#1: What PSi? Author: EDP407, Location: Melksham, WiltshirePosted: Tue Sep 14, 2010 7:34 am ---- Wondering if anyone could give me any suggestions or help. On my 306 Meridian the tyres say MAX PSI 44psi, and little old novice me, I have kept them at this pressure since getting it!! ONly just found out the damge it could cause. I had no Idea though until I read the Haynes manual. It says they should be at around 35psi. I have set them to this but they feel... hmm "soggy" cornerings worse and obivously, it doesn't role however it is a lot mroe comfier ride now! Have I done the right thing? Will I notice a difference in my MPG now?
#2: Re: What PSi? Author: Quarmbo, Location: Bristol & LeicesterPosted: Tue Sep 14, 2010 8:01 am ---- 44 is quite a lot, and probably the max the tyre can take. It should say somewhere on the car the max psi for the tyres (fitted to that car). If not, it will be in your owners manual.
#3: Re: What PSi? Author: meady, Location: basingstokePosted: Tue Sep 14, 2010 8:14 am ---- it wil be no where near what the tyre can handle as they tested it on tht car show vroom vroom a while bk and the tyre got 2 200psi before blowin, the 206 has the recomended tyre presure on a sticker on the drivers door pillar, i gues the 306 may be the same
#4: Re: What PSi? Author: EDP407, Location: Melksham, WiltshirePosted: Tue Sep 14, 2010 12:30 pm ---- Brillaint yep on the door pillar. Thanks very much guys, greatly appreciated.
#5: Re: What PSi? Author: meady, Location: basingstokePosted: Tue Sep 14, 2010 12:39 pm ---- no wories mate
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