#1: Found a cut loom? Havent seen it in my glx :S Mystery.. Author: jimjam19927, Location: PortsmouthPosted: Fri Mar 18, 2011 8:00 am ---- Getting a 1.4 quicksilver tomoz.
Checked it over today and there is a loom that has been cut next to the cut wiring inside the frame of the boot. Its near where the wheel wrench bit is if you know what i mean. To the elft of the boot hatch but inside the metal body.
Its Brown think it was 3 pin (no phone on me at the time to take a pic) and it only had two wires going to it. One was yellow one was brown, again i think this is off memory. If anyone knows what it is i would be be glad to hear as it has been cut too close that i wouldnt be able to re connect it.
Also any pointers what i should look out for when i buy it tomoz. Not things like sports bumpers etc but mroe mechanical ...
#2: Re: Found a cut loom? Havent seen it in my glx :S Mystery.. Author: hobnob48, Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2011 8:12 am ---- My 206 has the exact same thing :s I think its a boot sensor so the little screen can say the boot is open.
You should notice that there is a push switch behind the boot catch too
#3: Re: Found a cut loom? Havent seen it in my glx :S Mystery.. Author: Jamie1337, Location: Dorchester, DorsetPosted: Fri Mar 18, 2011 2:33 pm ---- Sounds like the boot alarm sensor, pic would be of great help.
#4: Re: Found a cut loom? Havent seen it in my glx :S Mystery.. Author: ukskater01, Location: sutton surrey/welwyn garden cityPosted: Fri Mar 18, 2011 2:54 pm ---- I'm almost certain it's for a alarm sensor, mine has one sitting under the carpet
#5: Re: Found a cut loom? Havent seen it in my glx :S Mystery.. Author: jimjam19927, Location: PortsmouthPosted: Fri Mar 18, 2011 3:30 pm ---- Why would the previous owner cut it. I will get a pic up tomoz after I pick it up
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