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Nothing but trouble!!
-> 206 Problems

#1: Nothing but trouble!! Author: Emma_206 PostPosted: Sun Feb 27, 2011 11:38 am
hey guys!!

Im new here and looking for abit of advice, as im now stuck!!

2yrs ago i bought a 206 sport, thought new car fantastic!! was i wrong or what!! had nothing but truoble since.. seems to be one thing after another, and starting to wish i never bought it now!! i wont drag it out, ill get straight to the point.

my car wont start!! it starts 1st time, but then after that it wont start again. all the electrics work, no problem, but when i turn the keep to start it, it dont even try and turn over!! i thought it might be the fact that he battery onyl had enough power to work the electrics, so i bought a new battery, but still works 1st time and then wont start, if i leave it for a while or over night its works one time only!! im guessing now that its the starter motor, i was told to clean the connections which i did but still not working. then i was told u disconnect the battery and leave it for 15min as this will reset the ecu.. yep done that but it wont work..

i have now been told that the starter motor has a reset button on it.. is this true?? and will it help??

i am not at my whits end with this car.. Help please!!!!

Em x

#2: Re: Nothing but trouble!! Author: kit325, Location: London PostPosted: Sun Feb 27, 2011 11:52 am
Have a test your battery power after that non starting problem? Some time u can just have sufficient charge in the battery to work on all electrics but not enough to start up the engine.

If u test the battery and it's still holding holding charge, then it might be the starter motor or connection. Do the starter motor make any obvious starting noise?

#3: Re: Nothing but trouble!! Author: Emma_206 PostPosted: Sun Feb 27, 2011 11:56 am
its a new battery.. so am hopin they aint sold me a dud one!!

it just makes a click noice once... but its not even doin that now Sad

#4: Re: Nothing but trouble!! Author: kit325, Location: London PostPosted: Sun Feb 27, 2011 12:53 pm
Where did u bought the battery? Ask them to check the new battery to see if the battery still holding any sufficient charge.

Option 2 will be ask someone to jump start the car and run the engine for a certain amount of time to charge up the battery. If is a new battery, it should charge up and hold the charges without any problem. Then turn off your engine instantly and restart it again.

PS: Check all connection to ensure battery are not losing charges!

#5: Re: Nothing but trouble!! Author: Seabook PostPosted: Sun Feb 27, 2011 1:11 pm
jump start a plexed 206 is going to have a costy bill.........

just get a multi-meter to check the battery....if battery was fine then check the connection and earthing...

although starting motor fail is not uncommon....

#6: Re: Nothing but trouble!! Author: Emma_206 PostPosted: Sun Feb 27, 2011 1:33 pm
been round to my mates who has multi meter thingy.. and the battery is fine.. its holding the right amount of charge etc etc etc...

its gotta be the starter motor aint it :/ new i shuda stuck to my Si lol.. damn it

how much u reck its gunna set me back gettin a new starter motor?? Sad

#7: Re: Nothing but trouble!! Author: Seabook PostPosted: Sun Feb 27, 2011 1:52 pm
what car is it?

#8: Re: Nothing but trouble!! Author: fg-mart, Location: Bolton PostPosted: Sun Feb 27, 2011 2:00 pm
if its clicking then you check the battery, if you say uve replace the battery then its your alternator.

#9: Re: Nothing but trouble!! Author: Emma_206 PostPosted: Sun Feb 27, 2011 3:48 pm
av got a 2006 1.6 206 sport

yeah figured as much..

#10: Re: Nothing but trouble!! Author: pike, Location: n ireland PostPosted: Sun Feb 27, 2011 5:19 pm
If the batt is good and the alternator is putting the charge into it .

and your still just getting a click at the starter .

It looks like a solenoid problem on the starter .

Or a bad earth contact with the starter .

#11: Re: Nothing but trouble!! Author: macca1411, Location: Westhoughton, Lancashire PostPosted: Mon Feb 28, 2011 4:04 am
I'm with Pike on this. Sounds like the solenoid is goosed. Go to your local motor factors and price up a reconditioned. Shouldn't be more than £80. Auto-electric factors can usually do a good deal as they recondition them themselves. You may need to leave a deposit till you return your old starter but this is by far the cheapest way of replaceing a starter or alternator.

#12: Re: Nothing but trouble!! Author: Emma_206 PostPosted: Mon Feb 28, 2011 9:06 am
thanks.. ill nip round at the weekend.. see what then can do Smile

hope it solves to probably.. because otherwise there will be couple hammers flyin about lol

-> 206 Problems

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