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**206info @ Fast Show 2011 Meet location ADDED**
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-> Official 206info Meets

#361: Re: **206info @ Fast Show 2011 Meet location ADDED** Author: Mikey2uk, Location: Stevenage PostPosted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 1:28 pm
Gems wrote:
Mikey it's not your fault Hun it's the s***ty layout that they've done! Your not to blame

Thats not whats being said on FB.....

#362: Re: **206info @ Fast Show 2011 Meet location ADDED** Author: Ste, Location: Hull -or- The World Of Info Code PostPosted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 1:39 pm
Harry wrote:
I haven't been before, but it's not like we are number 57 (wtf is up with that), we are with dozens of other clubs I don't see the problem. If the surface is s**t then that's another story.

The surface is that crap over that area I dont even think my car will manage and it's only lowered 45mm lol! Anyone lower than that is going to have one heck of a sore butt after getting there Sad

#363: Re: **206info @ Fast Show 2011 Meet location ADDED** Author: tofy92, Location: potters bar PostPosted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 1:44 pm
erm my splitter is 2 inches from ground any slope and im f****d

#364: Re: **206info @ Fast Show 2011 Meet location ADDED** Author: Ste, Location: Hull -or- The World Of Info Code PostPosted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 1:48 pm
tofy92 wrote:
erm my splitter is 2 inches from ground any slope and im f****d

Your f****d Sad I'll help lift the front end up to get you into place if needs be, don't worry mate we'll get you on the stand Thumb Up

#365: Re: **206info @ Fast Show 2011 Meet location ADDED** Author: tofy92, Location: potters bar PostPosted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 1:50 pm
ok Smile

#366: Re: **206info @ Fast Show 2011 Meet location ADDED** Author: Mikey2uk, Location: Stevenage PostPosted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 1:53 pm
Email from Donna @ Santa Pod
As you can see, we have a record number of clubs attending this year and the event seems to be growing in popularity.
Due to the massive amount of cars that we have booked in, a lot of clubs are on grass. For this reason, we ...have used our field that is in the best condition. As a lot of you have low cars, we have taken this into consideration when placing the clubs that are on grass.
This area is also the closest to the entrance/exit, therefore we hope to alleviate the problems of last year with traffic getting stuck on site.
New for Fast Show this year, we also have a Bankside Shop. This is basically another Pod Shop but will be closer to the clubs on bankside

This is not my fault at all. If you dont like it take it up with them instead of bitching at me.

#367: Re: **206info @ Fast Show 2011 Meet location ADDED** Author: Harry, Location: Stafford PostPosted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 1:54 pm
Ste206 wrote:
Harry wrote:
I haven't been before, but it's not like we are number 57 (wtf is up with that), we are with dozens of other clubs I don't see the problem. If the surface is s**t then that's another story.

The surface is that crap over that area I dont even think my car will manage and it's only lowered 45mm lol! Anyone lower than that is going to have one heck of a sore butt after getting there Sad

Mines 100mm at the rear Confused

Will it ground out or something ridiculous?

#368: Re: **206info @ Fast Show 2011 Meet location ADDED** Author: Jonno, Location: Boston/Spalding Lincs PostPosted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 2:02 pm
Look at the positives, we are one of the closest to the live action arena,
there are other clubs bigger than ours further away, VX online i know as one, and they are 80 something iirc
The amount of car clubs in the two strips around us will be plenty to luck at
and when you do venture across to the strip, your going to be sat down watching, so whats the problem in a little walk?

and to anyone slagging mickey on fb, ive not been on tonight to look, wants their head looking at...this bloke organises pretty much everything for us all, tickets, meeting place, on his own, and to a bl00dy good standard! All we have to do is give him the money and turn up where HE tells us to..hardly his fault where the show put us..

2nd rant of today over Smile

#369: Re: **206info @ Fast Show 2011 Meet location ADDED** Author: Gems, Location: Oxford PostPosted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 2:03 pm
Mikey who is having a go at you?
Harry the fact I that where we've been put it's ridiculous for uneven ground but a ste said we will just have to check it out when we get there and will just help each other out. When you look at the map there not using half the space they used to so it's a load of rubbish about having to go on the grass due to more stands. Oh well I'm sure we will all still have a good time

#370: Re: **206info @ Fast Show 2011 Meet location ADDED** Author: Harry, Location: Stafford PostPosted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 2:08 pm
Gems wrote:
Mikey who is having a go at you?
Harry the fact I that where we've been put it's ridiculous for uneven ground but a ste said we will just have to check it out when we get there and will just help each other out. When you look at the map there not using half the space they used to so it's a load of rubbish about having to go on the grass due to more stands. Oh well I'm sure we will all still have a good time

I've gone over bad grounds before, I'm not too worried about my car it's kind of crap. I'm happy to be at the show - just as long as we can get there alright Smile

Mikey always does a good job I haven't seen anyone moan on here but if they have they need to do it them bloody selves if they dont like it.

#371: Re: **206info @ Fast Show 2011 Meet location ADDED** Author: Ste, Location: Hull -or- The World Of Info Code PostPosted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 2:11 pm
As said on facebook (I got annoyed with all the bitching going on on my wall)

The organisation of the cars is fucking retarded this year, there's clubs that have booked after us that are on solid ground, and there's clubs that booked e...picly early (In the tens) that are on soft standing. You'd think with the ammount of cars we're and the money that's been pushed into their pockets from us that they'd atleased put that into concideration and wack on us solid. Ah well if my car gets broke'd from the shitty conditions I'll just sew their asses >.<

#372: Re: **206info @ Fast Show 2011 Meet location ADDED** Author: Ste, Location: Hull -or- The World Of Info Code PostPosted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 2:13 pm
And most of the moaning will be down to how smooth it all went last year when I did it, everything planned and everything went exactly like the plans..

It's one of them, 'it wasnt like this last year, why the big change' situations - change = bad, bad = rage, rage = RAWR!

I think I need a cig and a coffee.

#373: Re: **206info @ Fast Show 2011 Meet location ADDED** Author: Mikey2uk, Location: Stevenage PostPosted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 2:16 pm
Its gone to plan this year Ste, we are at the show what more could we do. Its got nothing to do with who arranged things that is what some people are missing here.

It could of been anyone who did this and we would still be in the same postion as we are now, we booked early enough and did everything we could to actually get there.

#374: Re: **206info @ Fast Show 2011 Meet location ADDED** Author: namgaj, Location: Chasing Ash, Addaz and Lee........... hopefully catching Addaz and havin fun :P PostPosted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 2:17 pm
Ste206 wrote:
And most of the moaning will be down to how smooth it all went last year when I did it, everything planned and everything went exactly like the plans..

It's one of them, 'it wasnt like this last year, why the big change' situations - change = bad, bad = rage, rage = RAWR!

I think I need a cig and a coffee.

LMAO stressed out eric!! how you think a RWD, HEAVY car will be on grass, especially if its wet!!!!! Shocked

#375: Re: **206info @ Fast Show 2011 Meet location ADDED** Author: Ste, Location: Hull -or- The World Of Info Code PostPosted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 2:19 pm
namgaj wrote:
Ste206 wrote:
And most of the moaning will be down to how smooth it all went last year when I did it, everything planned and everything went exactly like the plans..

It's one of them, 'it wasnt like this last year, why the big change' situations - change = bad, bad = rage, rage = RAWR!

I think I need a cig and a coffee.

LMAO stressed out eric!! how you think a RWD, HEAVY car will be on grass, especially if its wet!!!!! Shocked

It's ok Ant, I'll tow you Rolling On The Floor Laughing

-> Official 206info Meets

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