#1: Brothers Xsi Project *Now Sold* Author: MattyP, Location: PlymouthPosted: Tue May 24, 2011 1:51 pm ---- Thought I would put up a project thread for my brother, he is a member on here but because he doesn't have a laptop etc he's not able to log on to the forum so being the big brother i'm doing it for him
he's just past his test but has had his xsi for a number of years which his gf drove, but now he has it to himself and has set about getting it back to ship shape condition as the bodywork isn't that good.
He started today by stripping out the back seats and rear quarter panels so he can give the inside a thorough clean and found a budweiser bottle cap but no money, he does have the following planned for it
sort bodywork/interior to standard factory
morette headlights or black angels
sp arches
new set of wheels
ice install
here's a few pics I quickly took
my old tailights off my moonstone 206 Last edited by MattyP on Thu Dec 08, 2011 1:29 pm; edited 2 times in total
#2: Re: Brothers Xsi Project Author: Ste, Location: Hull -or- The World Of Info CodePosted: Tue May 24, 2011 1:54 pm ---- My bonnet has that exact same crease, just no where near as bad, eff knows how it happened, seen it on a fair few pugs now though!
#3: Re: Brothers Xsi Project Author: craigy00craig, Location: surreyPosted: Tue May 24, 2011 2:05 pm ---- im liking the air intake in the bumper might have a go at that
#4: Re: Brothers Xsi Project Author: JordGJ, Location: Leeds / West MidlandsPosted: Tue May 24, 2011 2:05 pm ----
Ste206 wrote:
My bonnet has that exact same crease, just no where near as bad, eff knows how it happened, seen it on a fair few pugs now though!
same here hardly noticeable on mine but no idea where its from
#5: Re: Brothers Xsi Project Author: MattyP, Location: PlymouthPosted: Tue May 24, 2011 2:08 pm ---- me neither, i know his gf tried to close the bonnet while the bonnet stay wasn't properly in place
#6: Re: Brothers Xsi Project Author: NorthantsBen, Location: Raunds, NorthamptonshirePosted: Tue May 24, 2011 2:29 pm ---- The bonnet I have on my xs has the exact crease too lol
#7: Re: Brothers Xsi Project Author: Ste, Location: Hull -or- The World Of Info CodePosted: Tue May 24, 2011 2:51 pm ---- Hmmmm I see a pattern here, I may have to investigate why it happens lol!!!
#8: Re: Brothers Xsi Project Author: Andrew, Location: Black Country Ay IPosted: Tue May 24, 2011 3:01 pm ---- Since so many report this crease its more than likely caused by a common issue, perhaps engine mounts allowing engine to shake and knock the inside of the bonnet on severe potholes/speed bumps?
#9: Re: Brothers Xsi Project Author: Addaz, Location: SuffolkPosted: Tue May 24, 2011 3:11 pm ---- No chance mate
Fluke at a guess or the rubber mounts are not either side
Can i burn the mirrors or will he?
#10: Re: Brothers Xsi Project Author: Andrew, Location: Black Country Ay IPosted: Tue May 24, 2011 3:36 pm ---- I also notice the edge of the bonnet meeting the wing curves a bit, probably down to that time you said it was shut with the bonnet catch not right
#11: Re: Brothers Xsi Project Author: Ste, Location: Hull -or- The World Of Info CodePosted: Tue May 24, 2011 3:55 pm ---- My crease lines up with my Aircon pipe.. Must investigate further in better light
#12: Re: Brothers Xsi Project Author: JordGJ, Location: Leeds / West MidlandsPosted: Tue May 24, 2011 11:32 pm ----
Ste206 wrote:
My crease lines up with my Aircon pipe.. Must investigate further in better light
i for one don't have air-con but still have a slight crease...
#13: Re: Brothers Xsi Project Author: rttam, Location: devonPosted: Wed May 25, 2011 6:27 am ---- does he park this behind the building opposite the newish tesco in plympton? sure i spooted it behind there when i was driving back form the lord louis the other day (good old carveries )
#14: Re: Brothers Xsi Project Author: MattyP, Location: PlymouthPosted: Thu May 26, 2011 11:24 am ----
rttam wrote:
does he park this behind the building opposite the newish tesco in plympton? sure i spooted it behind there when i was driving back form the lord louis the other day (good old carveries )
yeah he did Matt, he rents a flat out there but it will be on the road by end of next week so you might see it more near Katie's as he lives at the top of station road where the co-op is
#15: Re: Brothers Xsi Project *small update* Author: MattyP, Location: PlymouthPosted: Sat May 28, 2011 2:57 am ---- small update on my brothers xsi, he's had some 5.25" infinity kappa coaxial speakers lying around for ages so he finally decided to install them, however they are in the front doors as he's already got a set of infinity's in the rears, because he's a welder/fabricator he made some base plates to secure to the existing speaker housing, didn't even measure anything and fitted perfect 1st time, anway, here's pics of what he done
next up he's making some door pulls for the inside until he gets a set of new doorcards
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