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VAG GTI TURBO she is all gone :(
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-> Project Cars

#91: Re: Not a 206 but a VW golf gti mk4 turbo :) new poll! Author: Rich196 PostPosted: Mon Feb 27, 2012 5:11 pm
brilliant! Fallen back in love with it now then?

#92: Re: Not a 206 but a VW golf gti mk4 turbo :) new poll! Author: XSIcheeseman, Location: Orpington PostPosted: Mon Feb 27, 2012 5:14 pm
Yeah till last weekend the key packed up so couldn't use it till I found my spare lol

#93: Re: Not a 206 but a VW golf gti mk4 turbo :) new poll! Author: Rich196 PostPosted: Mon Feb 27, 2012 5:22 pm
oh dear, just add a bit more power or noise and youll be contented again Smile

#94: Re: Not a 206 but a VW golf gti mk4 turbo :) new poll! Author: XSIcheeseman, Location: Orpington PostPosted: Mon Feb 27, 2012 5:25 pm
I'm saving for a k03s, smic, and a amd remap , maybe before a remap a sports cat. But I need it to pass mot in April so might get that done in march

#95: Re: Not a 206 but a VW golf gti mk4 turbo :) new poll! Author: Rich196 PostPosted: Mon Feb 27, 2012 5:37 pm
Iv got a full exhaust and map to get done on mine. If you talk to APE i think he might still have the smic's of his leon somewhere. Better than the he may still have his k04 and down pipe. Although you might need a new manifold to fit that. im trying to do avoid changing the turbo but I am very tempted.

#96: Re: Not a 206 but a VW golf gti mk4 turbo :) new poll! Author: XSIcheeseman, Location: Orpington PostPosted: Tue Feb 28, 2012 2:51 am
Yeah for the k04 I need a new mani lol

#97: Re: Not a 206 but a VW golf gti mk4 turbo :) new poll! Author: Rich196 PostPosted: Wed Feb 29, 2012 5:27 pm
ko3s Wink

#98: Re: Not a 206 but a VW golf gti mk4 turbo :) new poll! Author: XSIcheeseman, Location: Orpington PostPosted: Tue Mar 27, 2012 12:25 pm
well few updates Smile

Been a while but I have a few updates, fitted my grooved discs Smile

Also changed inlet manifolds Smile


Fitted my turnovers smic Smile

Then found most pipes have oil :/ which has made me happy

Few other pics




#99: Re: Not a 206 but a VW golf gti mk4 turbo :) new poll! Author: XSIcheeseman, Location: Orpington PostPosted: Mon May 07, 2012 8:56 am
new wheels Smile mk5 r32 wheels Smile



few other pics





i was toying with this idea with smoothed front bump strip


#100: Re: Not a 206 but a VW golf gti mk4 turbo :) new poll! Author: XSIcheeseman, Location: Orpington PostPosted: Sun Jul 01, 2012 2:58 pm
few new updates

had a big fuss with getting a dump valve again got one and it didnt wanna know so i had to go back to a forge recirc but i was lucky enough to get a split r valve so nice dump and more powr Smile

k03 turbo died Sad but k03s fully rebuilt costing ......................... £384 plus £200 for the turbo Surprised




whilst its been off had a painting spree lol XD thought may as well while the cars in bits lol with new pipping as well new oil k&n oil filter ECS sump plug Smile





got some new rear lights very cheap Smile even though i actually dont know when i bidded on them at all :/ lol


ALSO got more polished bolts and nuts coming
painting the rocker cover red
got a personal touch under cover of the bonnet coming and a surprise roof paint job Smile
also looking at a full turbo back 3" system de cat NICE

#101: Re: VAG GTI TURBO pg 7 update Author: 00budham00, Location: Ips PostPosted: Sun Jul 01, 2012 10:11 pm
not being funny mate but your painting skills are epic!!! red paint brushed on then fitted to early to the car ,leaving red paint on dipstick (the car)

tip spending money on something you love is good but dont rush things before there ready ,other wise you might as well throw your money away

#102: Re: VAG GTI TURBO pg 7 update Author: XSIcheeseman, Location: Orpington PostPosted: Mon Jul 02, 2012 1:07 am
tbh im not botherd about my painting skills its just paint at the end of the day it comes off. i like to test things out. im not bothered about what people say bout my "painting skills"

id rather do it this way instead of spending loads more on something and then think its s**t. so this i get to see what colour id like then do it all proeprly when im happy

and tbh the manifolds was painted on the car as a test the dipstick is gonna be taken off and sprayed most other things that paint it on will either be replaced or re sprayed anyway its a work in progress thats what a project thread is all about workin in progress

#103: Re: VAG GTI TURBO pg 7 update thinking about WMI :) Author: XSIcheeseman, Location: Orpington PostPosted: Mon Jul 02, 2012 6:53 am
gonna have a nice long think about saving for a WMI system Smile nice basic one but might be a good choice me thinks Smile

also how do you get ride of a poll i cant bloody rmemeber

#104: Re: VAG GTI TURBO pg 7 update thinking about WMI :) Author: Dillon, Location: Kent PostPosted: Mon Jul 02, 2012 7:04 am
Poll deleted for you,

Looking good so far, so easy to be a sheep with a popular car. Good to see your trying stuff out before leaping in, did you use heat resistant paint?

#105: Re: VAG GTI TURBO pg 7 update thinking about WMI :) Author: XSIcheeseman, Location: Orpington PostPosted: Mon Jul 02, 2012 7:07 am
yes i did indeed id rather do that to see the colour first if i like it ill get spare parts to paint proeprly nice as i dont see the point in doing it alll proper fitting it and thinking that looks w**k lol

ah your a site admin how do you remove a poll lol i wanna set an ew one up but cant think how to remove this one lol

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