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GTI axle bearing and bush replacement
-> 206 Problems

#1: GTI axle bearing and bush replacement Author: D4NTP, Location: Not Leeds or its surrounding areas! PostPosted: Mon Mar 07, 2011 2:45 pm
First question, how do you know if the axle/bearing housing is past it and would be no good even if new bearings were fitted?

secondly, even if its beyond repair, i will fit new bearings and bushes to the new axle i buy so....does anyone have a parts list of the bushes and bearings i would need?

#2: Re: GTI axle bearing and bush replacement Author: macj, Location: Essex PostPosted: Mon Mar 07, 2011 3:15 pm
I am working on a set of phosphur bronze bushes to replace the needle roller ones.... they would be used where the rollers have worn ridges in the beam and it would mean you would not need to replace the whole thing..... will be getting the prototype from the engineer at the weekend. Are you interested


#3: Re: GTI axle bearing and bush replacement Author: Seabook PostPosted: Mon Mar 07, 2011 3:23 pm
once the trailing arm is off then the answer is there. if the bearing give deep mark on the axle tube then it's gone.

you need one outer and one inner bearing for each trailing arm. depends on the year they have different parts number.

same as the axle bush (2 front, 2 rear)

#4: Re: GTI axle bearing and bush replacement Author: D4NTP, Location: Not Leeds or its surrounding areas! PostPosted: Mon Mar 07, 2011 3:25 pm
hmm tricky one, i'd be interested in the spec if it works as I would have our machinists fabricate them. although I can't understand why the bearing packing in would affect it, does the roller bearing not have an inner and outer race?

#5: Re: GTI axle bearing and bush replacement Author: Seabook PostPosted: Mon Mar 07, 2011 3:25 pm
macj wrote:
I am working on a set of phosphur bronze bushes to replace the needle roller ones.... they would be used where the rollers have worn ridges in the beam and it would mean you would not need to replace the whole thing..... will be getting the prototype from the engineer at the weekend. Are you interested


count me in macj Very Happy

i am working on my disc axle too

#6: Re: GTI axle bearing and bush replacement Author: D4NTP, Location: Not Leeds or its surrounding areas! PostPosted: Mon Mar 07, 2011 3:29 pm
apologies, mental bearing block, no outer race. makes sense now

#7: Re: GTI axle bearing and bush replacement Author: Coolspot, Location: East Sussex PostPosted: Mon Mar 07, 2011 3:38 pm
Thats so cool that you could start supplying these if their is a demand but its also the work involved that i would be able to do.

I don't even change my brake pads (i don't trust myself with safety stuff) Better safe than sorry.
But the axle is just too much for the average Sad

#8: Re: GTI axle bearing and bush replacement Author: D4NTP, Location: Not Leeds or its surrounding areas! PostPosted: Mon Mar 07, 2011 3:44 pm
not too much of an issue for me, got an old school mechanic living 300 yards from me who is always game for a challenge. the sleeving route does seem a good one however I think if it comes to proper axle work I will fit new bearings and bushes to another axle that isn't knackered then refurb the original to sell on.

#9: Re: GTI axle bearing and bush replacement Author: Coolspot, Location: East Sussex PostPosted: Mon Mar 07, 2011 3:52 pm
I have seazed torsion arms and a knackerd bearing so bought a GTi axle, Just still have to fit it. One the 1.4 axle is off may try to unseize it, take it apart and maybe refurbe and sell it.

We'll see. Nice bit of thinking though guys, be nice to see this work andsave everyone a few £100. Smile :)

#10: Re: GTI axle bearing and bush replacement Author: D4NTP, Location: Not Leeds or its surrounding areas! PostPosted: Tue Mar 08, 2011 3:38 pm
If i bought a non gti axle, could i transfer over the gti bits and make a good one or would it be the gti specific bits that would be knackered from the worn our bearings?

#11: Re: GTI axle bearing and bush replacement Author: Seabook PostPosted: Tue Mar 08, 2011 3:49 pm
yes, the only difference is the thickness of the torsion bar and anti-roll bar.

and you can just knock them out and swap them around.

#12: Re: GTI axle bearing and bush replacement Author: D4NTP, Location: Not Leeds or its surrounding areas! PostPosted: Tue Mar 08, 2011 4:00 pm
So i could use the trailing arms off a drum axle to get around the bearing damage?

#13: Re: GTI axle bearing and bush replacement Author: Seabook PostPosted: Tue Mar 08, 2011 4:03 pm
D4NTP wrote:
So i could use the trailing arms off a drum axle to get around the bearing damage?

is the other way round

you can get the drum axle and swap the gti trailing arm.

normally is the axle beam get damage first, if you ignore it then it started to damage the trailing arms. but i am pretty sure before the trailing arm get damage you will fail your mot first

#14: Re: GTI axle bearing and bush replacement Author: D4NTP, Location: Not Leeds or its surrounding areas! PostPosted: Tue Mar 08, 2011 4:06 pm
So, get a drum axle cheap, re bush and bearing it, put my trailing arms, anti roll bar and torsion bar on it and as if by magic i have a good gti axle again?

#15: Re: GTI axle bearing and bush replacement Author: Seabook PostPosted: Tue Mar 08, 2011 4:16 pm
yes...provided the drum axle is good.

and i don't know how much you can save btw. normally you can get a recond. axle from 370 to 500 with 1yr warrantly.

#16: Re: GTI axle bearing and bush replacement Author: D4NTP, Location: Not Leeds or its surrounding areas! PostPosted: Tue Mar 08, 2011 4:20 pm
Drum axles are going for about £70 and as i would rebush and bearing it for £60 i think it's a much cheaper option. Although my ideal is to get a gti axle cheap and refurb it properly before swapping.

#17: Re: GTI axle bearing and bush replacement Author: Seabook PostPosted: Tue Mar 08, 2011 4:33 pm
D4NTP wrote:
Drum axles are going for about £70 and as i would rebush and bearing it for £60 i think it's a much cheaper option. Although my ideal is to get a gti axle cheap and refurb it properly before swapping.

i don't know where you get the price from but i shall list what i found these day.

trailing arm bearing, 45 per side, that means 90 in total.

axle bush, no idea about the standard one, but PS alloy bush is roughly 30 each, that means 120 total.

hubs bearing, 90 per side, that means 180.

various bolts and nuts, no idea how much they cost in total.

#18: Re: GTI axle bearing and bush replacement Author: D4NTP, Location: Not Leeds or its surrounding areas! PostPosted: Tue Mar 08, 2011 4:58 pm
Hub bearing/wheel bearing, i would leave alone, Axle bush 4x£10, then 206 rear axle bearing kit £40, this includes the 4 roller bearings. The original estimate of £60 was due to me forgetting there are 4 bushes on the axle, not 2.

#19: Re: GTI axle bearing and bush replacement Author: Seabook PostPosted: Tue Mar 08, 2011 5:39 pm
where do you get the kit from?

that sounds like a good price if they are genuine peugeot stuff

#20: Re: GTI axle bearing and bush replacement Author: D4NTP, Location: Not Leeds or its surrounding areas! PostPosted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 3:20 pm
I'm getting the parts from ASK in Kippax but they are supplied by Andrew Pages. I need 2 Axle bushes per side (not sure how to get the old ones out and new ones in) then 1 trailing arm bearing per side plus i'll do a proper job and do the wheel bearings while im at it. Total cost of bits looks like <£90. Add that to my 'replacement' axle (Harry) thats about £250 plus labour. Personally i dont think thats bad for a fully overhauled axle. Scrappers charge that on ebay for a potluck axle.

Just using this drawing

Seems to come in pretty useful so far.

#21: Re: GTI axle bearing and bush replacement Author: macj, Location: Essex PostPosted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 3:28 pm
You need a punch to drive out the old bearings and a bearing driver to fit the new ones. Be careful you dont damage the seals on the inner ones as you fit them.....

#22: Re: GTI axle bearing and bush replacement Author: D4NTP, Location: Not Leeds or its surrounding areas! PostPosted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 4:04 pm
I ok with the bearings, it's the rubber bushes i'm puzzled with. I presume there is no technique to getting them out, just force but putting the new ones back in..... any particular way to do it?

#23: Re: GTI axle bearing and bush replacement Author: Edward, Location: In the garage PostPosted: Tue Mar 15, 2011 2:47 am
You can cut the old ones out but the new ones need pressing in.

#24: Re: GTI axle bearing and bush replacement Author: giveitsomebar, Location: redditch PostPosted: Tue Mar 15, 2011 6:24 am
why are people scrapping there axles when the bearing has eatten into the stub axle? you can buy stub axles for quite a reasonable price i think i saw about £30 a side not so long ago! the only reason you should need to scrap it is if the bearing has let water in an its rotten

#25: Re: GTI axle bearing and bush replacement Author: D4NTP, Location: Not Leeds or its surrounding areas! PostPosted: Tue Mar 15, 2011 5:36 pm
I dont think the parts that are the issue, it's the labour. If i were to take this to be done at a garage at £40-50 p/hour it would get very expensive compared to bolting on a secondhand unit. Refurbing the axle is all well and good if you have a big garage, plenty of tools, bit of knowledge and TIME, lots of TIME! if you need the car back quick then you need an other axle and bolt it straight on.

#26: Re: GTI axle bearing and bush replacement Author: bellevuespares, Location: Manchester PostPosted: Tue Mar 15, 2011 6:23 pm
I have 1x GTI Axle available for Inspection and Collection. Any inspection welcome but can assure you was no squeaks or bangs when we took it off.

£175 no offers

#27: Re: GTI axle bearing and bush replacement Author: D4NTP, Location: Not Leeds or its surrounding areas! PostPosted: Thu Mar 17, 2011 4:46 pm
Right i'm pretty stuck now. Had an hour or so in the garage after having a flick through APE's lowering 'how to'. The idea was to get the torsion bars out and then tomorrow take the trailing arms off. Well i'm no longer in the garage and the bars are still in. I have been beaten by a offset washer! it will not budge.

#28: Re: GTI axle bearing and bush replacement Author: 80brett, Location: WAKEFIELD PostPosted: Thu Mar 17, 2011 4:47 pm
lol should of gis us a shout mate

#29: Re: GTI axle bearing and bush replacement Author: D4NTP, Location: Not Leeds or its surrounding areas! PostPosted: Thu Mar 17, 2011 4:51 pm
80brett wrote:
lol should of gis us a shout mate

Your about an hour, a cut and one more smack on the thumb from getting a rear axle dumped outside your house! In all fairness to the axle (if that makes sense) it has come apart really easy, bar this bit.

#30: Re: GTI axle bearing and bush replacement Author: Addaz, Location: Suffolk PostPosted: Thu Mar 17, 2011 5:08 pm
I did mine, bushes and bearings

£69 for bearings, £60 for bushes

Easy to do, no point in a second axle anymore imo

#31: Re: GTI axle bearing and bush replacement Author: D4NTP, Location: Not Leeds or its surrounding areas! PostPosted: Thu Mar 17, 2011 5:15 pm
Addaz wrote:
I did mine, bushes and bearings

£69 for bearings, £60 for bushes

Easy to do, no point in a second axle anymore imo

Where'd you get the parts from?

#32: Re: GTI axle bearing and bush replacement Author: Addaz, Location: Suffolk PostPosted: Thu Mar 17, 2011 5:17 pm
D4NTP wrote:
Addaz wrote:
I did mine, bushes and bearings

£69 for bearings, £60 for bushes

Easy to do, no point in a second axle anymore imo

Where'd you get the parts from?

Genuine peugeot mate

#33: Re: GTI axle bearing and bush replacement Author: D4NTP, Location: Not Leeds or its surrounding areas! PostPosted: Thu Mar 17, 2011 5:23 pm
Ah, worth a phone call to peugeot tomorrow then.

#34: Re: GTI axle bearing and bush replacement Author: D4NTP, Location: Not Leeds or its surrounding areas! PostPosted: Thu Mar 17, 2011 5:27 pm
Addaz wrote:
D4NTP wrote:
Addaz wrote:
I did mine, bushes and bearings

£69 for bearings, £60 for bushes

Easy to do, no point in a second axle anymore imo

Where'd you get the parts from?

Genuine peugeot mate

What exactly did you get for £129?

#35: Re: GTI axle bearing and bush replacement Author: Addaz, Location: Suffolk PostPosted: Thu Mar 17, 2011 5:32 pm
D4NTP wrote:
Addaz wrote:
D4NTP wrote:
Addaz wrote:
I did mine, bushes and bearings

£69 for bearings, £60 for bushes

Easy to do, no point in a second axle anymore imo

Where'd you get the parts from?

Genuine peugeot mate

What exactly did you get for £129?

Four axle bushes

Inner and outer bearings for both sides, and two anti roll bar seals

#36: Re: GTI axle bearing and bush replacement Author: Seabook PostPosted: Fri Mar 18, 2011 7:29 am
Addaz wrote:
I did mine, bushes and bearings

£69 for bearings, £60 for bushes

Easy to do, no point in a second axle anymore imo

when did you did it?

because i got different price on the service box Laughing (the bearing..)

#37: Re: GTI axle bearing and bush replacement Author: Seabook PostPosted: Fri Mar 18, 2011 7:31 am
Addaz wrote:
I did mine, bushes and bearings

£69 for bearings, £60 for bushes

Easy to do, no point in a second axle anymore imo

we need a "how to" Razz

#38: Re: GTI axle bearing and bush replacement Author: D4NTP, Location: Not Leeds or its surrounding areas! PostPosted: Tue Mar 22, 2011 5:24 pm
Pick up the bearings and bushes tomorrow, £143 all in. Then down to the business of getting them fitted.

-> 206 Problems

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