#1: Gearbox/clutch Author: peterhdi, Location: bradfordPosted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 3:26 pm ---- Sat in traffic minding my own earlier, Smoke starts coming from under the bonnet-had a quick look-rekon its coming from the clutch, got that horrible smell!
1.4 hdi by the way.
Any way, since smoking one more time it has settled, but it's a bit crunchie going in to gear-juddery when setting off and the pedal has become pretty stiff?
Is it a hydraulic clutch? could it be oil that has spilt on to the the clutch making it smoke and slip? Any thoughts/experience greatly recieved.
Complete newbie to peugeot at your mercy.
#2: Re: Gearbox/clutch Author: panason1c, Location: SomersetPosted: Mon Dec 13, 2010 4:11 am ---- Clutch fluid cannot reach the clutch plate, the hydraulic slave cylinder is fitted on the side of the gearbox and even if it was leaking the fluid would just drip onto the ground. Sounds like the clutch assembly is worn out.
#3: Re: Gearbox/clutch Author: peterhdi, Location: bradfordPosted: Mon Dec 13, 2010 5:16 pm ---- Ok- cheers, but would this cause the pedal to become stiff also?
#4: Re: Gearbox/clutch Author: panason1c, Location: SomersetPosted: Tue Dec 14, 2010 2:11 am ---- Yes, if the lining of the plate has disintegrated that would cause the pressure cover to present more resistance to the clutch operating fork resulting in a 'stiffer; clutch pedal.
#5: Re: Gearbox/clutch Author: peterhdi, Location: bradfordPosted: Wed Dec 15, 2010 4:49 pm ---- Ok cheers panasonic. : )
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