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A few issues
-> 206 Talk

#1: A few issues Author: amy-v17, Location: Bury St Edmunds/Luton/Bournemouth PostPosted: Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:03 am
Went and gave it a QUICK clean today (I realise its not cleaned brilliantly) and decided I would produce a list of things that need to be done, more than what I first thought!

Firstly just a pic of it clean Smile


Secondly my wing mirrors, these are real carbon fiber caps and as you can see the lacquer is peeling off, does anybody know how I can sort this out and restore it. They have only been on the car just over a year and as I am sure you are aware carbon fiber is not cheap!!



...My powerflow exhaust has been like this for a couple of months now, just hanging on for dear life, I thought it was about time I had it looked at so putting it on the 2 post lift tomorrow....



...and whilst its up there I am going to fit my new brakes that arrived literally half an hour ago Smile




On top of these issues I also have an extremely squeaky fan belt that is getting progressively worse which one of my mates is going to sort out for me tomorrow, a chipped number plate so going for some pressed plates, new wipers (which I have I just need to fit) and some scratches on my rear bumper where some b**ted drove into my parked car and drove off in the summer!!!

Once all of this is sorted Im going to forget about cosmetic mods for now and concentrate of getting some more power out of it Smile

#2: Re: A few issues Author: Cr4zYb0y, Location: Salisbury PostPosted: Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:15 am
amy-v17 wrote:
concentrate of getting some more power out of it Smile

Is that so it goes fast across a field Razz Very Happy Twisted Evil

#3: Re: A few issues Author: amy-v17, Location: Bury St Edmunds/Luton/Bournemouth PostPosted: Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:18 am
Didn't your mother ever teach you if you cant say anything nice dont say anything at all Razz

#4: Re: A few issues Author: cu8ey, Location: toronto, bishop auckland PostPosted: Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:31 am
i saw u on that bed last nite Wink hehe

Amy your ment to look after your 206!!! can see that you not looking after her at all!


#5: Re: A few issues Author: Lee, Location: England PostPosted: Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:32 am
Mirror - Ring the place up where you bought it from and see what they have to say
Exhaust - Take it back to the garage, should have come with lifetime guarantee
Brakes - EBC meh
Fan Belt- probably wants tightening up, but might as well renew it as they are cheap enough, plus get the bottom pulley checked while its off
Pressed plates - dubmeister
Wipers - Bosch Aerotwin, you need a inch shorter, 21/21 probably
Bumper - Ask a sprayer to see if they can fill the scratches in if they are pretty light, or try some hard polish.

#6: Re: A few issues Author: amy-v17, Location: Bury St Edmunds/Luton/Bournemouth PostPosted: Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:39 am
Shut up Mark you're making it sound like something it wasnt Razz lol! I have been looking after it it just all went wrong at once Sad

The mirrors came from ecosse but I didn't buy them my brother did I asked him about it and he reckons he can fix it so we shall see.

The exhaust did come with a lifetime guarentee but I went away for 2months when it was due for its yearly check up so thats now void.

And already have the bosch wipers just need to put them on, will probably do it tomorrow

Iv just tripped over the box with the brakes in, I think im more broken than the car now Sad

#7: Re: A few issues Author: Lee, Location: England PostPosted: Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:42 am
I think they replaced Howey's spoiler when his started peeling Confused

Ahh right, probably just needs new hangers or wants them tightening up

You know them things either side of your nose? Open them, it works wonders Razz Laughing

#8: Re: A few issues Author: cu8ey, Location: toronto, bishop auckland PostPosted: Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:52 am
amy-v17 wrote:
Shut up Mark you're making it sound like something it wasnt Razz lol! I have been looking after it it just all went wrong at once Sad

we just wish it was that something Razz

#9: Re: A few issues Author: amy-v17, Location: Bury St Edmunds/Luton/Bournemouth PostPosted: Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:57 am
Ok thanks Lee I will contact them and see what they say about it Smile

I reckon it just needs new hangers will have a look in the morning Smile

#10: Re: A few issues Author: PUG91, Location: Shropshire PostPosted: Thu Dec 30, 2010 12:10 pm
get it lowered amy, looks about as high as mine Surprised

#11: Re: A few issues Author: amy-v17, Location: Bury St Edmunds/Luton/Bournemouth PostPosted: Thu Dec 30, 2010 1:12 pm
Well actually just put my springs up for sale I just dont know where to go with the car at the moment I fell out of love with it and decided to put it back to standard an now i dont know =\

#12: Re: A few issues Author: PUG91, Location: Shropshire PostPosted: Thu Dec 30, 2010 1:23 pm
oh right you gonna go onto a different car then?

#13: Re: A few issues Author: amy-v17, Location: Bury St Edmunds/Luton/Bournemouth PostPosted: Thu Dec 30, 2010 2:31 pm
Well Iv toyed with the idea of getting a supra tt or silvia s15 but I haven't found the right one yet and even so I will almost definitely keep the pug just want to take it in a different direction Smile

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