#1: axle woes Author: badj, Location: WiltshirePosted: Thu Jan 13, 2011 12:38 pm ---- I think the rear axle bearing(s) may have gone on my 206.
Its a 99 Gti, and although there doesnt seem to be as much 'camber' as I've suffered from with 306s in the past, one wheel has an awful lot of sidewards play in it (moves in 9 & 3 oclock directions). When driving it randomly starts vibrating the whole car and a mate following said the wheel twitches.
I've assumed that it can only be the axle bearings that are gone
Any had this before?
#2: Re: axle woes Author: T_bandery, Location: East londonPosted: Thu Jan 13, 2011 12:45 pm ---- Is it just the wheel that is moving or is the whole arm moving sideways?
#3: Re: axle woes Author: Seabook, Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2011 12:53 pm ---- if only wheel move is wheel bearing, otherwise is the axle bearing
#4: Re: axle woes Author: badj, Location: WiltshirePosted: Thu Jan 13, 2011 1:43 pm ---- Just had a drive to tescos and jacked the wheel up - can't really feel movement with the wheel off the ground, with the tyre on the ground it can move - suspect that it is the axle
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