#1: Hows this for an idea (PFC magazine) Author: macj, Location: EssexPosted: Sun Sep 04, 2011 5:59 am ---- I have contacted Performance French Car mag and asked if they would like to do a feature on getting started in rallying.
Idea is that over 3 issues they sort out a co-driver license, overalls etc. And go into whats required. finally they put their co-driver in the hot seat on a proper stage rally.
What do you guys think?? I have offered to supply my car for the rally. Last edited by macj on Sun Sep 04, 2011 1:36 pm; edited 1 time in total
#2: Re: Hows this for an idea Author: Bassline_Toad, Location: Chester, UKPosted: Sun Sep 04, 2011 6:02 am ---- Cracking idea that mate!
#3: Re: Hows this for an idea Author: shell-vt, Location: durhamPosted: Sun Sep 04, 2011 6:11 am ---- sound good. on another note wish they would do more on 206,s rather than saxo,s 106,s gets boring..
#4: Re: Hows this for an idea Author: macj, Location: EssexPosted: Sun Sep 04, 2011 6:16 am ---- Thats part of the idea..... 206info.... well publicised. If only 10% of the members turn up at the rally as speccies then that would do the job
#5: Re: Hows this for an idea Author: Harry, Location: StaffordPosted: Sun Sep 04, 2011 7:30 am ---- Sounds mint, I want to do it
#6: Re: Hows this for an idea Author: matt.handley, Location: kentPosted: Sun Sep 04, 2011 7:39 am ---- sounds like a good idea mate
#7: Re: Hows this for an idea Author: Mrs_Howey, Location: WorthingPosted: Sun Sep 04, 2011 8:08 am ---- Sounds like a great idea
#8: Re: Hows this for an idea Author: furryhobnob, Location: NuneatonPosted: Sun Sep 04, 2011 8:11 am ---- Awesome idea mac
#9: Re: Hows this for an idea Author: macj, Location: EssexPosted: Sun Sep 04, 2011 8:14 am ---- Thanks guys.... now I want suggestions on this theme. What would you find interesting from the feature? What would you most like to find out or learn from it? Would you attend the rally venue if you had the chance?
All your ideas on this theme will be forwarded to the editor
#10: Re: Hows this for an idea Author: Mrs_Howey, Location: WorthingPosted: Sun Sep 04, 2011 8:23 am ---- I think it would be good to learn how you get into to rallying being a driver or passenger, how difficult it is, how much it costs.
I'd like to try and attend if i was able to
#11: Re: Hows this for an idea Author: broadblaster, Location: south coastPosted: Sun Sep 04, 2011 11:45 am ---- yeah i would try to attend the rally to give suport if possable mate i do go to quite a few allready (radio car work) so may even be one i'm at anyway.
#12: Re: Hows this for an idea Author: macj, Location: EssexPosted: Sun Sep 04, 2011 11:50 am ----
broadblaster wrote:
yeah i would try to attend the rally to give suport if possable mate i do go to quite a few allready (radio car work) so may even be one i'm at anyway.
Good man. We cant run without you marshals
#13: Re: Hows this for an idea Author: Seabook, Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2011 11:51 am ---- support!
#14: Re: Hows this for an idea Author: broadblaster, Location: south coastPosted: Sun Sep 04, 2011 12:40 pm ---- well tbh my old man got me into it as he has been into rallying all his life he used to do pit crew work for stig blomvist (sp) back in the early to mid 60's, so spent alot of my youth sitting in the middle of a forrest in the early hrs of the morning waiting for the cars to come through lol lol , mind you nothing wakes you up like the sound of a 6R4 on full song in mid wales.
#15: Re: Hows this for an idea Author: macj, Location: EssexPosted: Sun Sep 04, 2011 3:34 pm ----
Seabook wrote:
The more guys we get stage side the more the magazine will take notice of the forum. You would need to make some noise
#16: Re: Hows this for an idea (PFC magazine) Author: Bassline_Toad, Location: Chester, UKPosted: Sun Sep 04, 2011 3:44 pm ---- I recon, for the rally itself, we should have a mahoosive 206 meet. Get looaddssss of people involved. What are us reps for otherwise?
This should so happen
#17: Re: Hows this for an idea (PFC magazine) Author: macj, Location: EssexPosted: Fri Oct 21, 2011 10:32 am ---- Still waiting for PFC to make their minds up on this one. Will keep you all updated
#18: Re: Hows this for an idea (PFC magazine) Author: Andrew, Location: Black Country Ay IPosted: Fri Oct 21, 2011 10:40 am ---- Great idea! I'm glad its not just me who feels the 206 has been a bit neglected by the magazine. The back page on the recent article says 'next issue, why is the 206 so hard to mod properly'
Erm, no it isn't you guys just over feature 106s and saxos. Always thought you and Edward would be perfect people to put forward for coverage.
If the rally was near me I would attend
#19: Re: Hows this for an idea (PFC magazine) Author: Lowercase, Location: East SussexPosted: Fri Oct 21, 2011 11:13 am ---- id so be up for that, i do likes to watch a bit of rally!
#20: Re: Hows this for an idea (PFC magazine) Author: MrBSI, Location: What's it to you? ? ?Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2011 11:43 am ----
Andrewxps wrote:
Great idea! I'm glad its not just me who feels the 206 has been a bit neglected by the magazine. The back page on the recent article says 'next issue, why is the 206 so hard to mod properly'
Because the people that wrote the artical aint got a sodding clue
#21: Re: Hows this for an idea (PFC magazine) Author: Howey, Location: Kings LynnPosted: Fri Oct 21, 2011 11:48 am ----
MrBSI wrote:
Andrewxps wrote:
Great idea! I'm glad its not just me who feels the 206 has been a bit neglected by the magazine. The back page on the recent article says 'next issue, why is the 206 so hard to mod properly'
Because the people that wrote the artical aint got a sodding clue
#22: Re: Hows this for an idea (PFC magazine) Author: macj, Location: EssexPosted: Fri Oct 21, 2011 1:38 pm ---- I have noticed that unless you advertise in the PFC you dont get good feature coverage. Pug1off, RS tuning, and god forbid...ATspeed get a reasonable exposure and they cant tune a fa*t.
On the plus side..... they have promised they will let me know.... However my sponsors are waiting to put a page ad in to back up the feature..... PFC..... wake up
#23: Re: Hows this for an idea (PFC magazine) Author: macj, Location: EssexPosted: Tue Oct 25, 2011 11:04 am ---- PFC have been in touch.... The MSA are interested through their Go Motorsport initiative, starting to look like it could be a good feature. Lets hope the 206 and the 206info gets some coverage....
#24: Re: Hows this for an idea (PFC magazine) Author: Dillon, Location: KentPosted: Tue Oct 25, 2011 11:56 am ---- Would be ace to get something like this going, especially with some member turn out to cheer it all along!
#25: Re: Hows this for an idea (PFC magazine) Author: macj, Location: EssexPosted: Tue Oct 25, 2011 11:58 am ---- We need the rally to be central to most members.... lets see how it pans out
#26: Re: Hows this for an idea (PFC magazine) Author: Andrew, Location: Black Country Ay IPosted: Tue Oct 25, 2011 11:59 am ---- Do you have a venue in mind?
#27: Re: Hows this for an idea (PFC magazine) Author: jimjam19927, Location: PortsmouthPosted: Tue Oct 25, 2011 12:17 pm ---- i would be keen for this sounds an awesome day out
#28: Re: Hows this for an idea (PFC magazine) Author: macj, Location: EssexPosted: Tue Oct 25, 2011 12:22 pm ---- The magazine will probably choose the venue of the rally.... remember they are based in bonny Scotland.... I hope its not Knockhill
#29: Re: Hows this for an idea (PFC magazine) Author: Lowercase, Location: East SussexPosted: Tue Oct 25, 2011 12:26 pm ---- ugg that would be a mission of a trip lol
#30: Re: Hows this for an idea (PFC magazine) Author: macj, Location: EssexPosted: Tue Oct 25, 2011 12:31 pm ---- CHALLENGE..... look through the MSA single venue rally locations for national "B" status. and pick a rally in a central location in or around May next year..... that is about when the rally should be booked (subject to editor approval)
#31: Re: Hows this for an idea (PFC magazine) Author: macj, Location: EssexPosted: Thu Nov 03, 2011 12:47 pm ---- UPDATE.... Having had a few chats with the editorial staff at PFC it seems that the criteria has changed.... What is now proposed is that we change it to. "how to get into rallying".....driver. This means I hand my car over to an untamed "racing" driver to use in a rally. The guinea pig driver has yet to be anounced, but I suspect it will be the editor of PFC or a complete newby.....
Fancy a chance to be that driver?.... get in touch with Mark Dow or David Corfield at Performance French Car and rattle the cage a bit
#32: Re: Hows this for an idea (PFC magazine) Author: macj, Location: EssexPosted: Fri Nov 25, 2011 12:48 pm ---- UPDATE.... After the previous post things have progressed, It seems Gordon Macmillan, Owner of PFC magazine, will be driving the 206 for the feature. I am planning for Brands Hatch Stages to be the event he will enter.
As you can imagine this will be a major chance for 206info to wave their flags and get PFC attention for the future. I am hoping you can all make it to cheer him on.
More details will be released as and when they come to me
#33: Re: Hows this for an idea (PFC magazine) Author: jimjam19927, Location: PortsmouthPosted: Fri Nov 25, 2011 12:54 pm ---- Sounds like a great day. Looking forward to these "more details"
#34: Re: Hows this for an idea (PFC magazine) Author: macj, Location: EssexPosted: Wed Dec 14, 2011 10:33 am ---- Latest news. Gordon has passed his BARS test and now has his rally license. The car is booked into the rally at Brands Hatch on 22nd January with me in the co-drivers seat. We have a list of event sponsors now which is good news. So far we have
If you know of a company who you think would benefit from the magazine coverage and event exposure, get in touch with me.
#35: Re: Hows this for an idea (PFC magazine) Author: Andrew, Location: Black Country Ay IPosted: Wed Dec 14, 2011 12:19 pm ---- How much would the sponsorship cost, and does the company have to be related to motorsport?
#36: Re: Hows this for an idea (PFC magazine) Author: jayz206gti, Location: TamworthPosted: Wed Dec 14, 2011 12:43 pm ---- Id be up for supporting this aslong as its not a mission away... Deffo need to get pfc to stick more 206's in the mag. I yawn at the usual Saxo/Clio bias they show.
#37: Re: Hows this for an idea (PFC magazine) Author: macj, Location: EssexPosted: Wed Dec 14, 2011 1:03 pm ---- Thanks for the interest.... Sponsorship does not have to be related to motorsport. If you feel the company will benefit from some exposure on stage or in the magazine feature then get in touch. Most companies have settled for a logo, web address and mention in exchange for £50 toward the entry. As I said, its up to the individual company. There are other ways to help. We are going to need hotel rooms near the venue, Tyres are always wanted. The average rally costs me alone about £1000 to compete.
As they say.... every little helps
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