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yellow engine light
-> 206 Problems

#1: yellow engine light Author: hampshire1, Location: southampton PostPosted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 12:30 pm
girlfriend has 1.1 2004 206. yellow engine light is on but car is running perfect. the oil was very low (off the dip stick)!. topped up with oil now showing full. would this have caused the engine management light to come on? if so hoew can i get rid of the light now? cheers

#2: Re: yellow engine light Author: MrBSI, Location: What's it to you? ? ? PostPosted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 12:30 pm
Needs a code scan, your just guessing unless you have the codes read Wink

#3: Re: yellow engine light Author: Lee, Location: England PostPosted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 12:31 pm
Needs a fault code scan.

[/end thread]

#4: Re: yellow engine light Author: hampshire1, Location: southampton PostPosted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 12:34 pm
would the aa be able to read the code if she called them out?

#5: Re: yellow engine light Author: Lee, Location: England PostPosted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 12:35 pm

#6: Re: yellow engine light Author: MrBSI, Location: What's it to you? ? ? PostPosted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 12:36 pm
hampshire1 wrote:
would the aa be able to read the code if she called them out?

Yes, they should be able to but they wont be to happy unless the cars actually broken down Laughing

#7: Re: yellow engine light Author: hampshire1, Location: southampton PostPosted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 12:40 pm
do you know if low oil sets the engine manegement light off?

#8: Re: yellow engine light Author: MrBSI, Location: What's it to you? ? ? PostPosted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 12:41 pm
Shouldnt do, who knows what codes the ecu has stored Laughing

Then again the oil level gauge on the dash at start up gives plenty of clues to the engine oil level Wink

#9: Re: yellow engine light Author: Timon2210, Location: Palestine PostPosted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 12:58 pm
why to call AA to read you the codes,while your GF car is running perfect as you said,the AA for help on the road when your car is broken down.
So take it to the garage or the dealer instead of guessing,because such light on the dash can be cause by hundreds of things,and only diagnostic software can tell you what it's for sure,good luck.

#10: Re: yellow engine light Author: Lee, Location: England PostPosted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 1:02 pm
Timon2210 wrote:
why to call AA to read you the codes,while your GF car is running perfect as you said,the AA for help on the road when your car is broken down.
So take it to the garage or the dealer instead of guessing,because such light on the dash can be cause by hundreds of things,and only diagnostic software can tell you what it's for sure,good luck.

They have paid the fee for the AA already, so why pay again? Wink

#11: Re: yellow engine light Author: Timon2210, Location: Palestine PostPosted: Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:10 am
Lee wrote:
Timon2210 wrote:
why to call AA to read you the codes,while your GF car is running perfect as you said,the AA for help on the road when your car is broken down.
So take it to the garage or the dealer instead of guessing,because such light on the dash can be cause by hundreds of things,and only diagnostic software can tell you what it's for sure,good luck.

They have paid the fee for the AA already, so why pay again? Wink

I agree!

-> 206 Problems

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