#1: 206 GTI Alarm (might not be a problem, I dunno..) Author: panzer360gti, Location: UKPosted: Mon Jul 25, 2011 3:39 pm ---- Just read someones post about the standard alarm on pug 206, and mine is the two button job.
He said that if you leave the bonnet off the latch and set the alarm, the car beeps, which it does, but mine doesnt beep when setting it normally, is it supposed to?
The hazard light thing does come on, but I have never been able to trigger it with the doors or anything, only the bonnet test.
#2: Re: 206 GTI Alarm (might not be a problem, I dunno..) Author: Lee, Location: EnglandPosted: Mon Jul 25, 2011 3:40 pm ---- Lock the car with the fob. Big button then little button. Then unlock it manually with the key and open the door
#3: Re: 206 GTI Alarm (might not be a problem, I dunno..) Author: panzer360gti, Location: UKPosted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 4:22 am ---- Wahey! It works, I have an alarm! Nice one cheers.
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