#1: Changing the gearbox oil on a 2.0 138? Author: Rob2859, Location: HalifaxPosted: Wed May 04, 2011 11:53 am ---- My dad has a 306 cab. Which if I am not mistaken has the 206 GTI engine.
He says its a "sealed for life" type gearbox. However it does have a leak and will need topping up. Any way to get in them?
#2: Re: Changing the gearbox oil on a 2.0 138? Author: Edward, Location: In the garagePosted: Wed May 04, 2011 11:55 am ---- It's not a 206 GTi engine. It's the old iron block XU engine. Similar though. Gearbox will be a BE just like the 206 GTi though. Very unlikely to be a sealed for life gearbox so you can easily top it up. Do a search because this topic was covered the other day.
#3: Re: Changing the gearbox oil on a 2.0 138? Author: Seabook, Posted: Wed May 04, 2011 12:31 pm ---- if it is the BE box then quite likely the filler hole is just behind the passenger wheel
#4: Re: Changing the gearbox oil on a 2.0 138? Author: Davels, Location: NorfolkPosted: Wed May 04, 2011 2:30 pm ---- www.206info.co.uk/Foru...tml#360012
Here is the link to the recent topic about changing the 138 gearbox oil
#5: Re: Changing the gearbox oil on a 2.0 138? Author: Rob2859, Location: HalifaxPosted: Thu May 05, 2011 2:15 am ---- cheers guys. I didn't think it was totally sealed but my dad was told it was. I will let him know and he will figure it out
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