#241: Re: ushers track project fully stripped and trimmed Author: existenz, Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2014 1:26 pm ---- Still some questions regarding the battery relocation.
Number 5 and 6 on the picture remain unchanged, right? I cut off the original battery positive cable/terminal (number 4) and connect it to my new battery terminal block (I've taken one from a BMW E36) which connects my new positive battery cable to the battery in the boot.
What about the three negative battery connections? I use a new negative cable (as short as possible) to earth the battery to the chassis. So number 2 on the picture can be cut off, cause it's not needed anymore? What about cable number 1 and 3?
#242: Re: ushers track project fully stripped and trimmed Author: Edward, Location: In the garagePosted: Wed Sep 24, 2014 2:20 pm ---- Citroen Picasso can give a handy connection for the positive cable under the bonnet to the feed to the boot.
#243: Re: ushers track project fully stripped and trimmed Author: existenz, Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2014 2:49 pm ---- As said, I bought the battery terminal from an E36. I'm just not sure, what original negative battery can be removed or cut off?
#244: Re: ushers track project fully stripped and trimmed Author: Edward, Location: In the garagePosted: Thu Sep 25, 2014 4:36 am ---- You still need all the original earth connections.
#245: Re: ushers track project fully stripped and trimmed Author: existenz, Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2014 7:51 am ---- Thanks a lot !
#246: Re: ushers track project fully stripped and trimmed Author: usher, Location: northallertonPosted: Fri Oct 24, 2014 9:50 am ---- Little update I finally got some seat runners so got drivers seat in for now.
#247: Re: ushers track project fully stripped and trimmed Author: shell-vt, Location: durhamPosted: Fri Oct 24, 2014 11:34 am ---- looking good, mine is back but its going away again for engine conversion
#248: Re: ushers track project fully stripped and trimmed Author: usher, Location: northallertonPosted: Sat Oct 25, 2014 12:11 pm ---- What engine you putting in?. As you can see I still have alot to do with wiring
#249: Re: ushers track project fully stripped and trimmed Author: AWK-53, Location: OxfordshirePosted: Sun Oct 26, 2014 2:34 am ---- Looking good
#250: Re: ushers track project fully stripped and trimmed Author: shell-vt, Location: durhamPosted: Sun Oct 26, 2014 7:22 am ---- 3.0 v6
#251: Re: ushers track project fully stripped and trimmed Author: usher, Location: northallertonPosted: Sun Oct 26, 2014 10:43 am ---- Nice getting more common using the v6 the power will be fun. Got busy with wiring today got main beam and dipped sorted and wiper might have to get a universal washer as the pug one don't have an earth also used to run off the bsi. Indicators are next to do then trim and neaten. Passanger seat will be in once I get more bolts for the seat as hex bolts are too wide I can't fit a socket over
#252: Re: ushers track project fully stripped and trimmed Author: 206gt160, Location: BlackburnPosted: Thu May 14, 2015 2:25 pm ----
usher wrote:
little progress but it all helps
got the battery set up in the boot just needs neatening when i do all the wires
Still need to do this
#253: Re: ushers track project fully stripped and trimmed Author: spike_202, Location: West midsPosted: Wed Jul 22, 2015 4:10 pm ---- Hay usher looking to get my dash flocked inside sprayed and dash flocked then the cage fitted in a near future. I don't supose you've got a bit of a 'how to' on taking the dash out have you especially regarding the airbags ect.
Cheers mate.
#254: Re: ushers track project fully stripped and trimmed Author: usher, Location: northallertonPosted: Sun Nov 15, 2015 2:03 pm ---- Sorry not been on here for a while. The dash is relatively easy to remove the passanger air bag is attached from behind with a few nuts the dash has 4 screws to the steering wheel cross bar that runs the full width. I have sorted out my wiring binned bsi and everything else non essential lol. Got a new washer bottle that will be in the passanger side then cut the fuse box to just 5 fuses for lights wipers etc. Next is to get the gauges sorted as original dials aren't compatabile anymore been a slow and long project but was redundant over last Xmas and now set up as a subcontractor courier so been busy elsewhere but have a vehicle for towing the car haha
#255: Re: ushers track project fully stripped and trimmed Author: 206gt160, Location: BlackburnPosted: Fri Feb 12, 2016 5:12 pm ----
usher wrote:
tiny update
bsi is now in the bin so more wires to be removed, lights and wipers to wire still
also took off bumpers and jet washed behind them and cleaned up the little parts involved, fog to be used as brake cooling ducts so cut away at the glass, noticed one tyre had gone flat which caused a nice big deep crack so the wheels will be sold on and new either td's pro race or 205 speedlines going for 15"
Usher how did you go about removing the bsi unit and have you had any issues with removing it, also did you remove the immobiliser and if so did you take a snap on what needed removing and does it run through the engine loom or is it separate.
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