#1: Seat is stuck forward? Author: Corky_124, Location: SurreyPosted: Fri Aug 19, 2011 11:03 am ---- Hey guys, basically i moved the drivers chair forwards to let someone in the back get out easier. Seems when i got back in the car, it won't go back anymore!
It moves about a inch and gets stuck on something, i tired for ages to move it back but ended up driving home in a awkward position haha...
Anyone know what the cause of this could be?
#2: Re: Seat is stuck forward? Author: Abzynthe, Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2011 11:04 am ---- Have you checked the torx bolts arent loose? it might be stuck on one of them, tighten them and see if that fixes it
#3: Re: Seat is stuck forward? Author: Corky_124, Location: SurreyPosted: Fri Aug 19, 2011 11:09 am ----
Abzynthe wrote:
Have you checked the torx bolts arent loose? it might be stuck on one of them, tighten them and see if that fixes it
1. How do i get to them? do you need to remove the seat?
2. Is it just normal bolts?
cheers mate
#4: Re: Seat is stuck forward? Author: Deckchair5, Location: Bath UKPosted: Fri Aug 19, 2011 11:13 am ---- The seat locking mechanism isn't the strongest. There's a few things that could cause the jam.
The seat up and down mechanism can become detached ( the lever is meant to be secured with a pivot pin where the red arrow shows) and you end up with the bits in the runner (I've just fixed my up and down mechanism)
The slider/ seat retainer can break and remain in the runner, jamming it up
(I've just fixed that too on mine)
Or the bar with the top hat looking spacer that springs into the runner slider to secure the seat to the slider has detached
(Mine was ok for this once)
If you can't even get to the seat fixings because of where the seat is jammed then i had to poke some strong wire in from the front of the runner to eventually clear whatever there was jammed in there
#5: Re: Seat is stuck forward? Author: Corky_124, Location: SurreyPosted: Fri Aug 19, 2011 11:31 am ---- ok thanks a lot!
#6: Re: Seat is stuck forward? Author: GregorG, Location: LinlithgowPosted: Fri Aug 19, 2011 1:14 pm ---- this happens to mine quite a bit, try pushing the lever towards the rear of the car (as if you were changing the seat position) while pushing it back to it's original position. Let it click into place, then move the lever forwards (as if you were allowing rear access) and move the whole seat back and forth a couple of times.
works for me :L
#7: Re: Seat is stuck forward? Author: mdstone, Location: South WalesPosted: Sun Aug 21, 2011 4:37 am ---- If all else fails boot the s**t out of the seat, this fixed my passenger seat stuck in recline.
#8: Re: Seat is stuck forward? Author: spike_202, Location: West midsPosted: Sun Jun 10, 2012 7:07 am ---- Were did you get anew seat slider/retainer from mate?
#9: Re: Seat is stuck forward? Author: yorkielassy, Location: YorkshirePosted: Sun Jun 10, 2012 7:14 am ---- Hi
I've just changed my interior and have seat runners but don't live anywhere near you.
eBay will probably have some or local scrappy.
#10: Re: Seat is stuck forward? Author: spike_202, Location: West midsPosted: Sun Jun 10, 2012 7:23 am ---- Dam I was thinking maybe that you can get a replacement from pug?? What does it actually do? Is it so when you tilt it forward to let someone in it remembers were the seat was? If so I don't need it any way as I've got bucket seats.
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