#1: Brake Problems Author: kazmcdowall, Location: ScotlandPosted: Sun Jan 16, 2011 1:06 pm ---- Any suggestions on whats up with my car???
Press the brake pedal the brakes feel really soft and spongy. Handbrake lever is really high compared to where it usually is and when you do test the handbrake by trying to pull away with it applied the rear of the car is dipping only at the left hand side.
Cheers x
#2: Re: Brake Problems Author: dturbopeck, Location: newcastle upon tynePosted: Sun Jan 16, 2011 1:16 pm ---- sounds like your brake shoes have come apart in one side, will need rear brakes stripping really to find fault
#3: Re: Brake Problems Author: kazmcdowall, Location: ScotlandPosted: Sun Jan 16, 2011 1:20 pm ---- thanks mate was kinda thinking thats what it could be but was slightly concerned that it just seemed to happen overnight. Had washed the car previously and left it in garage and when reversed it out the following morning had a bit of a clunk when back brakes released then thats when i noticed the changes
#4: Re: Brake Problems Author: Timon2210, Location: PalestinePosted: Sun Jan 16, 2011 1:26 pm ---- when you wash the car,and don't drive it right away,and keep it in the garage over night,the brakes front or rear get stuck,and hold the car really good,but when you push the pedal the car feel stuck for a sec. then it moves,but when you brake,you will feel the brake strange,because it's wet,specially in the shoes at the back,but when it gets dry,it get back to normal.
but if it don't,then do as "dturbopeck" said
#5: Re: Brake Problems Author: kazmcdowall, Location: ScotlandPosted: Sun Jan 16, 2011 1:30 pm ---- cheers timon2210 brakes did feel awful to start with so took it for a run to try dry them out but 2 days later they are still rubbish. it almost feels like its only the front brakes that are working but thankfully the handbrake is holding even though its sitting high
#6: Re: Brake Problems Author: kazmcdowall, Location: ScotlandPosted: Mon Jan 17, 2011 1:01 pm ---- Problem solved turns out brake shoes were knackered and the brake liner had totally disintegrated on one side.
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