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Air in fuel lines?
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-> 206 Problems

#1: Air in fuel lines? Author: fkismad, Location: Northern Ireland PostPosted: Sun Dec 19, 2010 1:13 pm
Hi folks

This is my first post on the forum. Bought a 2000 206 1.9d a few days ago. Car seemed fine when i test drove it but lost power a little. Was told it needed a new fuel filter, so i replaced the filter but now the car seems worse. Its hard to start and keeps conking out. It only starts again when i use the little primer pump in the engine.

I can see quite a lot of air bubbles in the fuel lines in the engine. I assume this is why it keeps cutting out. The filter is installed correctly with the little rubber gaskets in place. Looking for some advice as to what to try to solve this problem.


#2: Re: Air in fuel lines? Author: Steve206, Location: UK PostPosted: Sun Dec 19, 2010 1:14 pm
Sounds right, happened to my old 1.9d 309. follow the fuel lines and look for splits.

#3: Re: Air in fuel lines? Author: rttam, Location: devon PostPosted: Sun Dec 19, 2010 1:17 pm
to be honest mate it could be very hard to diagnose this fault with out looking at the car as it could be one of many faults

are you 100% sure the filters sealed up tightly i know the 1.9's have those nasty clips the filter housing and can be very easy also for the seal to drop out when fitted without noticing it

also check the injector leak off pipes for wetness/deteriation if in any doubt replace them they cost virtually next to nothing

if neither of these cure it trace all the diesel pipes and whole system and check for leaks/damage to anything

#4: Re: Air in fuel lines? Author: fkismad, Location: Northern Ireland PostPosted: Sun Dec 19, 2010 1:29 pm
Thanks for the replies! I will check the filter again to make sure the seals are definately in place then take if from there!

#5: Re: Air in fuel lines? Author: deebee, Location: Birmingham PostPosted: Sun Dec 19, 2010 1:37 pm
Ive got the SAME PROBLEM ATM on my 1.4 hdi, and was told that its a hole in my fuel line or my primer bust so im getting it done in new year Smile

#6: Re: Air in fuel lines? Author: fkismad, Location: Northern Ireland PostPosted: Mon Dec 20, 2010 4:02 pm
I have taken the filter housing off and made sure that it went back on properly with both rubber rings in place, however the problem persists. The filter housing seems to be filling up with air and only when i pump the primer does the housing fill up to the top with fuel and then the car starts and runs until air gets in and it cuts out.

I can rule out that the air is getting in through the actual housing as i have made sure it is sealed properly.

Is it possible the fuel pump isnt working properly or is it more likely that air is getting into the line before entering the fuel filter housing.

This is really annoying me and my mechanic is flat out all week Sad

#7: Re: Air in fuel lines? Author: deebee, Location: Birmingham PostPosted: Mon Dec 20, 2010 4:37 pm
im the same, i got told it was a hole in my fuel line, or my primer wasnt working and to get both replaced he first said it was filter but then saw how new it was and sai nahh so he reckons its primer or fuel line

#8: Re: Air in fuel lines? Author: fkismad, Location: Northern Ireland PostPosted: Mon Dec 20, 2010 5:11 pm
Your in the same boat as me then! I guess il have to have a good look for the hole or loose fitting - Not gonna be much fun in the cold!

#9: Re: Air in fuel lines? Author: mjsroofing, Location: south wales PostPosted: Tue Dec 21, 2010 5:44 am
try running a direct fuel feed to the pump or close to the pump, this will tell you if its the pump or not

#10: Re: Air in fuel lines? Author: fkismad, Location: Northern Ireland PostPosted: Wed Dec 22, 2010 1:53 pm
Not had much time to investigate this further but i can see that the air is in the line before it even reaches the filter. Would the best thing be to just replace the fuel line coming from the tank? And do i get the fuel lines from a the peugeot/citroen dealer?

#11: Re: Air in fuel lines? Author: macj, Location: Essex PostPosted: Wed Dec 22, 2010 2:39 pm
Let me throw this one at you....injector not sealing and combustion gasses getting into the system.... comes in through return pipes and injector pipes and ends up in the filter till it gets enough air to stop....

Solution.... get injectors out and get em bench tested to see if any have stuck open

See where I am going with this.... worth a call to your local injection specialist to see how many he has done

#12: Re: Air in fuel lines? Author: TomStanley, Location: Southampton PostPosted: Thu Dec 23, 2010 5:23 am

I had the same problem over about 4 months. pumping the line worked, but was a pain. I couldn't trace the leak and in the end took it to Peugeot at Alton, where I'd bought the car from.
They traced it to split pipes underneath the filter in the engine bay, i.e, the leak was further down the line than the hand fuel pump, and the air was leaking back into the line. It was easy to spot once the filter box was off, but I wouldn't have though of looking there.
I bought the pipe assembly from Peugeot (£70ish) and had it sorted locally.
Full mark to the service team who traced it, no marks at all to the sales staff who shrugged shoulders and said its not covered in the warranty, even though it was recessed to protect from damage and must have been there before I bought the car.......

#13: Re: Air in fuel lines? Author: fkismad, Location: Northern Ireland PostPosted: Thu Dec 23, 2010 3:40 pm
Good that you got it sorted, i have to wait to my mechanic is free as i cant find the problem. The bubbles are coming through the pipe thats circled in the picture so i know that the split/hole is somewhere down the line towards the fuel tank and not coming through the filter housing. Quite frustrating, cant even drive the car now.


#14: Re: Air in fuel lines? Author: macj, Location: Essex PostPosted: Thu Dec 23, 2010 3:49 pm
Try cracking each injector pipe at the injector... one at a time. and see if you get frothy derv out of any

#15: Re: Air in fuel lines? Author: mjsroofing, Location: south wales PostPosted: Thu Dec 23, 2010 3:57 pm
macj wrote:
Try cracking each injector pipe at the injector... one at a time. and see if you get frothy derv out of any

yeah and at the same time see if engine sounds different it should sound much different and if one dont that would be that faulty one......????...... possibley

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