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Jamie's Blue GTi180 - Back at Halfords 21-06-22
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#451: Re: Jamie's Blue GTi180 - got sonic a treat new alloys here!!! Author: JamieM PostPosted: Tue Apr 15, 2014 5:12 am
lol jokes that is bad mate! what you going to do with them?

Here is what I put a deposit down on last night Smile

Genuine masked valeos thanks to Luke for holding them until payday!

Jamie;6442499 wrote:
Just put a deposit down on these;



Well, this will be nice! I'll be able to alternate between my 2 favorite lights for the 206!

#452: Re: Jamie's Blue GTi180 - more spending 15/04/ Author: MattyP, Location: Plymouth PostPosted: Tue Apr 15, 2014 5:42 am
The red hose i've had too long to return and the purple hose they make to order so luckily they haven't sent it yet but are unable to refund me so having to spend another £25 on the correct size hose for the k&n which apparently isn't 76-63 but is actually 76-70mm

That's awesome mate!! They do look nice and being genuine they won't mist up etc

#453: Re: Jamie's Blue GTi180 - more spending 15/04/ Author: RandomGT, Location: Croatia PostPosted: Wed Apr 16, 2014 7:46 am
Those wheels are a perfect match to this car Thumbs Up and loving the red brembos! for Xantia discs,I was just wondering is their offset same as the p206 or p406 discs?

#454: Re: Jamie's Blue GTi180 - more spending 15/04/ Author: JamieM PostPosted: Thu Apr 17, 2014 9:56 am
MattyP wrote:
The red hose i've had too long to return and the purple hose they make to order so luckily they haven't sent it yet but are unable to refund me so having to spend another £25 on the correct size hose for the k&n which apparently isn't 76-63 but is actually 76-70mm

That's awesome mate!! They do look nice and being genuine they won't mist up etc

Ah I see that's long, shame it's gone abit lardy dah but at the end you'll get what you want mate Smile

And thanks haha, it will be nice to rock both lights whenever Smile

RandomGT wrote:
Those wheels are a perfect match to this car Thumbs Up and loving the red brembos! for Xantia discs,I was just wondering is their offset same as the p206 or p406 discs?

Thanks mate Smile

Red brembos are chaging slightly,

Mainly because I wanted white decals but they ran out, however I have ordered white decals and will be removing the black and using caliper lac over the top.

Brembos are also not complete just yet, some minor details to be added yet. Pipes are not staying red that's for sure. (unless I get lazy anyway lol) & the bleed nips need paint removing.

Here is the latest pic, collected them yesterday,


I hate not having my SLR and an SLR sitting around which has no bat cable FML.

As for the offset I am unsure about this, but I know they will fit. I doubt I'll be using 180 discs at this time, fancy larger ones - can't have my old Saxo running larger discs than my 180. It's all unsprung weight though hmm. The calipers are quite heavy but the stopping power on my Saxo with the 2 port 23mm 406 MC & s**t everyday mintex pads was very good.

Still deciding my combo though. Looking for decent discs & pads still. I don't want to go over kill just yet anyway.

#455: Re: Jamie's Blue GTi180 - more spending 15/04/ Author: MattyP, Location: Plymouth PostPosted: Thu Apr 17, 2014 10:21 am
They look nice in red mate Smile did you get them done via the caliper refurb site you told me were on scoobynet?

#456: Re: Jamie's Blue GTi180 - more spending 15/04/ Author: JamieM PostPosted: Thu Apr 17, 2014 12:46 pm
Thanks mate nah, that was purely for the colour,

I got them done by a mate. My last set that I did turned out better, but I can deal with these after some slight changes haha.

Looks like it's going to be a tight fit with the Turinis!

#457: Re: Jamie's Blue GTi180 - more spending 15/04/ Author: AndrewR2211, Location: Scotland PostPosted: Thu Apr 17, 2014 1:54 pm
Lookin really sweeet, what did you pull the calipers off of?

#458: Re: Jamie's Blue GTi180 - more spending 15/04/ Author: JamieM PostPosted: Wed Apr 23, 2014 7:07 am
Thanks mate, they're 406 3.0 v6 Brembos.

Small update...

Getting bored of stock sounds so started myself off with some new front speakers. Only broke 1 clip from one door card which I was verrrrry happy about.


So it sounds abit better, however I need to look in to a small 8" sub and tiny amp/hu just to improve the audio. I don't want to add weight but I need proper or at least half decent audio.


Decals came, here is a contrasting pic. Definitely white over black! and obviously mine aren't on the p**s, well at least as much!


I'm not sure if I'm going to do another coat on the calipers myself at this stage. Certainly some bits will be changed a tad though!

Bar that car is dirty, and the inside looks like I've been living in it! *birthday weekend, haven't had a chance to clean it lol.

#459: Re: Jamie's Blue GTi180 - more spending 15/04/ Author: JamieM PostPosted: Sun Apr 27, 2014 4:32 pm
Decided I wasn't happy with the finish so I painted them this time.

From this;


To this;




Got custom decals coming too. ( :

Finish isn't perrrrrrrrrfect couple of small runs but not on the face of the caliper they're pretty sweet so I'm happy.

#460: Re: Jamie's Blue GTi180 - Caliper repaint same colour SLR pi Author: MattyP, Location: Plymouth PostPosted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 5:14 am
looking very smart mate!

#461: Re: Jamie's Blue GTi180 - Caliper repaint same colour SLR pics Author: JamieM PostPosted: Tue May 06, 2014 7:00 am
Update 06.05.14

every letter and bit of letter off and get it on the caliper! naturally I soon f****d that off and went for the white Brembo and the custom glitter logo!

From this;


To this;






Not amazing but getting there.

#462: Re: Jamie's Blue GTi180 - Caliper repaint same colour SLR pics Author: JamieM PostPosted: Tue May 06, 2014 7:01 am
& erm finally,

So this weekend, bish bash bosh 450 odd sobs later and my car has a decent audio setup.

I won't do a complete shopping list, although it's nothing major. Pioneer HU all singing and dancing. Got bluetooth 2 usbs, 3 pre outs and other number stuff that means not too much to me. I got a cool little mic which is mounted right under the alarm sensor for in car calls, this isn't new technology to me as I had a Sony HU on my old 206 with Bluetooth but it had no mic I think it just used the phone one before.

Also got a Vibe Sub and speakers and obviously wiring kit. All I need now, because the guys in Halfrauds are thick is a cable to re-connect my steering column controls for the HU and the dab adapter. Zomg.

HU Box;




HU fitted;


I quite like this HU it changes colour and all sorts lol!

Anyway so yeah, I guess I'm going for an al-rounder until I get a better car, then this will be either sold OR end up as a track toy, depends on what it's worth really at the time.

So I had time at the start of yesterday for a quick clean and fit these new headlights...





Oh this was whilst deciding whether I wanted to keep the valeos on. I had to faf abit to get a nice fit even though they are stock. I think I prefer the morettes still but I do quite like these! (my mate thinks they look s**t but hey ho!)

So here is a shot of the front;


And another for good measure...


And a couple of larger pics;




So what's next?

Hmm well I can't see me bothering for FCS as the car isn't how I want it to be seen at this stage, but naturally get the Brembos on, decat & get it sitting on it's ass.

I also have a clifford concept 650 from my old Saxo somewhere knocking about I may get fitted to this just to stop some little c*** from stealing my audio. I've already had some muggy brat steal my dust caps off my drive. They sure picked their time as I'm always up and always knocking around. f****rs.

Anyway! enjoy better pics when I have time :).

#463: Re: Jamie's Blue GTi180 - Update 06.05.14 Author: MattyP, Location: Plymouth PostPosted: Tue May 06, 2014 12:13 pm
Can't believe your not going FCS lol car looks really nice mate, I think the mask valeo's would look better if you had darker alloy's like luke had on his as well as black front grilles

#464: Re: Jamie's Blue GTi180 - Update 06.05.14 Author: RoweY, Location: Middlesbrough PostPosted: Tue May 06, 2014 1:20 pm
Love those alloys mate Very Happy cars looking really smart.

#465: Re: Jamie's Blue GTi180 - Update 06.05.14 Author: JamieM PostPosted: Tue May 06, 2014 4:18 pm
MattyP wrote:
Can't believe your not going FCS lol car looks really nice mate, I think the mask valeo's would look better if you had darker alloy's like luke had on his as well as black front grilles

It's annoying, but I have got loads to do before then and I just can't see me having the money to finish it - I really really need to get the wishbone done & get the rear bumper fixed as it has a little crack from some mug who didn't leave a note, I also want the brembos, decat and lowering done lol! If all that happens I'll be there lol! If not in spirit lol!!

Hmm I dno really, a lot of new cars come with black inserts nowdays with silver rims so I think it pulls them off well just unsure on changing the grilles. I could go stock grills as I actually like the honey comb but we will see it's not a priority atm lol!!!

I wet vac'd the seats and carpets after work today lol!


The crack is in this pic;


It's not exactly visible until close up or if you are me and know it exists!

RoweY wrote:
Love those alloys mate Very Happy cars looking really smart.

Thanks mate appreciate it Smile

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