#1: Mudflaps? Author: Werdnal, Location: Cornwall, UKPosted: Sun Oct 10, 2010 1:59 pm ---- I know there are various thoughts for and against flaps here, but having a light coloured (sahara yellow) SW and living down a farm track, every time I clean the car, I only need to go out once and the sills are flithy again. I have infact never had a car without mudflaps, and never found they caused any additional corrosion problems (had my last car for 9 years).
Was thinking of paying a visit to the local scrappy this week to see if I can pick any up there, but looked on his stock list and he doesn't have any SW's at the moment. Would 206 hatch/saloon flaps fit on the rear? Also, are genuine Peugeot ones the best option for a tailored fit, or has anyone tried any other aftermarket makes that fit well/look good?
#2: Re: Mudflaps? Author: Rob2859, Location: HalifaxPosted: Sun Oct 10, 2010 2:03 pm ---- I bought some cheap ones on ebay that look pretty OEM. they are a good fit and look pretty good
#3: Re: Mudflaps? Author: rttam, Location: devonPosted: Sun Oct 10, 2010 2:17 pm ---- i got proper moulded "styled" peugeot ones for about £30 for front and back from peugeot so maybe just as cheap to go to a dealer and ask
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