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How much T Cut am I going to need?
-> 206 Talk

#1: How much T Cut am I going to need? Author: the_bowman, Location: Leicestershire (Ashby de la Zouch) PostPosted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 1:55 pm

My first accident Sad

Happened on a road near my house... driving along (carefully cause of the rain!) when suddenly the steering wheel spins to the right. Car started sliding head on towards a huge tree. I tried to correct it, ended up slaloming down the road, just couldn't get it under control.

What I remember is going sideways of the road, the car tipping to the left, hitting something (which I assume was a tree/trees) and bouncing back up onto the road.

So yeah... what annoys me most is that I could probably accept it if I was driving quickly/dangerously/stupidly, but I was actually taking my time plodding along.

Bad day Sad




#2: Re: How much T Cut am I going to need? Author: 2Oh!6, Location: Gloucester PostPosted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 1:57 pm
What made the steering wheel spin?

Unlucky though buddy!

#3: Re: How much T Cut am I going to need? Author: EuroPeugeot, Location: SW England PostPosted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 2:01 pm
Sorry to hear buddy

#4: Re: How much T Cut am I going to need? Author: wagsy206, Location: Coatbridge, Lanarkshire PostPosted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 2:04 pm
im just glad you walked away from it man. cars replacable.

when did it happen??

#5: Re: How much T Cut am I going to need? Author: the_bowman, Location: Leicestershire (Ashby de la Zouch) PostPosted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 2:04 pm
I've got no idea to be honest, I went back up and couldn't find anything in the road... my guess is that it was a branch or rock that I didn't spot and when I hit it it chucked it away... but like I say, I really have no idea!

#6: Re: How much T Cut am I going to need? Author: Mikey2uk, Location: Stevenage PostPosted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 2:05 pm
Not good mate sad times. The main thing is your hear to tell the story.

Sad times for the 206 just lately

#7: Re: How much T Cut am I going to need? Author: Quarmbo, Location: Bristol & Leicester PostPosted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 2:05 pm
Aqua plained?

#8: Re: How much T Cut am I going to need? Author: Andrew, Location: Black Country Ay I PostPosted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 2:08 pm
I'm sorry to hear that it's happened mate, but I'm glad you've come out in good health

#9: Re: How much T Cut am I going to need? Author: the_bowman, Location: Leicestershire (Ashby de la Zouch) PostPosted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 2:10 pm
Hmm... aqua planing could be possible... now you mention it I suppose if I was turning the wheel a bit at the time it could suddenly go... I'm not sure whether it was like that or it was torn away from me.

I do feel very lucky to walk away after I was heading towards a tree... thing is it's a car that me and my mum share, meaning we need a replacement soon so she can go to work :/

Too much to claim on insurance, with a £500 excess, so I'm thinking of breaking it, engine still runs fine, my dad drove it to a friend's house nearby, bumpers seem to be intact, front end and driver side seem fine, so might be able to get some pennies back on it

#10: Re: How much T Cut am I going to need? Author: meady, Location: basingstoke PostPosted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 2:11 pm
good to hear your alrite, thats some damage to do to the roof withouit rolling the car

#11: Re: How much T Cut am I going to need? Author: silver_v, Location: Ampshire PostPosted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 2:12 pm
OUCH! might need to mop it out? Wink

#12: Re: How much T Cut am I going to need? Author: shaker, Location: Austria PostPosted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 2:16 pm
aw, feel sorry for you mate!!

btw, is that a pigeon on the tarmac on pic3? lol

#13: Re: How much T Cut am I going to need? Author: Dillon, Location: Kent PostPosted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 2:16 pm
Gutting, never nice to see but always good to hear that everyone was ok Wink lookslike alot of it survived just not the biggest part, pretty impressive damage to the roof considering it landed on its wheels.

#14: Re: How much T Cut am I going to need? Author: Rob86, Location: Kent, England PostPosted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 2:18 pm
wow man that looks messed up! take its a right off? what you gunna do now?

#15: Re: How much T Cut am I going to need? Author: silver_v, Location: Ampshire PostPosted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 2:21 pm
you'll get some money back for your black badge, wheels, fog light, SP grille mate.

#16: Re: How much T Cut am I going to need? Author: meady, Location: basingstoke PostPosted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 2:23 pm
shaker wrote:
aw, feel sorry for you mate!!

btw, is that a pigeon on the tarmac on pic3? lol

thats one of them reflectors in the middle of the road Smile

#17: Re: How much T Cut am I going to need? Author: the_bowman, Location: Leicestershire (Ashby de la Zouch) PostPosted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 2:25 pm
Haha yes it was a reflector in the road Wink

What I think happened to the roof, is the car went down a bit of a dip at the side of the road, so it tipped left and the roof took most of the impact, then it obviously threw my back onto the road.

#18: Re: How much T Cut am I going to need? Author: myke, Location: United Kingdom PostPosted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 2:27 pm
That really is a shame, sorry to hear it, hope everything gets sorted for you. Smile Like the others said, just be glad that you and/or another driver didn't get hurt.

#19: Re: How much T Cut am I going to need? Author: DeadEyePaul, Location: Rugby,Warwickshire PostPosted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 2:35 pm
I think a tracking rod broke on one side and you only could control the other side? They play an important part of your steering

#20: Re: How much T Cut am I going to need? Author: the_bowman, Location: Leicestershire (Ashby de la Zouch) PostPosted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 2:42 pm
Nahh it wouldn't have been that... the car drove fine afterwards because my dad drove it to my friend's house and then onto a trailer to get it home... and I must have slalomed side to side 5 or 6 times trying to regain some control of it

#21: Re: How much T Cut am I going to need? Author: bertt, Location: chester PostPosted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 2:56 pm
unlucky mate good to hear your okayy,shame seen a few 206ers with worse for wear cars at the moment

#22: Re: How much T Cut am I going to need? Author: Geoff, Location: Evesham, Worcestershire PostPosted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 3:45 pm
The shell must have had some flex in it for the drivers side rear light to break as well!

#23: Re: How much T Cut am I going to need? Author: Danny., Location: Peterborough PostPosted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 3:52 pm
Dam mate that looks bad :/ Glad your ok.

Relector Thingy in middle of road? Cats eye Wink

#24: Re: How much T Cut am I going to need? Author: the_bowman, Location: Leicestershire (Ashby de la Zouch) PostPosted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 4:08 pm
Geoff wrote:
The shell must have had some flex in it for the drivers side rear light to break as well!

Yeah I was quote confused about that too... either there is a lot of shell flex, or I think I might have gone in rear quarter-first, as there isn't actually any damage to the passenger side wing, that seems to be where it stops.

#25: Re: How much T Cut am I going to need? Author: M60SHW, Location: Carlisle PostPosted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 4:46 pm
Shame, glad your ok tho,

Do you recon you might of hit a cats eye and you just lost it?? Only thing a can think of cats eyes and the. Aquaplaned??

#26: Re: How much T Cut am I going to need? Author: the_bowman, Location: Leicestershire (Ashby de la Zouch) PostPosted: Thu Aug 05, 2010 1:32 am
Hmm... I suppose a cats eye could be a possibility... but surely it wouldn't be enough to throw you off? I mean, it's only rubber at the end of the day

#27: Re: How much T Cut am I going to need? Author: LilLew, Location: Plymouth PostPosted: Thu Aug 05, 2010 2:05 am
if you were in the aquaplane then u practially lose complete steering can you rember if the car steering was light at all

#28: Re: How much T Cut am I going to need? Author: the_bowman, Location: Leicestershire (Ashby de la Zouch) PostPosted: Thu Aug 05, 2010 6:08 am
I think the aquaplane idea seems to make sense, as the steering wheel just span around, it was just after a slight right hand bend, so if I was pulling slightly on the wheel it could have just gone?

#29: Re: How much T Cut am I going to need? Author: Rob2859, Location: Halifax PostPosted: Thu Aug 05, 2010 6:26 am
unlucky mate. I found out you have to be gentle and smooth with the steering in the rain. there is a lot of that car that can go on ebay though so at least you will have a bit back. Just one of those things really least it wasn't head on into a tree. how fast were you going?

#30: Re: How much T Cut am I going to need? Author: the_bowman, Location: Leicestershire (Ashby de la Zouch) PostPosted: Thu Aug 05, 2010 6:39 am
Yeahh I'm gonna get it round the back and take it to bits as soon as I can, get bits up here and on ebay.

Wasn't going fast at all as I was taking it easy cause of the weather... I reckon it must have been 35-40mph, but once I started sliding it seemed to pick up speed

#31: Re: How much T Cut am I going to need? Author: shaker, Location: Austria PostPosted: Thu Aug 05, 2010 10:34 am
the_bowman wrote:
... I reckon it must have been 35-40mph, but once I started sliding it seemed to pick up speed
There we have it, it's an undercover toyota!
sorry Embarassed

I swear, first time i looked at pic 3 it looked like a dead bird lol.
But i'm not used to cats eyes in the road tho Razz

#32: Re: How much T Cut am I going to need? Author: sicskate, Location: Margate, Kent PostPosted: Thu Aug 05, 2010 10:46 am
Don't want to s**t on you whilst you down... But did u not consider pushing that pedal in the middle?

#33: Re: How much T Cut am I going to need? Author: Harry, Location: Stafford PostPosted: Thu Aug 05, 2010 11:13 am
Ouch I feel for you Sad but it happens all the time main thing is you're ok

#34: Re: How much T Cut am I going to need? Author: the_bowman, Location: Leicestershire (Ashby de la Zouch) PostPosted: Thu Aug 05, 2010 11:15 am
sicskate wrote:
Don't want to S*** on you whilst you down... But did u not consider pushing that pedal in the middle?

I did, but once you're skidding, if I hit the brakes I'd have only locked the wheels up, probably making the situation even worse

#35: Re: How much T Cut am I going to need? Author: Bailey, Location: Finding Dr. Robotnik PostPosted: Thu Aug 05, 2010 11:49 am
the_bowman wrote:
sicskate wrote:
Don't want to S*** on you whilst you down... But did u not consider pushing that pedal in the middle?

I did, but once you're skidding, if I hit the brakes I'd have only locked the wheels up, probably making the situation even worse

It must ofbeen aquaplaning. If you hit the break whilst aquaplaning then you will cause more problems. Just good to hear your ok.

#36: Re: How much T Cut am I going to need? Author: the_bowman, Location: Leicestershire (Ashby de la Zouch) PostPosted: Thu Aug 05, 2010 12:27 pm
Quick update for anyone interested; popped down to my GP today with shoulder pain, who referred me to hospital because he suspected a broken collar bone from the seatbelt. Fortunately it's only muscle and tissue damage, so I've been told to take it easy for a few weeks Smile

Considering the hefty whack my car took, and what could have been, I think muscle and tissue damage is a very fortunate outcome!

#37: Re: How much T Cut am I going to need? Author: shaker, Location: Austria PostPosted: Thu Aug 05, 2010 1:56 pm
Good to hear nothing more serious happened!
A broken collar bone hurts like hell btw, it's the only bone i've ever broken Laughing
At first, you think it's just a little sore.. Give it between half an hour and an hour, and it'll hurt like hell.
Worst thing is, you can't put a cast on it. You'll get a sling for the arm, and that's it...

little question, don't have to answer if you don't want to - how abouts do you plan on going about this regarding insurance?
Report it or just get the cash you can off parts?

#38: Re: How much T Cut am I going to need? Author: Seb, Location: Under your bed PostPosted: Thu Aug 05, 2010 2:07 pm
Sorry to hear mate - roads are incredibly dangerous after it's been warm and then rained on.

#39: Re: How much T Cut am I going to need? Author: Rob2859, Location: Halifax PostPosted: Thu Aug 05, 2010 2:13 pm
This is a bit of a pointless thread. nobody has even answered the guys question. But to be honest i think you will have to go the the wholesalers Very Happy

#40: Re: How much T Cut am I going to need? Author: the_bowman, Location: Leicestershire (Ashby de la Zouch) PostPosted: Thu Aug 05, 2010 2:37 pm
shaker wrote:
Good to hear nothing more serious happened!
A broken collar bone hurts like hell btw, it's the only bone i've ever broken Laughing
At first, you think it's just a little sore.. Give it between half an hour and an hour, and it'll hurt like hell.
Worst thing is, you can't put a cast on it. You'll get a sling for the arm, and that's it...

little question, don't have to answer if you don't want to - how abouts do you plan on going about this regarding insurance?
Report it or just get the cash you can off parts?

Yeahh, I mean I was fine when I got out the car, but it got gradually worse as the night went on until I could barely move it this morning!

As for insurance... my excess is £700 Confused so it's not worth claiming on. I've got the car round the back of my house now, so it's time to start dismantling it!

#41: Re: How much T Cut am I going to need? Author: spud_owen, Location: ashby de la zouch PostPosted: Thu Aug 05, 2010 2:44 pm
sicskate wrote:
Don't want to S*** on you whilst you down... But did u not consider pushing that pedal in the middle?

worse thing you can do is slam on the brakes if you got a tank slapper on, ive always been told to hammer the loud pedal if you can an pull yourself out of it.

let me no if you want a hand taking any bits off mate, your welcome to stick some stuff in my lock up as well if need be ass its sitting empty at the mintue.

#42: Re: How much T Cut am I going to need? Author: the_bowman, Location: Leicestershire (Ashby de la Zouch) PostPosted: Thu Aug 05, 2010 3:01 pm
spud_owen wrote:
sicskate wrote:
Don't want to S*** on you whilst you down... But did u not consider pushing that pedal in the middle?

worse thing you can do is slam on the brakes if you got a tank slapper on, ive always been told to hammer the loud pedal if you can an pull yourself out of it.

let me no if you want a hand taking any bits off mate, your welcome to stick some stuff in my lock up as well if need be ass its sitting empty at the mintue.

Thanks a lot for that offer Very Happy

I could well take you up on that some time... at the moment I've got it round the back of my house, and managed to get the two damaged doors off Smile

#43: Re: How much T Cut am I going to need? Author: spud_owen, Location: ashby de la zouch PostPosted: Fri Aug 06, 2010 5:51 am
im off on holiday tonight untill next sunday, but drop me a pm if you need a hand.

#44: Re: How much T Cut am I going to need? Author: lewie, Location: Kent PostPosted: Thu Aug 26, 2010 9:24 am
just an update- your car lives on.
Front bumper received and fog holes cut just waiting for the honeycomb grill then I shll fit to my/daughters 206.

#45: Re: How much T Cut am I going to need? Author: Big_Rich180 PostPosted: Thu Aug 26, 2010 9:34 am
sicskate wrote:
Don't want to s**t on you whilst you down... But did u not consider pushing that pedal in the middle?

Last thing you want to do is press the brake, its front wheel drive so keeping the power on has more chance of pulling you out of it.

#46: Re: How much T Cut am I going to need? Author: the_bowman, Location: Leicestershire (Ashby de la Zouch) PostPosted: Thu Aug 26, 2010 9:39 am
lewie wrote:
just an update- your car lives on.
Front bumper received and fog holes cut just waiting for the honeycomb grill then I shll fit to my/daughters 206.

Lovely to see! Fog light cutouts are looking nice and smart, make sure to add a pic when it's fitted Smile

#47: Re: How much T Cut am I going to need? Author: lewie, Location: Kent PostPosted: Thu Aug 26, 2010 9:46 am
Will do hopefully the grill will arrive tomorrow and should have it filtted.

#48: Re: How much T Cut am I going to need? Author: lewie, Location: Kent PostPosted: Tue Aug 31, 2010 6:43 am
Matt ok all done



#49: Re: How much T Cut am I going to need? Author: the_bowman, Location: Leicestershire (Ashby de la Zouch) PostPosted: Tue Aug 31, 2010 9:55 am
lewie wrote:
Matt ok all done



Good Stuff Smile

What's going on in the first picture though? Is it just in primer?

Looks smart though, especially like the SP badge Smile

#50: Re: How much T Cut am I going to need? Author: lewie, Location: Kent PostPosted: Tue Aug 31, 2010 2:06 pm
Ist pic was the bumper I had on

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