#1: Condensation fix. Author: danhodson, Location: Derby, UKPosted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 4:13 pm ---- Just a little heads up for anyone suffering with condensation in any of their light fittings.
Rather then spend ages removing lights, remove the majority of the water with a hair dryer then pop a few packets of Silica Gel in the unit to soak up the rest of the moisture. It worked a treat for my Crystal headlights.
#2: Re: Condensation fix. Author: bolly92, Location: LongridgePosted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 4:31 pm ---- how do you get it out??
#3: Re: Condensation fix. Author: V9977, Location: Athens, GreecePosted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 4:36 pm ---- This will work for a while but what happens when
eventualy the silica-gel gets saturated and looses
it's moisture absorbing function?
This will work for a while but what happens when
eventualy the silica-gel gets saturated and looses
it's moisture absorbing function?
As long as the moisture has been soaked up and the seal is well... sealed, the moisture shouldn't return. But if it does, you heat the packets in the oven to 120 and they'll work all over again.
This will work for a while but what happens when
eventualy the silica-gel gets saturated and looses
it's moisture absorbing function?
As long as the moisture has been soaked up and the seal is well... sealed, the moisture shouldn't return. But if it does, you heat the packets in the oven to 120 and they'll work all over again.
OK, that sounds good to me.
#7: Re: Condensation fix. Author: Rob2859, Location: HalifaxPosted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 6:24 pm ---- i just found leaving the cover off at the back worked fine
i just found leaving the cover off at the back worked fine
It didn't work for me, the moisture just came back as the temperature returned to that of outside the engine bay.
#9: Re: Condensation fix. Author: spike_202, Location: West midsPosted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 1:38 am ---- good tip! 1 of my angel eyes started misting up a while back so i just put my lights on to heat them up, i'll try this if it returns.
good tip! 1 of my angel eyes started misting up a while back so i just put my lights on to heat them up, i'll try this if it returns.
Turning the lights on worked for me but it often returned over night when the temperature dropped. Just been out to check if its returned and with the gel in there is no sign of moisture at all.
good tip! 1 of my angel eyes started misting up a while back so i just put my lights on to heat them up, i'll try this if it returns.
just what I used to do with my fogs
#12: Re: Condensation fix. Author: benb, Location: north devonPosted: Fri Jan 21, 2011 5:35 pm ---- thanks for tip hope it works
#13: Re: Condensation fix. Author: Howey, Location: Kings LynnPosted: Fri Jan 21, 2011 5:36 pm ---- Ive got 8 industrial sized ones in my car atm to stop the windows fogging over night. Works a treat! They are like 20cm by 10cm
#14: Re: Condensation fix. Author: benb, Location: north devonPosted: Fri Jan 21, 2011 5:41 pm ---- i am going to get loads from work tomo haha my car is guna be stacked with em top to bottom lol
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