#1: speedo needle at 10 kmh on idle??? Author: omricn, Location: israelPosted: Mon Oct 10, 2011 11:06 am ---- ---NOTE: we measure speed at KPH---
I know it's weird that Iv'e just noticed, and it's really not like me to not notice things like that but..
Does the kph needle supposed to be ON the 10 kph marker when idle?? I mean.. that's just weird..
Now, it's a thing I noticed this morning and I've been at work since so i haven't had the time to experiment, maybe the needle wont move until I get to 10 kph and then it'll start going up? but then again isn't that weird?..
I tried to watch youtube clips to see people with 206's and watch their speedos and it looks the same as mine.. so what the..
#2: Re: speedo needle at 10 kmh on idle??? Author: Lee, Location: EnglandPosted: Mon Oct 10, 2011 11:09 am ---- Try rebooting the BSI
#3: Re: speedo needle at 10 kmh on idle??? Author: omricn, Location: israelPosted: Mon Oct 10, 2011 11:45 am ---- I'd rather not until I know it's really necessary.. never did it before and I tend to go on the "don't fix it if its not broken" advice..
#4: Re: speedo needle at 10 kmh on idle??? Author: Lee, Location: EnglandPosted: Mon Oct 10, 2011 11:46 am ---- Eh? It's such a simple procedure and the first step of fixing anything electrical on a mux
#5: Re: speedo needle at 10 kmh on idle??? Author: omricn, Location: israelPosted: Mon Oct 10, 2011 2:22 pm ---- Hmm.. ok so maybe I should try it.. can't cause any damage on the way? does the fact I have an alarm and use it's central locking remote can affect this procedure? or can the procedure affect the alarm remote? is this exactly the way to do it?:
1.Put the driver's window down, lift the bonnet and ensure all equipment is switched off.
2.Ensure all doors are closed and remove key from the ignition.
3.Wait for 3 minutes, disconnect the vehicle battery and wait 15 seconds.
4.Reconnect the vehicle battery, wait a further 10 seconds (do not open doors.).
5.Switch on the side lights through the driver's window.
6.Switch on the ignition and check system's functionality. (do this from outside? keep door closed?)
7.Hold lock button on key down for 10 seconds. ( do I have to use the key which has the button on it? ( i have two, one with central locking buttons and one without) should I follow this step when the motor is running and key in ignition??)
8.Remove key open & close door test central locking system.
9.Start the engine and complete the system's check.
Thanks allot for helping mate..
#6: Re: speedo needle at 10 kmh on idle??? Author: Lee, Location: EnglandPosted: Mon Oct 10, 2011 2:29 pm ----
Lee wrote:
* Put down the drivers window.
* Pop and Open the bonnet. Shut ALL DOORS apart from the bonnet.
* Leave the car for at least 3 minutes. This allows the BSI to shut down and go to "sleep."
* Disconnect the clamps on the battery, and change/do electrics/whatever you are planning to do.
* When reconnecting, reattach the clamps on the battery. Don't shut the bonnet yet. Leave the car for a few more minutes. This allows the car to settle.
* Lean through the drivers window, and turn the sidelights on. (Don't open the door.)
* This is called a "Soft Start" for the BSI.
* Let the car finish thinking about everything, and check all the systems etc.
* Start the car.
#7: Re: speedo needle at 10 kmh on idle??? Author: omricn, Location: israelPosted: Mon Oct 10, 2011 4:04 pm ----
Lee wrote:
Lee wrote:
* Put down the drivers window.
* Pop and Open the bonnet. Shut ALL DOORS apart from the bonnet.
* Leave the car for at least 3 minutes. This allows the BSI to shut down and go to "sleep."
* Disconnect the clamps on the battery, and change/do electrics/whatever you are planning to do.
* When reconnecting, reattach the clamps on the battery. Don't shut the bonnet yet. Leave the car for a few more minutes. This allows the car to settle.
* Lean through the drivers window, and turn the sidelights on. (Don't open the door.)
* This is called a "Soft Start" for the BSI.
* Let the car finish thinking about everything, and check all the systems etc.
* Start the car.
Thank you very much mate, will do this first thing tomorrow morning
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