I haven't put barely any pictures up of my project or plans so far, as I know instead of it coming along slowly, it'll be ALL AT ONCE
Im going for the Euro smooth look, and should be there soon.
What's arrived so far
Remote door popper kit
Brembos etc
Anyways, here is everything needed to get my brembo's on, (except the 20mm hubcentric spacers, which should be here Friday :D)
GTi 180 discs, drilled and grooved (going under my secret 15" wheels)
Brembo calipers
Uprated braided hoses
Master cylinder from the 406 coupe/Xantia V6/GTi-6
5.1 brake fluid
(standard pads for the moment) Im poor
Enjoy... (and yes that is FOUR BREMBO CALIPERS Got the second pair stupidly cheap, so I sold them to a friend
Last edited by EuroPeugeot on Thu Jun 17, 2010 2:20 pm; edited 14 times in total
#2: Re: EuroPeugeot's WIP Author: mrhelper, Location: ScotlandPosted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 5:10 pm ---- loving the picture with the caliper on the disc MINT!!!!!
#3: Re: EuroPeugeot's WIP - brembo this time Author: Aaronrussell1990, Location: Medway townsPosted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 5:23 pm ---- Sexy stuff.
#4: Re: EuroPeugeot's WIP - brembo this time Author: DJ-, Location: UKPosted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 5:25 pm ---- Should be good, will keep on eye on this project!
#5: Re: EuroPeugeot's WIP - brembo this time Author: JordGJ, Location: Leeds / West MidlandsPosted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 5:39 pm ---- Glad to be helping out in this project in a very little way haha, excited to see what happens tbh will give me some good euro ideas
#6: Re: EuroPeugeot's WIP - brembo this time Author: EuroPeugeot, Location: SW EnglandPosted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 5:40 pm ----
snow_n_low wrote:
Glad to be helping out in this project in a very little way haha, excited to see what happens tbh will give me some good euro ideas
I just wish my car was white standard haa
#7: Re: EuroPeugeot's WIP - brembo this time Author: JordGJ, Location: Leeds / West MidlandsPosted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 5:48 pm ---- Best decision i ever made with my 206 was buying a white one lol
#8: Re: EuroPeugeot's WIP - brembo this time Author: Bailey, Location: Finding Dr. RobotnikPosted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 6:04 pm ---- Brembos look mint mate
#9: Re: EuroPeugeot's WIP - brembo this time Author: mattymj, Location: NorfolkPosted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 6:21 pm ---- What size discs you go for? 283mm?
I tried this project, with 283 (gti 180) discs everything fits/lines up perfect, the only problem was spacers with my 17" vortex wheels.
I didn't want to change the wheels so quit the project
#10: Re: EuroPeugeot's WIP - brembo this time Author: Brian, Location: VVT Land, FifePosted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 6:51 pm ---- As matty states you need spacers to fit these or aftermarket wheels. What sized spacers did you find out you'd need matty?
#11: Re: EuroPeugeot's WIP - brembo this time Author: mattymj, Location: NorfolkPosted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 6:56 pm ---- I think i attempted 20mm spacers, lead to problem 2, peugeot do not sell wheel nuts that are long enough to account for this.
Definatly do a dry run before bleeding brakes etc like i did lol
#12: Re: EuroPeugeot's WIP - brembo this time Author: Brian, Location: VVT Land, FifePosted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 6:57 pm ---- Oh that's heafty spacers It wouldn't handle all that well i'd have thought? They'd stick out a mile from the arches too i'd have thought which is illegal too...
#13: Re: EuroPeugeot's WIP - brembo this time Author: Mike, Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 6:59 pm ---- Looks good. As said 20mm spacers are what's needed, which I think is what he's bought, along with longer bolts! They look sweet! Maybe one day..
#14: Re: EuroPeugeot's WIP - brembo this time Author: mattymj, Location: NorfolkPosted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 6:59 pm ---- I know, the 406 have very wide wheels, i feel with the right aftermarket alloys all should be fine.
#15: Re: EuroPeugeot's WIP - brembo this time Author: JordGJ, Location: Leeds / West MidlandsPosted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 7:02 pm ---- 20mm spacing isnt that much at all and won't affect handling, especially if they are hubcentric, big wide stance... more grip theoretically lol
#16: Re: EuroPeugeot's WIP - brembo this time Author: Mike, Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 7:02 pm ---- I'd personally just use longer wheel bolts
#17: Re: EuroPeugeot's WIP - brembo this time Author: mattymj, Location: NorfolkPosted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 7:08 pm ---- Can you find OEM 20mm longer pug ones that have the floating washers? I found some random ones but as i tightened them they were pulling through the holes.
#18: Re: EuroPeugeot's WIP - brembo this time Author: EuroPeugeot, Location: SW EnglandPosted: Thu Mar 11, 2010 3:43 am ----
mattymj wrote:
What size discs you go for? 283mm?
I tried this project, with 283 (gti 180) discs everything fits/lines up perfect, the only problem was spacers with my 17" vortex wheels.
I didn't want to change the wheels so quit the project
Yeah 283mm discs mate.
Im buying spacers with the longer bolts, so all should be well.
I'll post up more pictures once they get fitted on Saturday
#19: Re: EuroPeugeot's WIP - brembo this time Author: bertt, Location: chesterPosted: Thu Mar 11, 2010 8:35 am ---- going to look smart with the doors cant wait to see it all finished off!
#20: Re: EuroPeugeot's WIP - brembo this time Author: EuroPeugeot, Location: SW EnglandPosted: Tue Mar 30, 2010 10:42 am ----
UPDATE 30/03/2010 @ 17:30
Brakes have been on for a week, but due to me breaking the bleed nipple on the rear caliper, I cannot bleed the system 100%, so i STILL haven't felt the power of these bad boys
Going to my local scrap yard tomorrow, to purchase a nice old caliper for 25 english pounds. So should give you an update on the weekend with regards to how powerful the brakes are
#21: Re: EuroPeugeot's WIP - UPDATED 30/03/10 Author: Jake, Location: ReadingPosted: Tue Mar 30, 2010 10:57 am ---- Look Wicked, I want a set so bad Ohh and that transporter looks amazing!
#22: Re: EuroPeugeot's WIP - UPDATED 30/03/10 Author: Sheedy1592, Location: NewportPosted: Sat Apr 03, 2010 10:39 am ---- that looks like dangerous times, working on the side of the road like that. must be quiet!
#23: Re: EuroPeugeot's WIP - UPDATED 30/03/10 Author: EuroPeugeot, Location: SW EnglandPosted: Sat Apr 03, 2010 10:47 am ---- Yup, tiny village mate
#25: Re: EuroPeugeot's WIP - UPDATED 30/03/10 Author: Ruffy_206, Location: BristolPosted: Tue Apr 13, 2010 9:18 am ---- seen this today as i drove pass i turned in to take a look.
i must say i want brembos now lol.
also who much are the nimmys spaced out they look so much better.
seen this today as i drove pass i turned in to take a look.
i must say i want brembos now lol.
also who much are the nimmys spaced out they look so much better.
20mm Yeah I thought they looked much better spaced out
#28: Re: EuroPeugeot's WIP - UPDATED 30/03/10 Author: SamanthRobyn, Location: sheffieldPosted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 7:47 am ---- whats been done at bodyshop?
#29: Re: EuroPeugeot's WIP - UPDATED 30/03/10 Author: The_Stig, Location: StirlingPosted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 7:49 am ---- looking good
how much were the brembos? and where you get them from?
seen this today as i drove pass i turned in to take a look.
i must say i want brembos now lol.
also who much are the nimmys spaced out they look so much better.
20mm Yeah I thought they looked much better spaced out
yeah looks sweet ill do it when u got your new wheels dont look like im copying then lol
how much were the brembos? and where you get them from?
also how much the wheel spacers set you back??
Calipers alone cost me £150,
4 spacers cost me £90 and i picked them up as the shop was near
But with everything else including spacers etcetc, i paid around £500 for everything :l
#32: Re: EuroPeugeot's WIP - UPDATED 30/03/10 Author: SamanthRobyn, Location: sheffieldPosted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 10:29 am ---- come on spill tbf probably already gonna do it to my car u seen my photoshop
#33: Re: EuroPeugeot's WIP - UPDATED 30/03/10 Author: EuroPeugeot, Location: SW EnglandPosted: Sun Apr 25, 2010 6:28 am ----
UPDATE 25/04/2010 @ 13:30
Car is coming along nicely now - Took these pictures on 24/04/2010
Shouldn't be too long until she's complete. Maybe another weekend or two, obviously awaiting on the secret wheels to arrive yet
And before anybody slags the carbon pipercross induction, I mainly got it for looks, to go with the rest of my carbon engine bay
BTW - The ST orange 106 is the guy's who is doing my car
and that amazing roof-less 106 is his helpers project, it's gonna be a 106 pickup, hahahhaha
Last edited by EuroPeugeot on Thu Jun 17, 2010 2:22 pm; edited 1 time in total
#34: Re: EuroPeugeot's WIP - UPDATED TODAY 25/04/10 Author: Austin, Location: TelfordPosted: Sun Apr 25, 2010 8:23 am ---- Nice, Nice looking forward to seeing it finished
#35: Re: EuroPeugeot's WIP - UPDATED ON 25/04/10 Author: dan_206, Location: Bury St EdmundsPosted: Thu Apr 29, 2010 11:20 am ---- Cant wait to see this finished, love it so far. Well done
#36: Re: EuroPeugeot's WIP - UPDATED ON 25/04/10 Author: Ruffy_206, Location: BristolPosted: Thu Apr 29, 2010 11:37 am ---- looks good matey. where you getting it done and by who?
#37: Re: EuroPeugeot's WIP - UPDATED ON 25/04/10 Author: EuroPeugeot, Location: SW EnglandPosted: Thu Apr 29, 2010 11:42 am ----
Ruffy_206 wrote:
looks good matey. where you getting it done and by who?
Thanks guys,
Being done by a friend who works for Pearce Brothers. Being done at his own personal garage in Yate
#38: Re: EuroPeugeot's WIP - UPDATED ON 25/04/10 Author: Ruffy_206, Location: BristolPosted: Thu Apr 29, 2010 11:43 am ---- oritey nice. is he spraying it for you yah? be handy to no a good sprayer you see
#39: Re: EuroPeugeot's WIP - UPDATED ON 25/04/10 Author: EuroPeugeot, Location: SW EnglandPosted: Thu Apr 29, 2010 11:45 am ----
Ruffy_206 wrote:
oritey nice. is he spraying it for you yah? be handy to no a good sprayer you see
Yup he's doing literally everything except the arch rolling
I went to school with him, but we never really spoke too much in school. I've seen his car, and his other work, and he was ALOT cheaper than other silly quotes I got
#40: Re: EuroPeugeot's WIP - UPDATED ON 25/04/10 Author: Ruffy_206, Location: BristolPosted: Thu Apr 29, 2010 11:51 am ---- cool. what school did you go to?
and i might need some stuff spraying so might ask you to get me a qoute or give me his number.
#41: Re: EuroPeugeot's WIP - UPDATED ON 25/04/10 Author: EuroPeugeot, Location: SW EnglandPosted: Thu Apr 29, 2010 11:56 am ----
Ruffy_206 wrote:
cool. what school did you go to?
and i might need some stuff spraying so might ask you to get me a qoute or give me his number.
Yeah no problem, I'll let him know.
To be honest, I wanna talk to him about setting something up, business wise, see how things go. He's got all the training and facilities, and I've got the will and passion!! ha
We both went to Brimsham Green.. you know it ? In Yate..
#42: Re: EuroPeugeot's WIP - UPDATED ON 25/04/10 Author: Ruffy_206, Location: BristolPosted: Thu Apr 29, 2010 11:59 am ---- yeah i went to sodbury.
and yeah well if you do ill let my local car club no about it.
let me no if you get some prices ect ill try and chuck some bussiness his/your way
#43: Re: EuroPeugeot's WIP - UPDATED ON 25/04/10 Author: EuroPeugeot, Location: SW EnglandPosted: Fri Apr 30, 2010 4:24 am ----
Ruffy_206 wrote:
yeah i went to sodbury.
and yeah well if you do ill let my local car club no about it.
let me no if you get some prices ect ill try and chuck some bussiness his/your way
That'd be excellent, cheers
#44: Re: EuroPeugeot's WIP - UPDATED ON 25/04/10 Author: EuroPeugeot, Location: SW EnglandPosted: Wed May 05, 2010 6:55 am ---- [quote="EuroPeugeot"]
UPDATE 05/05/2010 @ 14:00
My wheels have arrived Only problem being now is that the rear tyres won't go onto the rim, too much of a tyre stretch at the moment :l
Ill try the old, bike inner tube trick to try and get the tyre on.
Archs are being rolled on Saturday at midday!!
Then the car will be sprayed the following Saturday, and ITS DONE :D:D:D
Sneak peak
#45: Re: EuroPeugeot's WIP - UPDATE 05/05/2010 Author: Ruffy_206, Location: BristolPosted: Wed May 05, 2010 6:58 am ---- how much psi did you go up too tho. dont be scared to get a big stretch they need a lot of air to pop over the rim will make a nice bang
#46: Re: EuroPeugeot's WIP - UPDATE 05/05/2010 Author: dalegt, Location: West YorkshirePosted: Wed May 05, 2010 7:04 am ---- tyres dont look too stretched mate, as above have you pushed the psi??
on the other hand your project looks good, am looking forward to seeing it done mate
#47: Re: EuroPeugeot's WIP - UPDATE 05/05/2010 Author: Quarmbo, Location: Bristol & LeicesterPosted: Wed May 05, 2010 7:05 am ---- streeeeeeeeeetch! Looking forward to seeing it all finished mate.
#48: Re: EuroPeugeot's WIP - UPDATE 05/05/2010 Author: EuroPeugeot, Location: SW EnglandPosted: Wed May 05, 2010 7:20 am ----
dalegt wrote:
tyres dont look too stretched mate, as above have you pushed the psi??
on the other hand your project looks good, am looking forward to seeing it done mate
As below to Ruffy, and thanks
Ruffy_206 wrote:
how much psi did you go up too tho. dont be scared to get a big stretch they need a lot of air to pop over the rim will make a nice bang
I haven't put any PSI in, there's not even a valve fitted yet.
The rear wheels are an inch wider that the fronts. Currently only the front tyres are on. Ruffy come and help me fit these god damn tyres, I don't know how to do it And I'm scared about the sudden bang. (I've been watching videos on youtue)
#49: Re: EuroPeugeot's WIP - UPDATE 05/05/2010 Author: Bailey, Location: Finding Dr. RobotnikPosted: Wed May 05, 2010 7:21 am ---- Can't wait for this to be finished.
#50: Re: EuroPeugeot's WIP - UPDATE 05/05/2010 Author: EuroPeugeot, Location: SW EnglandPosted: Wed May 05, 2010 7:31 am ----
Bailey wrote:
Can't wait for this to be finished.
Thanks Me too
#51: Re: EuroPeugeot's WIP - UPDATE 05/05/2010 Author: Jamie, Location: Ring y0Posted: Wed May 05, 2010 7:36 am ---- That's gonna be an insane amount of stretch
#52: Re: EuroPeugeot's WIP - UPDATE 05/05/2010 Author: EuroPeugeot, Location: SW EnglandPosted: Wed May 05, 2010 9:38 am ----
Jamie wrote:
That's gonna be an insane amount of stretch
Nope it wont be, this picture is the exact measurements of my wheels and tyres. It's fine!
#53: Re: EuroPeugeot's WIP - UPDATE 05/05/2010 Author: Ruffy_206, Location: BristolPosted: Wed May 05, 2010 9:42 am ---- ill come over matey. all you got to do is wack a valve in it and put some air and see what happens my mums mini tyres are pretty low profile and run flats their a b***h to pop on got to take it over 80 to get them on.
#54: Re: EuroPeugeot's WIP - UPDATE 05/05/2010 Author: Ruffy_206, Location: BristolPosted: Wed May 05, 2010 9:43 am ---- saying that ive never done stretched before but my mate goes to a place that will do it in ill find out if i cant do it.
#55: Re: EuroPeugeot's WIP - UPDATE 05/05/2010 Author: EuroPeugeot, Location: SW EnglandPosted: Wed May 05, 2010 9:50 am ----
Ruffy_206 wrote:
saying that ive never done stretched before but my mate goes to a place that will do it in ill find out if i cant do it.
Excellent, if you could that'd be great.
If you have a look at the youtube video I posted, you can't just wack air into it, as the tyre sits completely loosely. I'll give the "fire trick" a try
How much am I looking at for a garage to fit a new valve for 2 new wheels? £5 each at a guess I'm hoping?
(As you can see, the tyre is "on" the rim, but sitting loose, as its obviously too small. Hense once fitted, it shall be stretched
#56: Re: EuroPeugeot's WIP - UPDATED 05/05/2010 Author: Ruffy_206, Location: BristolPosted: Wed May 05, 2010 9:54 am ---- ill fit 2 new valves for a £5 could knock that off them archs when you find them for me.
and i see what you mean but i would try air first all tyres sit loose when on but not as loose as urs. by all means try the fire trick but im not lol
#57: Re: EuroPeugeot's WIP - UPDATED 05/05/2010 Author: Jamie, Location: Ring y0Posted: Wed May 05, 2010 9:57 am ---- What spacers are you gonna be using mate? And I would call that a lot of stretch!
#58: Re: EuroPeugeot's WIP - UPDATED 05/05/2010 Author: EuroPeugeot, Location: SW EnglandPosted: Wed May 05, 2010 9:58 am ----
Ruffy_206 wrote:
ill fit 2 new valves for a £5 could knock that off them archs when you find them for me.
and i see what you mean but i would try air first all tyres sit loose when on but not as loose as urs. by all means try the fire trick but im not lol
Haa, I'm not looking forward to this fire trick too much :l, seems safe ish thou
I'll have the arches back on Saturday, if you wanna come collect them, along with watching me set my new wheels and tyres a-light :l ?
#59: Re: EuroPeugeot's WIP - UPDATED 05/05/2010 Author: EuroPeugeot, Location: SW EnglandPosted: Wed May 05, 2010 9:59 am ----
Jamie wrote:
What spacers are you gonna be using mate? And I would call that a lot of stretch!
20mm spacers all round. Arches are being rolled on Saturday, so the wheels won't be sticking out!!
#60: Re: EuroPeugeot's WIP - UPDATED 05/05/2010 Author: Ruffy_206, Location: BristolPosted: Wed May 05, 2010 10:07 am ---- i have work sat matey im free sunday tho.
#61: Re: EuroPeugeot's WIP - UPDATED 05/05/2010 Author: EuroPeugeot, Location: SW EnglandPosted: Wed May 05, 2010 10:12 am ----
Ruffy_206 wrote:
i have work sat matey im free sunday tho.
Yeah I'm free Sunday, give me a PM on Saturday or something, about sorting something out
#62: Re: EuroPeugeot's WIP - UPDATED 05/05/2010 Author: Ruffy_206, Location: BristolPosted: Wed May 05, 2010 10:19 am ---- ok matey no probs
#63: Re: EuroPeugeot's WIP - UPDATED 05/05/2010 Author: Quarmbo, Location: Bristol & LeicesterPosted: Wed May 05, 2010 1:33 pm ---- Aaaaah guys, I want to see the fire trick!!
#66: Re: EuroPeugeot's WIP - UPDATED 05/05/2010 Author: SamanthRobyn, Location: sheffieldPosted: Wed May 05, 2010 2:44 pm ---- you do realised u have to bead seal stretched tyres?
#67: Re: EuroPeugeot's WIP - UPDATED 05/05/2010 Author: Gray5827, Location: WarringtonPosted: Thu May 06, 2010 2:50 am ---- Go to styledynamix There the guys for the job when it comes to stretch. I had them do mine.
#68: Re: EuroPeugeot's WIP - UPDATED 05/05/2010 Author: EuroPeugeot, Location: SW EnglandPosted: Thu May 06, 2010 6:25 am ----
SamanthRobyn wrote:
you do realised you have to bead seal stretched tyres?
What does that mean exactly? I'm very new to the whole stretched tyres thing..
#69: Re: EuroPeugeot's WIP - UPDATED 05/05/2010 Author: SamanthRobyn, Location: sheffieldPosted: Thu May 06, 2010 7:12 am ----
EuroPeugeot wrote:
SamanthRobyn wrote:
you do realised you have to bead seal stretched tyres?
What does that mean exactly? I'm very new to the whole stretched tyres thing..
google bead seal u will defineatly need one to hold the tyre on
it basically means when u stretch it and it catches on the two embossed lines on the inside of the wheel it will hold it better and not leak air . but the bead seals can go easily if u put stretch on your front tyres
#70: Re: EuroPeugeot's WIP - UPDATED 05/05/2010 Author: EuroPeugeot, Location: SW EnglandPosted: Thu May 06, 2010 7:29 am ----
SamanthRobyn wrote:
EuroPeugeot wrote:
SamanthRobyn wrote:
you do realised you have to bead seal stretched tyres?
What does that mean exactly? I'm very new to the whole stretched tyres thing..
google bead seal you will defineatly need one to hold the tyre on
it basically means when you stretch it and it catches on the two embossed lines on the inside of the wheel it will hold it better and not leak air . but the bead seals can go easily if you put stretch on your front tyres
How much is that gonna cost me to get a tyre place to fit do you think?
I guess to fit new valves for 2 wheels is like £10 or something?
#71: Re: EuroPeugeot's WIP - UPDATED 05/05/2010 Author: Addaz, Location: SuffolkPosted: Thu May 06, 2010 7:32 am ----
EuroPeugeot wrote:
SamanthRobyn wrote:
EuroPeugeot wrote:
SamanthRobyn wrote:
you do realised you have to bead seal stretched tyres?
What does that mean exactly? I'm very new to the whole stretched tyres thing..
google bead seal you will defineatly need one to hold the tyre on
it basically means when you stretch it and it catches on the two embossed lines on the inside of the wheel it will hold it better and not leak air . but the bead seals can go easily if you put stretch on your front tyres
How much is that gonna cost me to get a tyre place to fit do you think?
I guess to fit new valves for 2 wheels is like £10 or something?
May i just ask, what wheels do you have? As some wheels cant have streched tyres due to a double stepped lip?
#72: Re: EuroPeugeot's WIP - UPDATED 05/05/2010 Author: SamanthRobyn, Location: sheffieldPosted: Thu May 06, 2010 7:49 am ---- dunno bead seals normally a fiver on its own per tyre
#73: Re: EuroPeugeot's WIP - UPDATED 05/05/2010 Author: Gray5827, Location: WarringtonPosted: Thu May 13, 2010 10:06 am ---- I found when getting my tyres done that alot of main stream tyre fitters such as kwikfit and national tyres would attempt a stretch. You may get lucky but i didnt. I used style dynamix because they have a good amount of experience stretching tyres and will at least attempt most things.
Not exactly local to you, but they wernt to me either. They had my tyres fitted without any problems.
Its at least worth giving them a call so you can get accurate answers to any questions you have
0208 561 0001
#74: Re: EuroPeugeot's WIP - UPDATED 05/05/2010 Author: 206ed, Location: southamptonPosted: Tue May 25, 2010 1:38 am ---- any more progress on this ????
FYI, yes I shall be getting banded front wheels, and make the other little things perfect over time. But at least she's on the road now
Last edited by EuroPeugeot on Thu Jun 17, 2010 2:20 pm; edited 1 time in total
#78: Re: EuroPeugeot's WIP - UPDATED 05/05/2010 Author: Rich196, Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2010 1:47 pm ---- Looks so much better now its not all dusty :P:P
Well done alot of efforts gone in there, looking forward seeing new wheels on all conners.
What have you done with the rear fog? will it pass an mot?
#79: Re: EuroPeugeot's WIP - UPDATED 05/05/2010 Author: Dabamash, Location: The car in frontPosted: Mon Jun 14, 2010 1:48 pm ---- Mate, you know French plates are illegal if you don't have French documents and licence don't you? They are also metal by the looks of it, which is also illegal. (i'm not a cop, just don't want you getting pulled over for having illegal plates )
Mate, you know French plates are illegal if you don't have French documents and licence don't you? They are also metal by the looks of it, which is also illegal. (i'm not a cop, just don't want you getting pulled over for having illegal plates )
Apart from that, nice job mate, looks awesome.
for all you no that could be his show plates. im pretty sure he knows they are illegeal. but you can get leagal pressed plates
#81: Re: EuroPeugeot's WIP - UPDATED 05/05/2010 Author: EuroPeugeot, Location: SW EnglandPosted: Mon Jun 14, 2010 1:53 pm ---- Also - Ive been pulled 4,000,000 regarding plates. I dont care, ill pay the fines. End of
#82: Re: EuroPeugeot's WIP - UPDATED 05/05/2010 Author: Dabamash, Location: The car in frontPosted: Mon Jun 14, 2010 1:53 pm ----
Ruffy_206 wrote:
Dabamash wrote:
Mate, you know French plates are illegal if you don't have French documents and licence don't you? They are also metal by the looks of it, which is also illegal. (i'm not a cop, just don't want you getting pulled over for having illegal plates )
Apart from that, nice job mate, looks awesome.
for all you no that could be his show plates. im pretty sure he knows they are illegeal. but you can get leagal pressed plates
For all I know, yeah. That's why I was just pointing it out.
I wasn't having a go at him lol, just warning him in case he's driving around with them like that.
#83: Re: EuroPeugeot's WIP - UPDATED 05/05/2010 Author: Dabamash, Location: The car in frontPosted: Mon Jun 14, 2010 1:54 pm ----
EuroPeugeot wrote:
Also - Ive been pulled 4,000,000 regarding plates. I dont care, ill pay the fines. End of
Well done alot of efforts gone in there, looking forward seeing new wheels on all conners.
What have you done with the rear fog? will it pass an mot?
I think in halfords you can buy rear fog lights, for imported jap cars etc, i'll buy one of those bad boys. £10 max
Can't you just whack a fog bulb in one the of the reverse holders and wire it up from there?
I was thinking that, hmmm, maybe one day when I'm bored.
hassle hassle thou
#90: Re: EuroPeugeot's WIP - UPDATED 05/05/2010 Author: Ruffy_206, Location: BristolPosted: Mon Jun 14, 2010 2:05 pm ---- dude im not being picky im just woundering are you lighting up your number plate? if so how?
dude im not being picky im just woundering are you lighting up your number plate? if so how?
Nahh :l
Gonna have to accept the old fines, and try talk my way out of them etc.
I really dont wanna drill my bumper.
Although, Im sure I saw on eBay once, just a 501 type bulb, that you stick onto your number plate, its got a tiny battery inside that last ages or something.
I didn't recognise the car yesterday, but I recognised you!
How have you been? Long time no see, since the Brum meet last year
yeah man, long, long time. I've been good, apart from the usual arguments with my car etcetc, You all good buddy ?
yeah cheers, I'm good thanks!
#93: Re: EuroPeugeot's WIP - UPDATED 05/05/2010 Author: Rich196, Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2010 2:16 pm ---- I was going to say, is the not light that can clip onto the top of you place to save you drilling the bumper
dude im not being picky im just woundering are you lighting up your number plate? if so how?
Nahh :l
Gonna have to accept the old fines, and try talk my way out of them etc.
I really dont wanna drill my bumper.
Although, Im sure I saw on eBay once, just a 501 type bulb, that you stick onto your number plate, its got a tiny battery inside that last ages or something.
yeah i no what your on about. id try and do something even if you stuffed a led in the teddy lol
#95: Re: EuroPeugeot's WIP - UPDATED 05/05/2010 Author: Mike_XS, Location: SouthamptonPosted: Mon Jun 14, 2010 2:44 pm ---- Good job on the smoothing mate!
#96: Re: EuroPeugeot's WIP - UPDATED 05/05/2010 Author: Ali_H, Location: Chichester, SussexPosted: Mon Jun 14, 2010 4:48 pm ---- Why doesn't your drivers door line up properly? Will look better with decent wheels on.
Why doesn't your drivers door line up properly? Will look better with decent wheels on.
Common fault on 206 with the doors not lining up 100%. Just needs the hinges adjusted slightly. I'll have front banded wheels soon
#98: Re: EuroPeugeot's WIP - UPDATED 05/05/2010 Author: sam-c, Location: Uni: Kent Home: ScunthorpePosted: Tue Jun 15, 2010 3:41 am ---- its an mot failure not to have a number plate light and its also an mot failure not to have 1 manual point of entry ... no mot no tax ... no tax no insurance ... pulled over by the poilce no tax, no insurance, no mot theyre going to have a field day and it wont jsut be a fine im affraid
not that im slating your work in anyway as its a stunning car im jsut saying how it is
#99: Re: EuroPeugeot's WIP - UPDATED 05/05/2010 Author: EuroPeugeot, Location: SW EnglandPosted: Tue Jun 15, 2010 4:13 am ----
sam-c wrote:
its an mot failure not to have a number plate light and its also an mot failure not to have 1 manual point of entry ... no mot no tax ... no tax no insurance ... pulled over by the poilce no tax, no insurance, no mot theyre going to have a field day and it wont jsut be a fine im affraid
not that im slating your work in anyway as its a stunning car im jsut saying how it is
I know the coincidences of everything that I’ve done bodywork wise. And I’ll be the one accepting responsibility. I’m not have ago at you in anyway, but this place is always extremely quick is blabber crap about police this police that.
I’ve had these French plates for more than a year.
I’ve had no front number plate for 7 months
I’ve been pulled over twice, which both times were regarding speeding.
And the police officers just mentioned,
POLICE: “why don’t you have a front number plate? These plates are not legal by the way!”
ME: “The number plate literally came off today, I’ve just bought some number plate sticky things from Halfords see, *show police man packet of number plate sticky thingy”
POLICE: Well you’re going to have to get these changed to normal plates, and get the front number plate on ASAP”
ME: “Yeah of course, that’s no problem” Last edited by EuroPeugeot on Tue Jun 15, 2010 4:19 am; edited 1 time in total
#100: Re: EuroPeugeot's WIP - UPDATED 05/05/2010 Author: Ali_H, Location: Chichester, SussexPosted: Tue Jun 15, 2010 4:18 am ----
sam-c wrote:
its an mot failure not to have a number plate light and its also an mot failure not to have 1 manual point of entry ... no mot no tax ... no tax no insurance ... pulled over by the poilce no tax, no insurance, no mot theyre going to have a field day and it wont jsut be a fine im affraid
not that im slating your work in anyway as its a stunning car im jsut saying how it is
Lol... it's easy to put bits on and take them off again for an MOT. Temporary popper for the door, temporary rear light stuck by the plate.
Think you're going a bit overboard there tbh.
#101: Re: EuroPeugeot's WIP - UPDATED 05/05/2010 Author: EuroPeugeot, Location: SW EnglandPosted: Tue Jun 15, 2010 4:26 am ----
Ali_H wrote:
sam-c wrote:
its an mot failure not to have a number plate light and its also an mot failure not to have 1 manual point of entry ... no mot no tax ... no tax no insurance ... pulled over by the poilce no tax, no insurance, no mot theyre going to have a field day and it wont jsut be a fine im affraid
not that im slating your work in anyway as its a stunning car im jsut saying how it is
Lol... it's easy to put bits on and take them off again for an MOT. Temporary popper for the door, temporary rear light stuck by the plate.
Think you're going a bit overboard there tbh.
#102: Re: EuroPeugeot's WIP - UPDATED 05/05/2010 Author: sam-c, Location: Uni: Kent Home: ScunthorpePosted: Tue Jun 15, 2010 4:43 am ---- well im just saying how i believe the law to be and IIRC manual entry has to be like a handle and not a solonoid system such as a popper but i may be wrong
as you cna probably tell i like modified cars but i also like them to be road legal all of the time
#103: Re: EuroPeugeot's WIP - COMPLETED 14/06/2010 Author: 206ed, Location: southamptonPosted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 7:47 am ---- wow looks amazing mate ! how much has it cost you to get all the smoothing done altogether do you think ? cause im going down the euro route this year
sorry to be nosy lol
#104: Re: EuroPeugeot's WIP - COMPLETED 14/06/2010 Author: Lee, Location: EnglandPosted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 8:08 am ---- This is the part of the MOT for the doors....
MOT reason for rejection
A driver’s or front passenger’s door cannot be opened from both inside and outside the vehicle from the relevant control in each case
#105: Re: EuroPeugeot's WIP - COMPLETED 14/06/2010 Author: Quarmbo, Location: Bristol & LeicesterPosted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 8:29 am ---- Relevant control being a handle or a popper?
#106: Re: EuroPeugeot's WIP - COMPLETED 14/06/2010 Author: 206T16, Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 8:34 am ---- The best thing about a well executed Euro car is the attention to detail and how they get round certain problems i.e foglight into rear lights. But on this car I feel its lacking a few things for example you’ve still got the exhaust cut out, still got the front and rear towing hooks, haven’t bothered to relocated the foglight, have just stuck the numberplate on instead of actually building it into the existing bumper where maybe the foglight used to be and your stretched rear arches don’t match up with your rear bumper. Its all these things that let the car down.
You keeping mentioning that you’ll just pay the fines if your stopped but would it not be alot more sensible to spend the money you’d actually waste on fines to get the work done to make sure you don’t get stopped for anything illegal on the car?
#107: Re: EuroPeugeot's WIP - COMPLETED 14/06/2010 Author: stackerman, Location: wiganPosted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 8:55 am ---- Dog the guy man lol seriously the cars looking mint few things could be improved but arnt all our cars the same, nice car fella
#108: Re: EuroPeugeot's WIP - COMPLETED 14/06/2010 Author: andyeuro206, Location: motherwellPosted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 8:59 am ---- mate car looks good and a bet you are sick of the 206 coppers aint ya haha
so are you running banded steels
#109: Re: EuroPeugeot's WIP - COMPLETED 14/06/2010 Author: EuroPeugeot, Location: SW EnglandPosted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 9:08 am ----
206ed wrote:
wow looks amazing mate ! how much has it cost you to get all the smoothing done altogether do you think ? cause im going down the euro route this year
sorry to be nosy lol
Hi mate, not too sure JUST the boot smoothing to be honest. But all in, it was nice and cheap as the guy who did it, was a friend from school about 3 years ago
To be honest I'm thinking about setting a little business thing with him
#110: Re: EuroPeugeot's WIP - COMPLETED 14/06/2010 Author: EuroPeugeot, Location: SW EnglandPosted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 9:14 am ----
206T16 wrote:
The best thing about a well executed Euro car is the attention to detail and how they get round certain problems i.e foglight into rear lights. But on this car I feel its lacking a few things for example you’ve still got the exhaust cut out, still got the front and rear towing hooks, haven’t bothered to relocated the foglight, have just stuck the numberplate on instead of actually building it into the existing bumper where maybe the foglight used to be and your stretched rear arches don’t match up with your rear bumper. Its all these things that let the car down.
You keeping mentioning that you’ll just pay the fines if your stopped but would it not be alot more sensible to spend the money you’d actually waste on fines to get the work done to make sure you don’t get stopped for anything illegal on the car?
The car is not 100% done yet. As said, I'll be improving the odd little things.
I like it,
Thanks anyway
Thanks stackerman and andyeuro, cheers guys
#111: Re: EuroPeugeot's WIP - COMPLETED 14/06/2010 Author: Quarmbo, Location: Bristol & LeicesterPosted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 9:50 am ---- Your talking to Mr Ecosse mate, no pleasing some!!
Really pleased for you now, I remember all the shizzle you were going through to get this sorted.
#112: Re: EuroPeugeot's WIP - COMPLETED 14/06/2010 Author: EuroPeugeot, Location: SW EnglandPosted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 10:05 am ----