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EuroPeugeot's WIP - UPDATED 14/06/2010
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#106: Re: EuroPeugeot's WIP - COMPLETED 14/06/2010 Author: 206T16 PostPosted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 8:34 am
The best thing about a well executed Euro car is the attention to detail and how they get round certain problems i.e foglight into rear lights. But on this car I feel its lacking a few things for example you’ve still got the exhaust cut out, still got the front and rear towing hooks, haven’t bothered to relocated the foglight, have just stuck the numberplate on instead of actually building it into the existing bumper where maybe the foglight used to be and your stretched rear arches don’t match up with your rear bumper. Its all these things that let the car down.

You keeping mentioning that you’ll just pay the fines if your stopped but would it not be alot more sensible to spend the money you’d actually waste on fines to get the work done to make sure you don’t get stopped for anything illegal on the car?

#107: Re: EuroPeugeot's WIP - COMPLETED 14/06/2010 Author: stackerman, Location: wigan PostPosted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 8:55 am
Dog the guy man lol seriously the cars looking mint few things could be improved but arnt all our cars the same, nice car fella

#108: Re: EuroPeugeot's WIP - COMPLETED 14/06/2010 Author: andyeuro206, Location: motherwell PostPosted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 8:59 am
mate car looks good and a bet you are sick of the 206 coppers aint ya haha

so are you running banded steels

#109: Re: EuroPeugeot's WIP - COMPLETED 14/06/2010 Author: EuroPeugeot, Location: SW England PostPosted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 9:08 am
206ed wrote:
wow looks amazing mate ! how much has it cost you to get all the smoothing done altogether do you think ? cause im going down the euro route this year Razz

sorry to be nosy lol

Hi mate, not too sure JUST the boot smoothing to be honest. But all in, it was nice and cheap as the guy who did it, was a friend from school about 3 years ago Smile

To be honest I'm thinking about setting a little business thing with him

#110: Re: EuroPeugeot's WIP - COMPLETED 14/06/2010 Author: EuroPeugeot, Location: SW England PostPosted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 9:14 am
206T16 wrote:
The best thing about a well executed Euro car is the attention to detail and how they get round certain problems i.e foglight into rear lights. But on this car I feel its lacking a few things for example you’ve still got the exhaust cut out, still got the front and rear towing hooks, haven’t bothered to relocated the foglight, have just stuck the numberplate on instead of actually building it into the existing bumper where maybe the foglight used to be and your stretched rear arches don’t match up with your rear bumper. Its all these things that let the car down.

You keeping mentioning that you’ll just pay the fines if your stopped but would it not be alot more sensible to spend the money you’d actually waste on fines to get the work done to make sure you don’t get stopped for anything illegal on the car?

The car is not 100% done yet. As said, I'll be improving the odd little things.
I like it,
Thanks anyway

Thanks stackerman and andyeuro, cheers guys

#111: Re: EuroPeugeot's WIP - COMPLETED 14/06/2010 Author: Quarmbo, Location: Bristol & Leicester PostPosted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 9:50 am
Your talking to Mr Ecosse mate, no pleasing some!! Smile

Really pleased for you now, I remember all the shizzle you were going through to get this sorted.

#112: Re: EuroPeugeot's WIP - COMPLETED 14/06/2010 Author: EuroPeugeot, Location: SW England PostPosted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 10:05 am
Quarmbo wrote:
Your talking to Mr Ecosse mate, no pleasing some!! Smile

Really pleased for you now, I remember all the shizzle you were going through to get this sorted.

lol Wink

Yeah man, it did feel like it took forever!!!
Thanks buddy

#113: Re: EuroPeugeot's WIP - 98% COMPLETED 14/06/2010 Author: Mike PostPosted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 12:03 pm
The fun police out again I see.

As said, a few little touches to do but all in all an ace job fella Very Happy

#114: Re: EuroPeugeot's WIP - 98% COMPLETED 14/06/2010 Author: EuroPeugeot, Location: SW England PostPosted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 1:18 pm
Thanks Mikey Smile
Your call all sweet and well?

#115: Re: EuroPeugeot's WIP - 98% COMPLETED 14/06/2010 Author: Mike PostPosted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 3:49 pm
No worries Smile

Yeah not too bad, needs a little work doing on it soon but nothing major Very Happy

#116: Re: EuroPeugeot's WIP - 98% COMPLETED 14/06/2010 Author: dan_206, Location: Bury St Edmunds PostPosted: Thu Jun 17, 2010 11:59 am
Looks very impressive so far mate, although i have a few niggly little things about it (nothing law wise though you will be gald to hear Razz ) first off if its Euro, then IMO the side strips need to be smoothed off and like wise exhaust cut out has to go. Also i think a nice full leather interior would pull the car off amazingly. However i notice youve said it aint finished and these things would cost a considerable amount. But yeah i really do love it so far, been watching this thread with much interest since it started, so gutted i missed it at FCS, didnt even realise you were on the stand Sad

#117: Re: EuroPeugeot's WIP - 98% COMPLETED 14/06/2010 Author: EuroPeugeot, Location: SW England PostPosted: Thu Jun 17, 2010 2:08 pm
dan_206 wrote:
Looks very impressive so far mate, although i have a few niggly little things about it (nothing law wise though you will be gald to hear Razz ) first off if its Euro, then IMO the side strips need to be smoothed off and like wise exhaust cut out has to go. Also i think a nice full leather interior would pull the car off amazingly. However i notice youve said it aint finished and these things would cost a considerable amount. But yeah i really do love it so far, been watching this thread with much interest since it started, so gutted i missed it at FCS, didnt even realise you were on the stand Sad

Thanks matey Smile

As said, if you look closey, the exhaust hole was smoothed over, but melted off due to the exhaust being so close Sad So that's getting re-done this weekend/next week. And I might as well get the rear toe hitch smoothed off too Smile

And with the side strips, it a lot, a lot of work, would of been +£600. And I only had a 1.5k budget :l

Yeahh I agree with the leather interior idea. Maybe in the future I'll think about it Smile

I guess I shouldn't of said its 'euro' too much. I've always always wanted my car to look like this. Its not just for show, she's a nice GTi, so it does go abit too Smile

Thanks for the input thou dude

#118: Re: EuroPeugeot's WIP - 98% COMPLETED 14/06/2010 Author: EuroPeugeot, Location: SW England PostPosted: Thu Jun 17, 2010 2:15 pm


UPDATE 14/06/2010 @ 20:30 Smile


A nice long story for you all to read Smile

As you can see from the pictures on page 6, the exhaust hole WAS smoothed over, but it melted off due to the exhaust not being 'hidden' enough.
Its getting moved back Saturday. And the car is going back into the bodyshop on Sunday, for the exhaust hole to be re-smoothed over. I might also get the rear toe hitch smoothed off Smile

Another thing. When I say my car is 'Euro'. Maybe I shouldn't of. A few people are getting annoyed at this.
Basically, I've wanted my car to pretty much look like this for a long, long, long time.
I'm only 19 with a normal job. It's a GTi, so expensive to run.
My budget including the wheels and tyres, was only 1.5K, and I think I've done well.
My sob story for you all Wink

So future plans -

Get exhaust hole re-smoothed.
Obviously, banded steels at the front ASAP!
Lowererererer Smile
New morette covers, as the plastic on mine have been burnt by my original spray job :l
Non-sports front arches (my current arches are distorted from being rolled

Thanks for all the comments so far, bad and good Sad lol Keep 'em coming guys..

Last edited by EuroPeugeot on Thu Jun 17, 2010 2:26 pm; edited 2 times in total

#119: Re: EuroPeugeot's WIP - 98% COMPLETED 14/06/2010 Author: Addaz, Location: Suffolk PostPosted: Thu Jun 17, 2010 2:18 pm
Im sorry to be a pain, but i agree with 206T16, i quite dislike it TBH, sorry

Its a complete mish mash, not really here nor there, i wont go into much more detail about what i dislike as i could be quite offensive, sorry

One thing i will say though, is a drastically hate the rear arches, destroys the image of the car Sad

#120: Re: EuroPeugeot's WIP - 98% COMPLETED 14/06/2010 Author: EuroPeugeot, Location: SW England PostPosted: Thu Jun 17, 2010 2:19 pm
addaz wrote:
Im sorry to be a pain, but i agree with 206T16, i quite dislike it TBH, sorry

Its a complete mish mash, not really here nor there, i wont go into much more detail about what i dislike as i could be quite offensive, sorry

One thing i will say though, is a drastically hate the rear arches, destroys the image of the car Sad

Nahh its cool buddy, not everything is for everyone and all that

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