#1: DW8 engine removal Author: benson206, Location: Thornaby, stockton-on-teesPosted: Sun May 15, 2011 2:56 pm ---- well just a quick question i'v removed engines but only with the gearbox attached but I want to leave the box in place this time is it just a case of disconnect the box so I can leave the car on the ground?? any help much appreaciated thanks.
#2: Re: DW8 engine removal Author: leigh_boy, Location: EastbournePosted: Mon May 16, 2011 3:09 am ---- it depends how much hassle you want, more often then not unless its a small engine with a big engien bay its easier to remove the box
#3: Re: DW8 engine removal Author: benson206, Location: Thornaby, stockton-on-teesPosted: Mon May 16, 2011 3:53 am ---- just really didnt wanna drop the bottom arms out to get the shafts out not got alot v room in my garage lol
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