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running on 2/3 cylinders
-> 206 Problems

#1: running on 2/3 cylinders Author: sylent, Location: sunderland PostPosted: Sat Oct 15, 2011 1:03 pm
I was on my way to work 2 days ago when power dropped off to next to nothing and sounds like the exhaust had gone, next morning i drove it to my local garage he told me that it's the coil pack so I gone a new one fitted it and it was running fine again drove it home no probs came to going to work again and out of no where same problem came back, so i got the coilpack changes and the problem is still there.

The old coilpark on sounds like 3 cylinders though the new one sounds like 2 but with the new one every now and again I get all 4 back for a sort time then back to 2/3 and the old one stays on 3 constantly so that one is dead.

had it tested at the garage came up saying num 1 injector as gone had it replaced and no change any ideas would be very helpful cheers

#2: Re: running on 2/3 cylinders Author: Rob2859, Location: Halifax PostPosted: Sat Oct 15, 2011 5:49 pm
Take the injectors out of the block and have someone turn the car over while you make sure they are injecting properly. Check you have power going to each coil on the pack. Check the wiring on the o2 sensor that caused me problems. What plugs are you using?

#3: Re: running on 2/3 cylinders Author: sylent, Location: sunderland PostPosted: Sun Oct 16, 2011 4:37 am
thanks for the reply Im using Bosch super 4's even tried my old plugs to rule them out have the same problem are the injectors easy to take out or do i need a magic tool Smile

#4: Re: running on 2/3 cylinders Author: sylent, Location: sunderland PostPosted: Sun Oct 23, 2011 6:00 am
Thanks for the good advice. I stripped down the fuel rail and removed the injectors and it turned out that the guy at the garage never change number 1 injector and had only cleared the error code. I had a friend turn the engine over and found injector 1 was constantly spraying fuel like a fountain made a nice mess of my cloves. any way I sourced an injector and replaced number one and I also found that 3 and 4 injectors were very loose and easy to remove and replace so i change the rubber O rings on both giving a nice tight fit on the injectors built it all back up and everything is running great even better than when i first got the car. I guess it's a shame when you can't trust a garage to do the job they say there going to do.

I would also like to add that when the problem first started the coilpack had gone down and I believe lead to the injector failing when unfired fuel was compressed in the cylinder ( Just a guess ) Smile

Thanks Again


#5: Re: running on 2/3 cylinders Author: tailhappy, Location: barnstaple PostPosted: Fri Dec 23, 2011 8:18 am
just held mine at 3000 rpm and sprayed a hole can of carb cleaner down as i have run outa ideas and this seems to work as i have gained a cylinder and 4 kicks in occasionaly just gunna leave it to run for abit now then fill it with redex

-> 206 Problems

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