#1: Heater not working and engine temp rising??? Author: EuroPeugeot, Location: SW EnglandPosted: Sun Dec 26, 2010 7:01 am ---- Its been -10 degrees the past 2nights here.
I went to drive my GTi 180 for a 15 minute drive, and the whole way the heater provided no heat at all!! Alone with this, my engine temperature rose slowly, until it almost got the red, so I switched off the engine.
I opened my bonnet and gave the radiator hoses a squeeze and they had water within, so all seemed normal.
But I opened the coolant/water cap, and I could see very small chunks of ice!!!!
I drove it back home, and I am now asking for help
What should I do? Its suppose to be a minimum of 1-2 degree tonight, so that should help.
Do I just need to top up my antifreeze levels when the outside temperature is more normal?
Or have I broke something driving it etc.
Also, exact same thing has happened to my 1996 Nissan Micra 2 weeks ago!
Please give me your advise fellow infoers..
#2: Re: Heater not working and engine temp rising??? Author: MrBSI, Location: What's it to you? ? ?Posted: Sun Dec 26, 2010 7:03 am ---- Sounds like there isn't enough antifreeze in the coolant.
Fingers crossed you haven't cracked the block or popped a core plug out.
You really need a 50 / 50 mix in the coolant system to be on the safe side.
Either drop the lot out & start a fresh with a 50 / 50 mix.
Top it up with neat antifreeze.
The first option is the better one.
#3: Re: Heater not working and engine temp rising??? Author: sherman_2009, Location: Glouster & Manchester UKPosted: Sun Dec 26, 2010 7:09 am ---- It could also be the fues for the fan or the relay for the fan.
#4: Re: Heater not working and engine temp rising??? Author: MrBSI, Location: What's it to you? ? ?Posted: Sun Dec 26, 2010 7:11 am ----
sherman_2009 wrote:
It could also be the fues for the fan or the relay for the fan.
How does that explain the ice in the expansion bottle
#5: Re: Heater not working and engine temp rising??? Author: E5GDM, Location: EssexPosted: Sun Dec 26, 2010 7:11 am ---- Sounds like the coolant in your cooling system froze! You need to make sure the coolent is thawed, then add the correct amount of anti freeze (specified on the bottle) for the present conditions.
And hope you've done no lasting damage to anything.
#6: Re: Heater not working and engine temp rising??? Author: EuroPeugeot, Location: SW EnglandPosted: Sun Dec 26, 2010 7:12 am ---- 50/50?
I'll do that tomorrow then.
Literally just flush the lot out? Best with warm water due to the situation? Or cold?
#7: Re: Heater not working and engine temp rising??? Author: MrBSI, Location: What's it to you? ? ?Posted: Sun Dec 26, 2010 7:15 am ---- 50% neat anti freeze & 50% fresh water.
Move the car somewhere warm to help melt the ice in the system.
#8: Re: Heater not working and engine temp rising??? Author: EuroPeugeot, Location: SW EnglandPosted: Sun Dec 26, 2010 7:23 am ---- I don't think there will be anywhere warm
Thanks everyone for the replies!
Anyone else had the same thing happen?
#9: Re: Heater not working and engine temp rising??? Author: MrBSI, Location: What's it to you? ? ?Posted: Sun Dec 26, 2010 7:26 am ----
EuroPeugeot wrote:
Anyone else had the same thing happen?
RAC / AA will have been out to many.
Lack of antifreeze, if your unlucky it freeze the water pump snapping the cam belt when you try to start the engine.
It can also pop the core plugs out the engine block.
The correct mixture of antifreeze should be good down to around minus 36 C
#10: Re: Heater not working and engine temp rising??? Author: panason1c, Location: SomersetPosted: Sun Dec 26, 2010 7:53 am ---- In your case, you clearly have little or no antifreeze in the system, so, as a quick fix, i would drain the reservoir (syphon it out) and fill it up with 100% undiluted coolant and run the engine for it to circulate/mix
#11: Re: Heater not working and engine temp rising??? Author: EuroPeugeot, Location: SW EnglandPosted: Sun Dec 26, 2010 7:54 am ---- Ahh right, well at least it hasn't got to that point then, of freezing the water pump and snapping the cam belt
#12: Re: Heater not working and engine temp rising??? Author: panason1c, Location: SomersetPosted: Sun Dec 26, 2010 7:58 am ---- Just hope you havent damaged the head gasket due to a 'hot spot' around the cylinder head which occurs when the engine is run with the block water jacket frozen or partially frozen.
#13: Re: Heater not working and engine temp rising??? Author: dturbopeck, Location: newcastle upon tynePosted: Sun Dec 26, 2010 8:00 am ---- Waterpump blades are plastic on them, if its been frozzen would of snapped off, causing heaters not to work and temp to go up! just did one on a passcaso this week
#14: Re: Heater not working and engine temp rising??? Author: EuroPeugeot, Location: SW EnglandPosted: Sun Dec 26, 2010 8:01 am ---- I guess all will be revealed once I've changed coolant.
Any tips about getting it out etc?
#15: Re: Heater not working and engine temp rising??? Author: EuroPeugeot, Location: SW EnglandPosted: Sun Dec 26, 2010 8:20 am ---- How will I know if the water pump is dead?
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