#1: sunroof Author: mgkars, Location: GlasgowPosted: Thu Oct 20, 2011 11:01 am ---- hey guys, wondering if someone can point me in the right direction.
i need to replace the wind deflector on my g'f's 206's sunroof. (small black bit at the front that flicks up and down)
the problem i have is, i can get a hold of a replacement wind deflector off a scrapped 206 i just cant get the bugger off the car because the sunroof is closed over, and this locks it in place. and the wiring harness from the battery to the fuse box is removed.
is there a way i can bypass the battery and apply 12v straight to the sunroof motor to get it to drive back enough for me to remove the deflector from the scrapped car?
if this is possible, where is the motor located, and which colours do i apply the 12v too, to get it do open.
cheers, Michael.
#2: Re: sunroof Author: Lee, Location: EnglandPosted: Thu Oct 20, 2011 11:24 am ---- Pin one in sunroof switch. - 6006
Peugeot don't use wiring colours, they use numbers, but its normally either white or blue
#3: Re: sunroof Author: Alewa, Location: LondonPosted: Thu Jan 12, 2012 8:49 am ---- i have 2 sunroof motors if you need contact me 07425255323
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