#1: wheezing noise after boost Author: troy, Location: llanelliPosted: Wed Jan 12, 2011 4:20 pm ---- my 2.0 hdi has devoloped a wheezing noise after the boost and when you let the throttle off. so when you change gear the wheezing stays until you drive in gear again. to me it sounds as if its coming from the turbo area, i personaly think its either the diaphragm leaking slightly in the turbo solenoid or is actually the solenoid sticking when going back in and making the noise
i just wondered if anyone has had anything the same or heard of it before, it is quite peculiar.
#2: Re: wheezing noise after boost Author: troy, Location: llanelliPosted: Thu Jan 13, 2011 12:06 pm ---- anyone?
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