stafford PostPosted: Sun Feb 28, 2010 6:54 pm

#69: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Mattie-RS, Location: A Track near you ;) PostPosted: Mon Mar 01, 2010 11:18 am
Oil cooler came today Vheers Jamie Razz

Going to see where it will fit/ look good on the pug, will post some pics up later.

#70: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Mattie-RS, Location: A Track near you ;) PostPosted: Mon Mar 01, 2010 12:24 pm
a quick sneaky pic of where it may look good Razz


What you reckon Very Happy

#71: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: gti180boy, Location: Stafford PostPosted: Mon Mar 01, 2010 12:29 pm
NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BEHIND BUMPER WHERE YOUR SILVER GRILL IS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

#72: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Mattie-RS, Location: A Track near you ;) PostPosted: Mon Mar 01, 2010 2:10 pm
gti180boy wrote:
NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BEHIND BUMPER WHERE YOUR SILVER GRILL IS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

NO not there lol

thats where the FMIC is going Razz

#73: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Geoff, Location: Evesham, Worcestershire PostPosted: Mon Mar 01, 2010 2:37 pm
Mattie® wrote:
gti180boy wrote:
NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BEHIND BUMPER WHERE YOUR SILVER GRILL IS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

NO not there lol

thats where the FMIC is going Razz

Take a fog light out - that will be a good place to put it.

#74: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Mattie-RS, Location: A Track near you ;) PostPosted: Mon Mar 01, 2010 3:29 pm
Geoff wrote:
Mattie® wrote:
gti180boy wrote:
NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BEHIND BUMPER WHERE YOUR SILVER GRILL IS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

NO not there lol

thats where the FMIC is going Razz

Take a fog light out - that will be a good place to put it.

Thats a good idea will see if it fits Cool

#75: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: gti180boy, Location: Stafford PostPosted: Mon Mar 01, 2010 5:46 pm
Geoff wrote:
Mattie® wrote:
gti180boy wrote:
NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BEHIND BUMPER WHERE YOUR SILVER GRILL IS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

NO not there lol

thats where the FMIC is going Razz

Take a fog light out - that will be a good place to put it.

yeah not bad place to put it

#76: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Ruffy_206, Location: Bristol PostPosted: Mon Mar 01, 2010 5:57 pm
just mount it on the roof mate rally style

#77: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Mattie-RS, Location: A Track near you ;) PostPosted: Thu Mar 04, 2010 1:10 pm
woop finally the harness has arrived Razz

will be sound up to 2015 aswell Cool

#78: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Brian, Location: VVT Land, Fife PostPosted: Thu Mar 04, 2010 1:26 pm
Cool project mate, all the best with it, i'll be keeping a beady eye on this thread Smile

#79: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Mattie-RS, Location: A Track near you ;) PostPosted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 12:43 pm
Cheers for comments and suggestions guys Razz



#80: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Guy, Location: Solihull, Birmingham PostPosted: Tue Mar 09, 2010 10:12 am
Eh brought another one lol

#81: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Mattie-RS, Location: A Track near you ;) PostPosted: Tue Mar 09, 2010 11:32 am
Guy wrote:
Eh brought another one lol

Team 2 pugs Cool

#82: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Guy, Location: Solihull, Birmingham PostPosted: Tue Mar 09, 2010 11:39 am
Nice one! Spec for it? Look like 1.1 LX to me erm a 2000 reg plate i hope i got right Smile

#83: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Mattie-RS, Location: A Track near you ;) PostPosted: Tue Mar 09, 2010 11:41 am
Guy wrote:
Nice one! Spec for it? Look like 1.1 LX to me erm a 2000 reg plate i hope i got right Smile

Your right on the LX part Razz

2001 model
Not a s***ty 1.1 tho Wink

#84: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Guy, Location: Solihull, Birmingham PostPosted: Tue Mar 09, 2010 11:43 am
nice one got it on cheap? what planning for it? SC 1.6 engine? lol!

so its 1.4 8v then? if not what hell engine is it! lol

#85: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Mattie-RS, Location: A Track near you ;) PostPosted: Tue Mar 09, 2010 11:45 am
Guy wrote:
nice one got it on cheap? what planning for it? SC 1.6 engine? lol!

so its 1.4 8v then? if not what hell engine is it! lol

nah not cheap, normal prices for this car,

No plans at all, daily drive for me while the R3 gets sorted,

Not a s***ty 1.4 either Wink more a 2.0 Razz

#86: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Guy, Location: Solihull, Birmingham PostPosted: Tue Mar 09, 2010 11:47 am
Lol, nice one. eh?! GTI? cant be cause no gti headlight either sport bumper either nimmys/lighting alloys?

Oh yeah a 2.0 HDI eh lol

#87: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Mattie-RS, Location: A Track near you ;) PostPosted: Tue Mar 09, 2010 11:50 am
Guy wrote:
Oh yeah a 2.0 HDI eh lol

Wink Cool

#88: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Guy, Location: Solihull, Birmingham PostPosted: Tue Mar 09, 2010 11:50 am
Finally guessed it! Smile Using it as towing car? any plan for it?

#89: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Mattie-RS, Location: A Track near you ;) PostPosted: Tue Mar 09, 2010 11:52 am
Will be used as daily drive and tow car Razz

MAY make it into a GTi looker Smile no doubt ill catch the modding bug Laughing

#90: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Mattie-RS, Location: A Track near you ;) PostPosted: Sat Mar 20, 2010 3:57 pm
Well i did plan to write something here,

But thanks to the typical english weather i only managed to take the front lights and grill out today Sad

will hopefully get a update/pics during week, time dependent

#91: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Mattie-RS, Location: A Track near you ;) PostPosted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 2:11 pm
Update on 1st Page Razz

#92: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Tarmac-Terrorist, Location: West Yorkshire PostPosted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 2:25 pm
Looking good there Mattie, should be able to just walk it out now..... Wink

#93: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Mattie-RS, Location: A Track near you ;) PostPosted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 2:26 pm
Tarmac-Terrorist wrote:
Looking good there Mattie, should be able to just walk it out now..... Wink


Im going to take some more stuff out 2moz,

You coming to take engine out then Razz

#94: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Tarmac-Terrorist, Location: West Yorkshire PostPosted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 2:28 pm
Yeah of course I am.......

When are we gonna do it??

#95: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Mattie-RS, Location: A Track near you ;) PostPosted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 2:31 pm
Tarmac-Terrorist wrote:
Yeah of course I am.......

When are we gonna do it??

im good for 2mora Razz

#96: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Mattie-RS, Location: A Track near you ;) PostPosted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 3:43 pm
Just gone all out and bought a new Turbo Cool

T'is a T3 which are used in Cossie's and Skylines Cool

Next on list is Stainless steel mani from France Razz

When the next wage goes in that is

#97: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Mattie-RS, Location: A Track near you ;) PostPosted: Sat Mar 27, 2010 2:26 pm
Another update on the first post Razz

Engine is physically out Cool

#98: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Mattie-RS, Location: A Track near you ;) PostPosted: Sun Mar 28, 2010 3:32 pm
Some sexy lil valves Razz



Both together





#99: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: vanman_foci, Location: Barry, South Wales PostPosted: Sun Mar 28, 2010 3:35 pm

#100: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: spike_202, Location: West mids PostPosted: Sun Mar 28, 2010 3:45 pm
hay Mattie® just read this and this yet another sweet project on here its good to see that your doing the work your self fair play, i intended for me and my brother to do mine in the garage but i didn't trust my self lol,and i wouldn't of had a car in the mean time.

#101: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Mattie-RS, Location: A Track near you ;) PostPosted: Sun Mar 28, 2010 4:02 pm
spike_202 wrote:
hay Mattie® just read this and this yet another sweet project on here its good to see that your doing the work your self fair play, i intended for me and my brother to do mine in the garage but i didn't trust my self lol,and i wouldn't of had a car in the mean time.

Cheers mate,

Ive had a nosey at yours aswell and am keeping a eye out on yours and Jamies for updates Razz

Just started off as a idea, but me and James have some technical knowledge so i dont see point in paying a garage loads of money when we can do it free Smile

I managed to get myself a daily drive so this can stay off road for a while

#102: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: spike_202, Location: West mids PostPosted: Sun Mar 28, 2010 4:08 pm
Mattie® wrote:
spike_202 wrote:
hay Mattie® just read this and this yet another sweet project on here its good to see that your doing the work your self fair play, i intended for me and my brother to do mine in the garage but i didn't trust my self lol,and i wouldn't of had a car in the mean time.

Cheers mate,

Ive had a nosey at yours aswell and am keeping a eye out on yours and Jamies for updates Razz

Just started off as a idea, but me and James have some technical knowledge so i don't see point in paying a garage loads of money when we can do it free Smile

I managed to get myself a daily drive so this can stay off road for a while

haha mint,if you drop buy my therad again drop me a comment Wink my lil bro has a leval 2 in mottor veacle but i some how dont trst him haha,
but saying that we are looking into getting a little toy maybe a 106gti and have a bit of fun with it also having it as a 2nd car if we need it

will it be ready for FCS??

#103: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Mattie-RS, Location: A Track near you ;) PostPosted: Sun Mar 28, 2010 4:16 pm
Yea get a 106GTi Razz Thats the engine were using Smile

I will do mate,, Hopefully will be ready for FCS but not too sure, got the turbo ordered and the s/s manifold will be ordered this week, then its just putting it back together and affording a Emarald ecu wich im dreading Laughing

#104: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: spike_202, Location: West mids PostPosted: Sun Mar 28, 2010 4:30 pm
lol thats what im running the k3 it's really simple to use I've been showed buy the RR lads who mapped my car how to use it*very briefly* while we was doing a live fueling map that was a fun day i went thru 1/2 tnank of supreme lol.
a turbo'd gti lump that will go like stink as there 120standard arnt they??
what sort of power are you hoping for??

#105: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Mattie-RS, Location: A Track near you ;) PostPosted: Sun Mar 28, 2010 4:35 pm
Yea thats what i think im getting, James knows all that stuff, he will be live mapping it aswell, hopeing to get a open pit track day to do it aswell,
yea GTi is 120 stander, the car is fully stripped aswell so will weigh alot less
Im hopeing for a minimun of 100% bhp gain

#106: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: spike_202, Location: West mids PostPosted: Sun Mar 28, 2010 5:43 pm
thats what i want really as i've never been on a track day yet and i want to but not a full track like at FCS like a track day with the info,with a few mates.

#107: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Mattie-RS, Location: A Track near you ;) PostPosted: Sun Mar 28, 2010 5:46 pm
spike_202 wrote:
thats what i want really as i've never been on a track day yet and i want to but not a full track like at FCS like a track day with the info,with a few mates.

Thats were i started was FCS, and i loved it, Would be ace if a few of us of here could organise a day out somewhere, wouldnt mind if there was other cars, but mostly people of here, i know Jamie would definatly be up for this

#108: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: spike_202, Location: West mids PostPosted: Mon Mar 29, 2010 6:11 am
that's sound like a plan to me lol I'll be up for it its just a rammed track i think would scare me as im a track virgin haha

#109: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Jamie, Location: Ring y0 PostPosted: Mon Mar 29, 2010 6:33 am
I know of a 2nd hand TDF EC1 (made by Tour de Force, ex pectel & ex cosworth employess) going for £450 if you want it?

#110: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Mattie-RS, Location: A Track near you ;) PostPosted: Mon Mar 29, 2010 11:46 am
Jamie wrote:
I know of a 2nd hand TDF EC1 (made by Tour de Force, ex pectel & ex cosworth employess) going for £450 if you want it?

MMmmmmmm Very tempting mate Razz

Let me get back to you, ive got 2 weeks of big wages coming up Cool

#111: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Jamie, Location: Ring y0 PostPosted: Mon Mar 29, 2010 4:41 pm
I'd have a rs force ec1 over the emerald and omex Wink

#112: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Mattie-RS, Location: A Track near you ;) PostPosted: Mon Mar 29, 2010 4:53 pm
Jamie wrote:
I'd have a rs force ec1 over the emerald and omex Wink

Im definatly considering this mate,

Reading the website it looks ace, i have no idea what it say Laughing RSTuning use this aswell which helps sell it Razz I trust Paul at RST and i know he will only use the best

#113: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Jamie, Location: Ring y0 PostPosted: Mon Mar 29, 2010 4:57 pm
Rst made it with tdf. Ex pectal/ex Cosworth, Matt at tdf is probably better than Paul, not that you'll believe me...

#114: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Mattie-RS, Location: A Track near you ;) PostPosted: Mon Mar 29, 2010 5:00 pm
Jamie wrote:
Rst made it with tdf. Ex pectal/ex Cosworth, Matt at tdf is probably better than Paul, not that you'll believe me...

I wouldnt be able to say Razz Would have to see Matt's work before id comment Razz

But if they worked together they both will be very good at what they do

#115: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Jamie, Location: Ring y0 PostPosted: Mon Mar 29, 2010 5:01 pm
Well if you want it I'd need to know very soon as it has a lot
of interest

#116: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Mattie-RS, Location: A Track near you ;) PostPosted: Mon Mar 29, 2010 5:02 pm
Jamie wrote:
Well if you want it I'd need to know very soon as it has a lot
of interest


Do you know what it comes with?

#117: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Jamie, Location: Ring y0 PostPosted: Mon Mar 29, 2010 5:04 pm
Comes with the latest software and a
map for a Clio 197 Wink

#118: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Mattie-RS, Location: A Track near you ;) PostPosted: Mon Mar 29, 2010 5:08 pm
Does it come with part loom and connector aswell, so i can make my own loom,

How would wednesday sound?? Payday Razz

#119: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Jamie, Location: Ring y0 PostPosted: Mon Mar 29, 2010 5:28 pm
I'll have to check, but Wednesday should be fine

#120: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Mattie-RS, Location: A Track near you ;) PostPosted: Mon Mar 29, 2010 5:34 pm
Jamie wrote:
I'll have to check, but Wednesday should be fine

Cheers Cool

#121: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: spike_202, Location: West mids PostPosted: Tue Mar 30, 2010 3:49 am
Mattie pm me your number i have some news for you mate

#122: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Jamie, Location: Ring y0 PostPosted: Tue Mar 30, 2010 9:14 am
Seller has gone on holiday for a week, says he'll sort it out when he comes back, 4th April, so hang on to your money until then!

#123: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Mattie-RS, Location: A Track near you ;) PostPosted: Tue Mar 30, 2010 11:35 am
Pm'ed ya spike Razz

Cheers Jamie will let you know soon anyway

#124: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: spike_202, Location: West mids PostPosted: Tue Mar 30, 2010 12:29 pm
hope you find that info usefull mate lol, i say a bargin for them ill be getting mine on the 15th

#125: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Mattie-RS, Location: A Track near you ;) PostPosted: Tue Mar 30, 2010 12:30 pm
spike_202 wrote:
hope you find that info usefull mate lol, i say a bargin for them ill be getting mine on the 15th

Cheers for that mate,

Sooner i get them the sooner i can get fuel rail and inlet manifold made up i think Razz

#126: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Jamie, Location: Ring y0 PostPosted: Tue Mar 30, 2010 12:33 pm
I want injectors too remember boys! I want in!

#127: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: spike_202, Location: West mids PostPosted: Tue Mar 30, 2010 12:37 pm
pm me your number jay

#128: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Jamie, Location: Ring y0 PostPosted: Tue Mar 30, 2010 12:38 pm
Sorry MR for the;


#129: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Mattie-RS, Location: A Track near you ;) PostPosted: Tue Mar 30, 2010 12:55 pm

T'is cool, especially for what its for Razz

Let us know what ya think

#130: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Jamie, Location: Ring y0 PostPosted: Tue Mar 30, 2010 12:59 pm
Maybe get a discount off 12? Very Happy

#131: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Mattie-RS, Location: A Track near you ;) PostPosted: Tue Mar 30, 2010 1:00 pm
Jamie wrote:
Maybe get a discount off 12? Very Happy

Laughing that was going to be my next post Razz


#132: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: spike_202, Location: West mids PostPosted: Tue Mar 30, 2010 1:13 pm
lol do you want them any cheaper haha, report back to what your mate says about the flow rate? As i see what you mean about the over fuleing but they can turn the bar down a tad.

#133: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Mattie-RS, Location: A Track near you ;) PostPosted: Tue Mar 30, 2010 2:49 pm
This bad boi came today Cool

T'is huge Laughing

Nom Nom Droolage! Nom Nom Droolage! Nom Nom Droolage!

A lil bit of sex wee came out taking these Laughing









#134: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Ste, Location: Hull -or- The World Of Info Code PostPosted: Tue Mar 30, 2010 2:51 pm
I *think* know I got a little too excited just there!

#135: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Addaz, Location: Suffolk PostPosted: Tue Mar 30, 2010 3:08 pm
Dude, can your car is now on my sexual metal list Cool

Even if it is low pressure Razz

#136: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: spike_202, Location: West mids PostPosted: Tue Mar 30, 2010 3:09 pm
oooo yes please haha bet you cant wait to bolt that bad boy on.

#137: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Mattie-RS, Location: A Track near you ;) PostPosted: Tue Mar 30, 2010 3:13 pm
addaz wrote:
Dude, can your car is now on my sexual metal list Cool

Even if it is low pressure Razz

Shocked Low Pressure whats that? Shocked

spike_202 wrote:
oooo yes please haha bet you cant wait to bolt that bad boy on.

Carn't mate Razz Big spendings next few weeks, ECU or Mani
Ecu first i think then S/S Mani Cool

#138: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: spike_202, Location: West mids PostPosted: Wed Mar 31, 2010 1:14 am
yer i think ecu as then you can start looming/get an idea where its going.

#139: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Mattie-RS, Location: A Track near you ;) PostPosted: Wed Mar 31, 2010 10:55 am
spike_202 wrote:
yer i think ecu as then you can start looming/get an idea where its going.

Aye thats what i was thinking, moving ecu into cabin and builting custom loom myself Cool

#140: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Jamie, Location: Ring y0 PostPosted: Wed Mar 31, 2010 11:08 am
Emailed TDF for you, response as follows;

We do a 250mm unterminated loom for £65 + VAT to ease fitment when running alongside a stock ECU or similar if that's what you're thinking Jamie?

I think Kev is also chucking in the USB-CAN Adaptor which is £80 + VAT so it's a very good deal. As always we'll upgrade it to the very latest V3 firmware for free - just pay £6 return postage or drop it in.

#141: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Mattie-RS, Location: A Track near you ;) PostPosted: Wed Mar 31, 2010 11:14 am
cheers Jamie, aint decided on ecu yet, trying to contact paul, it will be mapped and then tweaked live on a track and we dont think we have the right software stuff to do the EC1
Will get back to you as soon as we find out tho

#142: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: spike_202, Location: West mids PostPosted: Wed Mar 31, 2010 11:55 am
lol get the 1mm out the van and get looming mattie haha, before my amp whent pop i use a nice bit of 10mm cpc as the earth cable lol i still have it under my boot carpet.

#143: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Mattie-RS, Location: A Track near you ;) PostPosted: Wed Mar 31, 2010 12:00 pm
spike_202 wrote:
lol get the 1mm out the van and get looming mattie haha, before my amp whent pop i use a nice bit of 10mm cpc as the earth cable lol i still have it under my boot carpet.

Laughing nice bit of 10mm green and yellow Razz

may get some tails to re route the battery inside the cabin Rolling On The Floor Laughing

Thats the plan Cool got 3 different colour 1.5mm atm Razz blue, brown, green/yellow Laughing

#144: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: spike_202, Location: West mids PostPosted: Wed Mar 31, 2010 12:08 pm
not a bad idea bout the battery! Nice bit of 16mm would do nicely lol, were im working atm we use mainely tri rayted and flexy di for control wireing, oh i do miss striping and poting piro haha not! Working in a freezing cold church messin about with that was not fun.

#145: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Mattie-RS, Location: A Track near you ;) PostPosted: Wed Mar 31, 2010 12:12 pm
haha i may do that then, cheap easy do there with the free 16mm i will nick from the yard Laughing

ahhh piro, what a load of fun that s**te is Laughing nicely replaced by FP200 now tho Razz

#146: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: spike_202, Location: West mids PostPosted: Wed Mar 31, 2010 12:23 pm
yes indeed, but it kinked easely lol i think when i strip the back of mine i may have to coppy your idea of putting the battery in the boot.

#147: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Mattie-RS, Location: A Track near you ;) PostPosted: Wed Mar 31, 2010 12:26 pm
yea do it Razz

leaves more room in the bay, and you dont have to have a ugly box and battery in there to look at

#148: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: spike_202, Location: West mids PostPosted: Wed Mar 31, 2010 1:05 pm
also i have seen some nice slick battery box's/holders

#149: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Mattie-RS, Location: A Track near you ;) PostPosted: Wed Mar 31, 2010 1:10 pm
spike_202 wrote:
also i have seen some nice slick battery box's/holders

Razz are they the ones that are for inside the cabin??

#150: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: spike_202, Location: West mids PostPosted: Wed Mar 31, 2010 1:43 pm
erm like so they bolt in the boot i just had a look for them on google and found a few like this

#151: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Mattie-RS, Location: A Track near you ;) PostPosted: Wed Mar 31, 2010 1:52 pm
i see mate,

may get one custom built out of stainles steel Razz

#152: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Seb, Location: Under your bed PostPosted: Wed Mar 31, 2010 3:58 pm
After all this stuff I hope you're going to invest in some half decent trackday tyres Razz

#153: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Mattie-RS, Location: A Track near you ;) PostPosted: Wed Mar 31, 2010 4:09 pm
Seb wrote:
After all this stuff I hope you're going to invest in some half decent trackday tyres Razz

That will be the job for James he worked in the tyre industry for some time im sure he will know what tyres are best Razz

#154: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Jamie, Location: Ring y0 PostPosted: Wed Mar 31, 2010 4:37 pm
Make sure you have suspension capable of working slicks if
you get them!

#155: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Mattie-RS, Location: A Track near you ;) PostPosted: Wed Mar 31, 2010 4:40 pm
Aye, going to upgrade my bilsteins, to maybe B6 i think they are, they should do, i hope.

#156: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: spike_202, Location: West mids PostPosted: Wed Mar 31, 2010 4:46 pm
i thought that the B6s were top dog for the 206s??

#157: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Jamie, Location: Ring y0 PostPosted: Wed Mar 31, 2010 5:43 pm
You'll need a vastly increased spring rate to run slicks

#158: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: spike_202, Location: West mids PostPosted: Thu Apr 01, 2010 1:24 am
Jamie wrote:
You'll need a vastly increased spring rate to run slicks
Does that mean Softer springs?

#159: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Seb, Location: Under your bed PostPosted: Thu Apr 01, 2010 1:46 am
Higher spring rates = stiffer springs.

#160: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: spike_202, Location: West mids PostPosted: Thu Apr 01, 2010 3:37 am
are sportlines stiffer than pro lines?

#161: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Jamie, Location: Ring y0 PostPosted: Thu Apr 01, 2010 7:09 am
You wanna be looking at a 350-400lb spring at least to be honest, which I think the Eibachs are about 280?

#162: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Mattie-RS, Location: A Track near you ;) PostPosted: Sun Apr 04, 2010 5:37 pm
Suspension will be looked at later on, Im sure eibach make them to your requirements anyway,

Got bored today so ripped the dash out, remounted the metal frame and the steering colum,
Ive noticed there are some bolt holes in places and the frame sits very nicely for some cool lil mods im thinking of Cool


#163: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: spike_202, Location: West mids PostPosted: Mon Apr 05, 2010 8:35 am
haha ........ and what are these little mods mattie??

#164: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Addaz, Location: Suffolk PostPosted: Mon Apr 05, 2010 8:55 am
Mattie® wrote:
addaz wrote:
Dude, can your car is now on my sexual metal list Cool

Even if it is low pressure Razz

Shocked Low Pressure whats that? Shocked

Low pressure boost from a lack of uprated internals to hold large amounts of boost Razz

For example if you where to turn up the Bar it would all end in tears Wink

#165: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Mattie-RS, Location: A Track near you ;) PostPosted: Mon Apr 05, 2010 10:00 am
addaz wrote:
Mattie® wrote:
addaz wrote:
Dude, can your car is now on my sexual metal list Cool

Even if it is low pressure Razz

Shocked Low Pressure whats that? Shocked

Low pressure boost from a lack of uprated internals to hold large amounts of boost Razz

For example if you where to turn up the Bar it would all end in tears Wink

It certainly would, but with a change of compression ratio this will be delt with, No low boost for me Razz

#166: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Mattie-RS, Location: A Track near you ;) PostPosted: Mon Apr 05, 2010 10:02 am
spike_202 wrote:
haha ........ and what are these little mods mattie??

hehe Razz wont say in here, one of them is over £500 Shocked
Dont want to say im doing it and then not Laughing

#167: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Jamie, Location: Ring y0 PostPosted: Mon Apr 05, 2010 10:04 am
Mattie do you want the TDF ECU, he is holding it for me but there is a lot of interest and I can't make him wait any longer...
With regards to the mapping, it makes no difference to me, but for the sake of £300 for getting Paul to set up properly, that's a bargain if it means it's set up right. No offense to TT/James but I don't think you're going to be getting the best map for your engine by setting it up how you have planned, and the map governs how your car drives, and after all this work/money do you really want to ruin it by scrimping out on a map?

#168: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Mattie-RS, Location: A Track near you ;) PostPosted: Mon Apr 05, 2010 10:09 am
This weeks a no now mate, if he has alot of interest dont let me keep him from selling it
Had some stupid issues with the s***ty diesel this week, sorry mate

#169: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Jamie, Location: Ring y0 PostPosted: Mon Apr 05, 2010 10:11 am
Ok no worries Smile

#170: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Mattie-RS, Location: A Track near you ;) PostPosted: Mon Apr 05, 2010 10:14 am
cheers for the thought tho mate Smile much appreciated

#171: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Mattie-RS, Location: A Track near you ;) PostPosted: Sun Apr 11, 2010 3:54 pm
Small update,

Got the head ready for rebuilt, and got the valve grinding tools

Firstly new valve stem seals


Old vs New


Grinding Razz


And then 8 new inlet valves Cool


#172: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Big_Rich180 PostPosted: Sun Apr 11, 2010 4:01 pm
Are you doing the head work your self??

#173: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Mattie-RS, Location: A Track near you ;) PostPosted: Sun Apr 11, 2010 4:03 pm
Big_Rich180 wrote:
Are you doing the head work your self??

Aye mate was doing it while watching footy Razz

#174: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Big_Rich180 PostPosted: Sun Apr 11, 2010 4:03 pm
Sweet Very Happy

#175: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Mattie-RS, Location: A Track near you ;) PostPosted: Sun Apr 11, 2010 4:06 pm

Just the exhasut valves left to do, then put the springs back in and then the head can go back on the bottom end Very Happy

#176: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Big_Rich180 PostPosted: Sun Apr 11, 2010 4:08 pm
Nice, when you expecting to have it finished?

#177: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Mattie-RS, Location: A Track near you ;) PostPosted: Sun Apr 11, 2010 4:12 pm
No too sure yet, still need to get the engine together and manifolds made up, and also a ECU
and much more

#178: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Big_Rich180 PostPosted: Sun Apr 11, 2010 4:13 pm
Fun, still cant wait to see it.

#179: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Mattie-RS, Location: A Track near you ;) PostPosted: Sun Apr 11, 2010 4:15 pm
Big_Rich180 wrote:
Fun, still cant wait to see it.

Aye me neither Razz

When its done and ready to start up you will have to come up and see its first start up Very Happy

#180: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Big_Rich180 PostPosted: Sun Apr 11, 2010 4:17 pm
Mattie® wrote:
Big_Rich180 wrote:
Fun, still cant wait to see it.

Aye me neither Razz

When its done and ready to start up you will have to come up and see its first start up Very Happy

Will do mate, keep me informed Very Happy

#181: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Mattie-RS, Location: A Track near you ;) PostPosted: Sun Apr 11, 2010 4:21 pm
Big_Rich180 wrote:
Mattie® wrote:
Big_Rich180 wrote:
Fun, still cant wait to see it.

Aye me neither Razz

When its done and ready to start up you will have to come up and see its first start up Very Happy

Will do mate, keep me informed Very Happy

Razz good lad, I will do

#182: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Mattie-RS, Location: A Track near you ;) PostPosted: Sat Apr 17, 2010 4:29 pm
Head back together now Razz

Just to put the cams back in tomorow when i get myself so gasket seal and a torx wrench


And picked up some goodies at RSTuning meet

Old Vs New Cool



And new grill


#183: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Jamie, Location: Ring y0 PostPosted: Sat Apr 17, 2010 5:16 pm
Need anything sourcing?

#184: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Mattie-RS, Location: A Track near you ;) PostPosted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 6:29 am
Jamie wrote:
Need anything sourcing?

Ayup, Could do with one of those oil cooler sandwhich plates if you know of any,
Boost controller,
Erm, Rich is looking at injectors monday i think,

#185: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Ste, Location: Hull -or- The World Of Info Code PostPosted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 6:32 am
Keep up the good work Mr. Mattie! Cant wait to see this beast!

I'll have to pop down sometime and have a spy over it Wink lol!

#186: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Mattie-RS, Location: A Track near you ;) PostPosted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 6:35 am
Ste206 wrote:
Keep up the good work Mr. Mattie! Cant wait to see this beast!

I'll have to pop down sometime and have a spy over it Wink lol!

Your welcome down anytime Razz

Just dont where your best gear, and bring ya tools with ya Wink Laughing

#187: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Ste, Location: Hull -or- The World Of Info Code PostPosted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 6:40 am
Haha, sounds like a plan Razz

#188: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Jamie, Location: Ring y0 PostPosted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 7:59 am
Those sandwich plates are about £40 off the top off my head for the thermostat ones, or about £25 for the less sophisticated ones, but do you want your oil being cooled in the winter when you first start your car in the morning? Wink

I know feck all about boost so don't have anything to do with them, ie I wouldn't know where to look for a boost controller sorry!

#189: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: PugJH, Location: Northants PostPosted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 8:04 am
Loving this thread.

#190: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Mattie-RS, Location: A Track near you ;) PostPosted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 8:06 am
Nice one J,

Def a thermastat one, like you said, doesnt need cooling when its already cool Razz

#191: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Seb, Location: Under your bed PostPosted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 9:57 am
You should probably run a cooler during the hotter months but disconnect it during the warmer ones.

Bear in mind even some high powered cars running oil coolers as standard still keeps the oil what effectively is TOO cold even after spirited runs. Do I remember a certain TVR that was running only like 70 degrees oil temp at one point.... too low!

#192: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Mattie-RS, Location: A Track near you ;) PostPosted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 10:14 am
Would a thermastat plate, only work when the temperature reaches a certain level then allows the cooler to work? not too sure how these work,

Then i would be able to just let it do its work in winter and summer without disconnecting it and that.

#193: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Jamie, Location: Ring y0 PostPosted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 10:19 am
My sandwich plate only let's oil through when it's 85 degrees or above, and then closes after it goes below 85 degrees.

#194: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Mattie-RS, Location: A Track near you ;) PostPosted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 10:22 am
Jamie wrote:
My sandwich plate only let's oil through when it's 85 degrees or above, and then closes after it goes below 85 degrees.

Thats what i thought Razz

Mine is also water cooled as standerd, that shouldnt make a difference should it

#195: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: spike_202, Location: West mids PostPosted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 10:26 am
i am indeedy mattie what size do you want bosh 412cc? As il make a list and take it with me.

#196: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Mattie-RS, Location: A Track near you ;) PostPosted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 10:28 am
Yea 412cc will do Rich Razz nice one Cool

#197: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: spike_202, Location: West mids PostPosted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 11:26 am
no problem mattie i'll text u 2morra and let you no the price as if you ring them up and pay for them they will send them out for you.

#198: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Mattie-RS, Location: A Track near you ;) PostPosted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 11:30 am
spike_202 wrote:
no problem mattie i'll text you 2morra and let you no the price as if you ring them up and pay for them they will send them out for you.

Nice one mate Razz

#199: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Mattie-RS, Location: A Track near you ;) PostPosted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 12:09 pm
New rear end Cool


#200: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Mike_XS, Location: Southampton PostPosted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 12:29 pm
Looking good mate Smile

#201: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Mattie-RS, Location: A Track near you ;) PostPosted: Sun Apr 25, 2010 11:01 am
A few sneaky mods done Razz






Found out the DOB of my car Shocked


And how she will sit till she is finished


#202: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Mattie-RS, Location: A Track near you ;) PostPosted: Sun Apr 25, 2010 12:42 pm
And then i finished off the head

Cams in, cam cover on, and rocker cover on.


Pulleys back in place


Cheeky lil mod i bought Razz



Cheeky lil cam shot


Bottom half of the inlet manifold on, and the fuel rail, injectors off


#203: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Ste, Location: Hull -or- The World Of Info Code PostPosted: Sun Apr 25, 2010 12:45 pm
Hmmm I recognise them rear ph2's from somewhere, cant quite place where though Razz haha

Looking good mate, keep up the hard work Thumb Up

#204: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Mattie-RS, Location: A Track near you ;) PostPosted: Sun Apr 25, 2010 12:55 pm
Ste206 wrote:
Hmmm I recognise them rear ph2's from somewhere, cant quite place where though Razz haha

Looking good mate, keep up the hard work Thumb Up

Cheers man, hope to have the head back on its body next weekend Wink

And yea i got them off this dude from hull, you may know him Laughing

#205: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Mattie-RS, Location: A Track near you ;) PostPosted: Wed Apr 28, 2010 5:12 pm
nice bill just paid out for headgaskets and head bolts, so hopefully the engine will be back together soonish

£600 in the savers account so ECU will be soon Cool

Pics when the parts arrive

#206: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Jamie, Location: Ring y0 PostPosted: Wed Apr 28, 2010 5:50 pm
What ecu?

#207: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Mattie-RS, Location: A Track near you ;) PostPosted: Thu Apr 29, 2010 10:15 am
Jamie wrote:
What ecu?

Still undecided on that one,

but leaning towards emerald

#208: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Jamie, Location: Ring y0 PostPosted: Thu Apr 29, 2010 10:20 am
I just bought my DTA S60, was a lot Sad

#209: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Mattie-RS, Location: A Track near you ;) PostPosted: Thu Apr 29, 2010 10:23 am
I read that you got one, but didnt know what type it was

Im guesing its alot more than the emerald then?

#210: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Jamie, Location: Ring y0 PostPosted: Thu Apr 29, 2010 10:27 am
The figure starts with an 8 we'll put it that way!
If you want some really good gubbins then look at Pectel's range, but it's over a grand!
the RS Force EC1 is good too, but you said you weren't interested in that...
We need to sort out injectors too, have you got yourself on 106 owners and read Dean's project?

#211: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Mattie-RS, Location: A Track near you ;) PostPosted: Thu Apr 29, 2010 10:32 am
WooW Laughing
The emerald i haven't heard owt bad about and itrs only £580

Yea seen his on there, havent signed up to it though, might have too and ask him a few questions

I still need to sort the injectors out too

#212: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Jamie, Location: Ring y0 PostPosted: Thu Apr 29, 2010 10:35 am
Dean's is absolutely amazing, really well done!
Thing's an animal!
Yes we need to sort out injectors soon...
I'll pm you about Emerald now Wink

#213: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Mattie-RS, Location: A Track near you ;) PostPosted: Thu Apr 29, 2010 10:45 am
It took me ages to go through his thread aswell
Looks awesome
Let us know when you wanna sort Injectors out ill have the money for em

#214: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Mattie-RS, Location: A Track near you ;) PostPosted: Fri Apr 30, 2010 5:41 am
Got some sparks for it today and new water pump Very Happy

Eurocarparts have there use Razz total cost £38.73

Couldnt find water pump cheaper than the total else where and thats with 4 bosch super 4



#215: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: ExoVyper, Location: Waiting for the tugboats to push me into port (Whitehaven) PostPosted: Fri Apr 30, 2010 5:50 am
mattie! stop spending and give me some Sad

pweeze O.O

#216: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Mattie-RS, Location: A Track near you ;) PostPosted: Fri Apr 30, 2010 6:05 am
ExoVyper wrote:
mattie! stop spending and give me some Sad

pweeze O.O

Laughing id give you some, but its all going into this Sad sowwwi

#217: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: ExoVyper, Location: Waiting for the tugboats to push me into port (Whitehaven) PostPosted: Fri Apr 30, 2010 6:13 am
Mattie® wrote:
ExoVyper wrote:
mattie! stop spending and give me some Sad

pweeze O.O

Laughing id give you some, but its all going into this Sad sowwwi

you'll be happy to know pal i have the last of the special pipes i need so i just need to start buying silicone pipes Very Happy

i'm not having you write phoney on my car :'(

#218: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Mattie-RS, Location: A Track near you ;) PostPosted: Fri Apr 30, 2010 6:14 am
Good man Cool

Now get it sorted and stop blowings rads up Rolling On The Floor Laughing

#219: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: ExoVyper, Location: Waiting for the tugboats to push me into port (Whitehaven) PostPosted: Fri Apr 30, 2010 6:20 am
it's the pure power mattie it just cant help it Very Happy

though i guess you wouldn't know with your 84bhp derv Wink

would you still write phoney if its connected but not mapped? Confused

#220: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Mattie-RS, Location: A Track near you ;) PostPosted: Fri Apr 30, 2010 6:26 am
ExoVyper wrote:
it's the pure power mattie it just cant help it Very Happy

though i guess you wouldn't know with your 84bhp derv Wink

would you still write phoney if its connected but not mapped? Confused

Laughing ill show ya power when this is done Cool

aslong as its connected and been used your fine

#221: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Mattie-RS, Location: A Track near you ;) PostPosted: Fri Apr 30, 2010 9:09 am
Sparks in


Coilpack back on


Bought these of the bay to freshen up the top of the head, and attach coilpack cover


Old Vs New


Close up


16v Cool Razz


#222: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: dalegt, Location: West Yorkshire PostPosted: Fri Apr 30, 2010 9:21 am
good luck mate, good little project

Heres a link to my mates 400bhp vts Turbo, thought it may help you out if you get stuck on anything - streetlimit.freeforums...-t106.html

#223: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Bailey, Location: Finding Dr. Robotnik PostPosted: Fri Apr 30, 2010 9:28 am
Wow what a saxo!!! Is it Fwd or Rwd?

#224: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: dalegt, Location: West Yorkshire PostPosted: Fri Apr 30, 2010 9:31 am
Bailey wrote:
Wow what a saxo!!! Is it Fwd or Rwd?

Fwd mate, damp weather you might as well walk cause it goes nowhere hahaha too much power Very Happy

#225: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Mattie-RS, Location: A Track near you ;) PostPosted: Fri Apr 30, 2010 10:28 am
Cheers dale,

Thats is one epic project Razz

#226: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: dalegt, Location: West Yorkshire PostPosted: Fri Apr 30, 2010 3:31 pm
no probs mate, if you need to know anything just ask him mate, what he doesnt know is not worth knowing mate hes brilliant with cars, his day job is a mechanic at merc Very Happy

#227: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Mattie-RS, Location: A Track near you ;) PostPosted: Fri May 07, 2010 8:05 am
woop the head gaskets and head bolts are here

aswell as the uprated gear linkages Very Happy

#228: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Mattie-RS, Location: A Track near you ;) PostPosted: Fri May 07, 2010 11:40 am
Head gasketg and decomp


New head bolts


Also took the top and bottom mounts off to swap over for 206 ones
New vs Old

For some reason the bottom one only had the part where the drive shaft goes through Confused
New vs Old

Does anyone know if the fly wheel is the same on the 16v and 8v?
The bottom end looks identical between both 8v and 16v

#229: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: mattievrs, Location: Leicester PostPosted: Thu May 13, 2010 3:07 pm
good read mattie! Ive heard nothing but good reviews on the emerald ecu's, i know of a 500bhp corsa turbo running on emerald management and never had problems.

#230: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Mattie-RS, Location: A Track near you ;) PostPosted: Thu May 13, 2010 3:09 pm
mattie wrote:
good read mattie! Ive heard nothing but good reviews on the emerald ecu's, i know of a 500bhp corsa turbo running on emerald management and never had problems.

cheers mate,

glad too hear that Smile will be ordering mine soon

#231: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: mattievrs, Location: Leicester PostPosted: Thu May 13, 2010 3:12 pm
Mattie® wrote:
mattie wrote:
good read mattie! Ive heard nothing but good reviews on the emerald ecu's, i know of a 500bhp corsa turbo running on emerald management and never had problems.

cheers mate,

glad too hear that Smile will be ordering mine soon

have a search for jdm dyno on google, its somewhere in cumbria i think but they do a lot of tuning and sales.

#232: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Mattie-RS, Location: A Track near you ;) PostPosted: Thu May 13, 2010 3:15 pm
cheers i will do mate


hope to have more updates soon too :0

#233: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Jamie, Location: Ring y0 PostPosted: Thu May 13, 2010 3:16 pm
There's nothing inherently wrong with Emerald, don't get me wrong, but they're using old software/technology compared to the newer systems. I'm not just saying that because I have the DTA, but I have the DTA because I did the research Wink

#234: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Mattie-RS, Location: A Track near you ;) PostPosted: Sat May 22, 2010 4:12 am
So the engine is finally back together Very Happy


Nice thick head gasket




Torque wrench and instructions on gasket


Bolts in and new thickness


New timing kit


Dodgy looking water pump, that was a basterd to get out :/


As in pic, it just kepted on braking till it came out


I seem not to have a pic of the new pump and the engine stood up complete Confused

#235: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo *Engines Finally Together* Author: spike_202, Location: West mids PostPosted: Sat May 22, 2010 6:16 pm
nice up date matty lookin good

#236: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo *Engines Finally Together* Author: Mattie-RS, Location: A Track near you ;) PostPosted: Sun May 23, 2010 4:15 am
spike_202 wrote:
nice up date matty lookin good

Cheers Rich, Hope to have the engine in asap now Smile

#237: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo *Engines Finally Together* Author: c2gt18, Location: Bradford PostPosted: Tue Jun 01, 2010 8:52 am


#238: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo *Engines Finally Together* Author: Jamie, Location: Ring y0 PostPosted: Tue Jun 01, 2010 8:56 am
€40000 s**t the bed.
It's 180bhp, which is the same as one that Peugeot sell...

#239: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo *Engines Finally Together* Author: c2gt18, Location: Bradford PostPosted: Tue Jun 01, 2010 8:58 am
Jamie wrote:
€40000 S*** the bed. It's 180bhp, which is the same as one that Peugeot sell...

i know , but that engine bay looks so cool !,

i wouldnt dream of spending that

#240: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo *Engines Finally Together* Author: mattievrs, Location: Leicester PostPosted: Tue Jun 01, 2010 9:29 am
do you have to time it up different if the compression has been lowered? Ie advance or retard the timing on the inlet and exhaust cams?

#241: Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo Author: Edward, Location: In the garage PostPosted: Tue Jun 01, 2010 10:04 am
That's great but only if you are going to make use of those extra functions. At the end of the day if all you are using is 3 or 4 inputs to an ECU then any ECU regardless of cost will perform the same.
There's nothing inherently wrong with Emerald, don't get me wrong, but they're using old software/technology compared to the newer systems. I'm not just saying that because I have the DTA, but I have the DTA because I did the research
That's great but only if you are going to make use of those extra functions. At the end of the day if all you are using is 3 or 4 inputs to an ECU then any ECU regardless of cost will perform the same.
There's nothing inherently wrong with Emerald, don't get me wrong, but they're using old software/technology compared to the newer systems. I'm not just saying that because I have the DTA, but I have the DTA because I did the research
do you have to time it up different if the compression has been lowered? Ie advance or retard the timing on the inlet and exhaust cams?
DO IT !!!!
DO IT !!!!
you got rear disks dude?
mattie wrote: have a search for jdm dyno on google, its somewhere in cumbria i think but they do a lot of tuning and sales.
Mattie® wrote: cheers mate, glad too hear that will be ordering mine soon
mattie wrote: good read mattie! Ive heard nothing but good reviews on the emerald ecu's, i know of a 500bhp corsa turbo running on emerald management and never had problems.




#270:  Author: , Location: A Track near you ;)Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo *Front Brake Setup Done*Mattie-RSPostPosted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 3:56 pm
I was thinking of going all the way back to the master, but dont think it would be financially practical, Was thinking just run new lines and get s/s like you would anyway.

#271:  Author: , Location: West midsRe: Mattie® R3 Turbo *Front Brake Setup Done*spike_202PostPosted: Tue Jun 22, 2010 12:13 am
lol i think you were convinced on the emerald after i showed you all the cas what was on the pug1off stand wernt you mattie they are the best price for what you get and the after sales service is spot on to.Wink

#272:  Author: , Location: A Track near you ;)Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo *Front Brake Setup Done*Mattie-RSPostPosted: Tue Jun 22, 2010 9:38 am
Yea i was, me and James where walking round to see what people had done to there cars so was looking out for ecu's and that. I saw one car that had 2 external injectors controled by MF2 thingy with the Supercvharger Jamie is looking at using. The guy wont fork out for stand alone ecu tight sod
spike_202 wrote: lol i think you were convinced on the emerald after i showed you all the cas what was on the pug1off stand wernt you mattie they are the best price for what you get and the after sales service is spot on to.Wink


#273:  Author: , Location: A Track near you ;)Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo *Front Brake Setup Done*Mattie-RSPostPosted: Fri Jun 25, 2010 2:31 pm
Uncovered the old car again today, and had a look at the wiring, Thinking of just leaving the essential wiring in only (lights and that) and cutting the rest out (alarm, central locking) Not too sure yet Got this far as i had to fix the diesel too,



#274:  Author: , Location: A Track near you ;)Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo *Front Brake Setup Done*Mattie-RSPostPosted: Sun Jun 27, 2010 4:15 pm
S/S Manifold bought, Next to buy this weak uprated fuel pressure regulator direct replacement and injectors direct replacement. The Spec: Pug 106 GTi 1.6 16v Engine 120bhp standerd. T3 Turbo Bailey DumpValve Fully Stripped Bucket Seats Oil Cooler SRS 4 Point Harness Group N Gear Linkages Custom Headgasket C4 VTS Calipers C4 VTS Discs (302 x 26mm) S/S Turbo Manifold

#275:  Author: , Location: exhall, bedworth, coventryRe: Mattie® R3 Turbo *Front Brake Setup Done*TeebagPostPosted: Sun Jun 27, 2010 4:28 pm
mattie. i'm loving the work to this car so far..... my only thing i'd add is a cage if your having all that power, buckets and harnesses a rollcage would be a good investment incase you roll it as buckets and harnesses wont allow your body to move away from impact if there was any on the roof. (i recall an old mate of mine doing this in his vts and being very lucky).... other than that i want your car! lol

#276:  Author: , Location: A Track near you ;)Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo *Front Brake Setup Done*Mattie-RSPostPosted: Sun Jun 27, 2010 4:33 pm
Cheers matt, yea a roll cage will be going in it eventually, proberly going to be one of the last things, will be a big expense and just want the car running first.

#277:  Author: , Location: exhall, bedworth, coventryRe: Mattie® R3 Turbo *Front Brake Setup Done*TeebagPostPosted: Sun Jun 27, 2010 4:36 pm
yea can understand that lol.

#278:  Author: , Location: BradfordRe: Mattie® R3 Turbo *Front Brake Setup Done*c2gt18PostPosted: Wed Jun 30, 2010 10:17 am
Mattie , were abouts in bradford are you from ?

#279:  Author: , Location: A Track near you ;)Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo *Front Brake Setup Done*Mattie-RSPostPosted: Wed Jun 30, 2010 10:23 am
I live in Thornton mate, You??
c2gt18 wrote: Mattie , were abouts in bradford are you from ?

#280:  Author: , Location: BradfordRe: Mattie® R3 Turbo *Front Brake Setup Done*c2gt18PostPosted: Wed Jun 30, 2010 10:25 am
not so far mate, clayton hights!, you might of seen my car about its the only all full bright red gti knocking about in bradford (iv not seen another one) how old are you ? whats your last name ,
Mattie® wrote: I live in Thornton mate, You??
c2gt18 wrote: Mattie , were abouts in bradford are you from ?

#281:  Author: , Location: A Track near you ;)Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo *Front Brake Setup Done*Mattie-RSPostPosted: Wed Jun 30, 2010 10:28 am
Ah yea not too far that, I will have proberly seen you then, I drive through there all time on way back from Mway, mines the only Gay Blue 206 with black 406 alloys on and private reg


#282:  Author: , Location: A Track near you ;)Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo *Front Brake Setup Done*Mattie-RSPostPosted: Wed Jun 30, 2010 10:32 am
Small update, S/S manifold from France came today, Impressed with delivery only 3 days since i ordered it Going to Olde Forge this week to get slighty adjusted,

Very Happy



#283:  Author: , Location: A Track near you ;)Re: Mattie® R3 TurboMattie-RSPostPosted: Thu Jul 01, 2010 9:17 am
The Spec: Pug 206 XS Pug 106 GTi 1.6 16v Engine 120bhp standerd. T3 Turbo Bailey DumpValve Fully Stripped Bucket Seats Oil Cooler SRS 4 Point Harness Group N Gear Linkages Custom Headgasket C4 VTS Calipers C4 VTS Discs (302 x 26mm) S/S Turbo Manifold Bosch 380cc Injectors

#284:  Author: , Location: A Track near you ;)Re: Mattie® R3 TurboMattie-RSPostPosted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 9:23 am
Another update 4 new 380cc injectors came today Swapped and test fitted them over with the old ones Old with rail. New injectors, Old vs New New ones in the rail Smile







#285:  Author: , Location: Ring y0Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo *Updates Page 19*JamiePostPosted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 9:38 am
How much did they cost?

#286:  Author: , Location: A Track near you ;)Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo *Updates Page 19*Mattie-RSPostPosted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 9:39 am
£45 each free delivery Razz

#287:  Author: , Location: SuffolkRe: Mattie® R3 Turbo *Updates Page 19*AddazPostPosted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 9:49 am
Oddly they dont look any bigger than the ones on my 1.6 engine Nor are they needle, over the apposed four hole option?Neutral

#288:  Author: , Location: Ring y0Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo *Updates Page 19*JamiePostPosted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 9:51 am
Hmm from Injectortune?

#289:  Author: , Location: A Track near you ;)Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo *Updates Page 19*Mattie-RSPostPosted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 9:53 am
That is weird 'because the small ones are from the 1.6 and are the same from my other 1.6, the Green (new) ones are huge compared to the old GTi ones
addaz wrote: Oddly they dont look any bigger than the ones on my 1.6 engine Nor are they needle, over the apposed four hole option?Neutral

#290:  Author: , Location: A Track near you ;)Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo *Updates Page 19*Mattie-RSPostPosted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 9:55 am
Jamie wrote: Hmm from Injectortune?

#291:  Author: , Location: A Track near you ;)Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo *Updates Page 19*Mattie-RSPostPosted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 11:10 am
Pics of them in the Inlet They definatly are bigger as the rail doesnt sit flush anymore need to find longer torx screws to fit now



#292:  Author: , Location: A Track near you ;)Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo *Updates Page 19*Mattie-RSPostPosted: Sun Jul 04, 2010 7:40 am
New Alloys??




#293:  Author: , Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo *New Alloys?? Pg 20*MattPostPosted: Sun Jul 04, 2010 9:36 am
nommmm they the ones we spoke about last week?

#294:  Author: , Location: LeedsRe: Mattie® R3 Turbo *New Alloys?? Pg 20*Len_BeachPostPosted: Sun Jul 04, 2010 10:42 am
Those whees look s**t Mattie.

#295:  Author: , Location: A Track near you ;)Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo *New Alloys?? Pg 20*Mattie-RSPostPosted: Sun Jul 04, 2010 11:14 am
Aye matt Thanks again mate, and sorry for keeping you for ages gossiping!

Len_Beach wrote: Those whees look S*** Mattie.

#296:  Author: , Location: LeedsRe: Mattie® R3 Turbo *New Alloys?? Pg 20*Len_BeachPostPosted: Sun Jul 04, 2010 11:17 am
No worries Bud. Good to have a natter and will be good to get together when they're all done and test the N/A vs. Turbo theory.

#297:  Author: , Location: A Track near you ;)Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo *New Alloys?? Pg 20*Mattie-RSPostPosted: Sun Jul 04, 2010 11:18 am
Definatly need too, Turbo's FTW
Len_Beach wrote: No worries Bud. Good to have a natter and will be good to get together when they're all done and test the N/A vs. Turbo theory.


#298:  Author: , Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo *New Alloys?? Pg 20*Big_Rich180PostPosted: Sun Jul 04, 2010 11:37 am
Bit chavy Wink

#299:  Author: , Location: A Track near you ;)Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo *New Alloys?? Pg 20*Mattie-RSPostPosted: Sun Jul 04, 2010 11:39 am
I just spatt my drink out reading that Someone wrote that on my facebook too, im shocked there not chavvy
Big_Rich180 wrote: Bit chavy Wink

#300:  Author: , Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo *New Alloys?? Pg 20*Big_Rich180PostPosted: Sun Jul 04, 2010 11:40 am
Yeah i saw what the guy wrote on face book thats why i took it upon myself to irritate you again Joke mate they look cool.
Mattie® wrote: I just spatt my drink out reading that
Big_Rich180 wrote: Bit chavy Wink
Someone wrote that on my facebook too, im shocked there not chavvy

Thumbs Up

Very Happy

#301:  Author: , Location: A Track near you ;)Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo *New Alloys?? Pg 20*Mattie-RSPostPosted: Sun Jul 04, 2010 11:43 am
For a second i thought it may have been that, Cheers tho, there absulutly mint mate, well happy with them, carnt wait to get them over the C4 calipers
Big_Rich180 wrote: Yeah i saw what the guy wrote on face book thats why i took it upon myself to irritate you again Joke mate they look cool.
Mattie® wrote: I just spatt my drink out reading that
Big_Rich180 wrote: Bit chavy Wink
Someone wrote that on my facebook too, im shocked there not chavvy

Thumbs Up

Very Happy
Rolling On The Floor Laughing


#302:  Author: , Location: West midsRe: Mattie® R3 Turbo *New Alloys?? Pg 20*spike_202PostPosted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 3:48 pm
were did you get them 380s from mattie?

#303:  Author: , Location: A Track near you ;)Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo *New Alloys?? Pg 20*Mattie-RSPostPosted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 3:51 pm
Got them from
spike_202 wrote: were did you get them 380s from mattie?

#304:  Author: , Location: West midsRe: Mattie® R3 Turbo *New Alloys?? Pg 20*spike_202PostPosted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 3:53 pm
how come you didnt opt for the 415cc as they were £120 for 4 from jenvey

#305:  Author: , Location: A Track near you ;)Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo *New Alloys?? Pg 20*Mattie-RSPostPosted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 3:56 pm
think they might have been too much at the pressure ill be running those guys said the 380's will be more than ample for what i need

#306:  Author: , Location: West midsRe: Mattie® R3 Turbo *New Alloys?? Pg 20*spike_202PostPosted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 4:02 pm
lol fair enuf dude they are a we bit on the big side for my needs to lol

#307:  Author: , Location: A Track near you ;)Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo *Bye Bye Drums*Mattie-RSPostPosted: Fri Jul 16, 2010 3:32 pm
Drums have come off today Ready to be gone and swapped for Discs courtesy of matt (Teebag) And gave the Bilsteins a good clean for going back on; Maybe some 180 Torsion and ARB bars to come HmmmmRazz





#308:  Author: , Location: A Track near you ;)Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo *Bye Bye Drums*Mattie-RSPostPosted: Sun Jul 18, 2010 1:03 pm
Picked up the GTi rear axle today, Thanks to matt (teebag) Who while he had to buy some tools got me buying a MIG welder also, Think i may attack some seems with the welder to strengthen them up and get the bay painted too

Very Happy

#309:  Author: , Location: LeicesterRe: Mattie® R3 Turbo *Bye Bye Drums*mattievrsPostPosted: Sun Jul 18, 2010 2:35 pm
Mattie,this is going to be epic when its finished! How much you pay roughly for the mig welder?And with the rear brakes setup are you going to be running the lines inside the car? Also, are you going to be running a swirl pot and facet pump fuel setup or not?Cool

#310:  Author: , Location: A Track near you ;)Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo *Bye Bye Drums*Mattie-RSPostPosted: Sun Jul 18, 2010 2:40 pm
cheers mattie was meant to be £100 the welder but some how managed to get the welder, wire and face mask for £99 Yea the brake lines are going to be run on the inside of the car, as are the fuel lines, i aint to familiar with the fuel system so will need some advice on what you just said before i do owt



#311:  Author: , Location: exhall, bedworth, coventryRe: Mattie® R3 Turbo *Bye Bye Drums*TeebagPostPosted: Sun Jul 18, 2010 3:27 pm
good to see u today mattie. give me a shout when your ready for paint Wink

#312:  Author: , Location: A Track near you ;)Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo *Bye Bye Drums*Mattie-RSPostPosted: Sun Jul 18, 2010 3:31 pm
You too mate, cheers for the Discs man And i certainly will do Going to have a right go with that Welder when it comes
Teebag wrote: good to see u today mattie. give me a shout when your ready for paint Wink



#313:  Author: , Location: LeedsRe: Mattie® R3 Turbo *Bye Bye Drums*Len_BeachPostPosted: Sun Jul 18, 2010 4:23 pm
Keep it coming Mattie. Will that old beam fit on my GTI? I'm thinking of a building a beam with new ARB's and torsion bars off of the car then just swapping them over. I'd obviusly swap the discs.

#314:  Author: , Location: A Track near you ;)Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo *Bye Bye Drums*Mattie-RSPostPosted: Sun Jul 18, 2010 4:25 pm
Ayup, I traded my drum beam with the Disc beam so i dont have it anymore sorry.
Len_Beach wrote: Keep it coming Mattie. Will that old beam fit on my GTI? I'm thinking of a building a beam with new ARB's and torsion bars off of the car then just swapping them over. I'd obviusly swap the discs.

#315:  Author: , Location: Ring y0Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo *Bye Bye Drums*JamiePostPosted: Sun Jul 18, 2010 4:25 pm
Nope you'd need a disc axle

#316:  Author: , Location: LeedsRe: Mattie® R3 Turbo *Bye Bye Drums*Len_BeachPostPosted: Sun Jul 18, 2010 4:33 pm
Hey ho. Thanks anyway Guys.

#317:  Author: , Location: LeedsRe: Mattie® R3 Turbo *Bye Bye Drums*no_offencesPostPosted: Sun Jul 25, 2010 3:19 pm
i have a 180 arb for an upgrade for sale if you can help me sort the arb on the gt im selling? wings will be off tomoz i could drop them off mid week when i come over to keighley?

#318:  Author: , Location: LeedsRe: Mattie® R3 Turbo *Bye Bye Drums*no_offencesPostPosted: Sun Jul 25, 2010 3:20 pm
and you got a disc brake set up for the rear? im gettin rid of the car this week hopefully want a hand with the coils asap

#319:  Author: , Location: A Track near you ;)Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo *Bye Bye Drums*Mattie-RSPostPosted: Sun Jul 25, 2010 3:24 pm
aint the 180 arb front tho?? and yea got rear disc's now, carnt help you this week, picking up new car sometime this week

#320:  Author: , Location: LeedsRe: Mattie® R3 Turbo *Bye Bye Drums*no_offencesPostPosted: Sun Jul 25, 2010 3:28 pm
yh its front

#321:  Author: , Location: A Track near you ;)Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo *Bye Bye Drums*Mattie-RSPostPosted: Sun Jul 25, 2010 3:32 pm
front wont fit my car, when are you going to keighley??

#322:  Author: , Location: NottinghamshireRe: Mattie® R3 Turbo *Bye Bye Drums*whits87PostPosted: Tue Aug 10, 2010 10:52 pm
have you got any further with it matey?? and was it ready for fcs???:D

#323:  Author: , Location: A Track near you ;)Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo *Bye Bye Drums*Mattie-RSPostPosted: Wed Aug 11, 2010 3:12 am
Not much mate no, Just bought the new car recently so all the deposits and what not have drained my Cash flow for the month I'm actually working on it for rest of the week seen as i have the week off, so will try and do something productive to her
whits87 wrote: have you got any further with it matey?? and was it ready for fcs???:D



#324:  Author: , Location: Uni: Kent Home: ScunthorpeRe: Mattie® R3 Turbo *Bye Bye Drums*sam-cPostPosted: Wed Aug 11, 2010 4:10 am
aye what we getting up to today mattie Very Happy

#325:  Author: , Location: A Track near you ;)Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo *Bye Bye Drums*Mattie-RSPostPosted: Wed Aug 11, 2010 4:12 am
Ermmm i was thinking the rear axle may go back on
sam-c wrote: aye what we getting up to today mattie Very Happy
Very Happy

#326:  Author: , Location: Uni: Kent Home: ScunthorpeRe: Mattie® R3 Turbo *Bye Bye Drums*sam-cPostPosted: Wed Aug 11, 2010 4:16 am
haha sweet well im setting off to leeds shortly so should be with you in a few hours Very Happy

#327:  Author: , Location: A Track near you ;)Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo *Bye Bye Drums*Mattie-RSPostPosted: Sat Aug 14, 2010 5:58 am
Should have updated this, but here goes, Finally after a few eeks of neglect, Sam_C came round to give us a hand in gettting 2 wheels back on the car. Seen as the rear axle weighs a tonne would have been very difficult to attempt this myself, So the car now has a rear Disc axle on now and 2 wheels back on, No pics where taken 'because it was simple, but hard to do and get pics at the same time.

#328:  Author: , Location: A Track near you ;)Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo /ENDMattie-RSPostPosted: Sat Oct 09, 2010 9:13 am


#329:  Author: , Location: StevenageRe: Mattie® R3 Turbo /ENDMikey2ukPostPosted: Sat Oct 09, 2010 9:35 am
Bye bye puggy

#330:  Author: , Location: StirlingRe: Mattie® R3 Turbo /ENDThe_StigPostPosted: Sat Oct 09, 2010 9:37 am
what have i missed??

#331:  Author: , Location: Running from Ant and Lee and Adam...........Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo /ENDAshPostPosted: Sat Oct 09, 2010 9:39 am
Is that sorta' wrote off .... ?

#332:  Author: , Location: WorcesterRe: Mattie® R3 Turbo /ENDAntixPostPosted: Sat Oct 09, 2010 9:39 am
a repossession
The_Stig wrote: what have i missed??

#333:  Author: , Location: A Track near you ;)Re: Mattie® R3 Turbo /ENDMattie-RSPostPosted: Sat Oct 09, 2010 9:42 am
Cheeky boi With the arrival of the new (better) car i sold most of the parts i gained/saved some for the C2 as I was usuing the same engine. Also after using the C2 on track, it felt alot better to drive and handled better than the 206, So now the C2 takes over as a project seen as i only use it on weekends if that. Had alot of fun in the 206 tho some will know was a great car while it was here but costs just dont make me interested in it when i can do so much more on the C2 for less!
Antix wrote: a repossession
The_Stig wrote: what have i missed??


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