#1: Major problem developing, no diagnosis, help? Author: Nikon1149, Location: BristolPosted: Fri Dec 02, 2011 12:51 pm ---- Firstly, the car has always had a problem since i've had it where occasionally, if you tried to push a lot of power through, the engine management light would come on, and you'd lose the accelerator pedal and the revs would just slowly go down and your speed would drop gradually until you stopped. nothing you can do about it.
Also, at 3000rpm in 3rd gear if you were hitting the accelerator hard, the car would start juddering quite hard and the rev meter would jump back and forth, but not climb further.
Now the car has plodded along quite nicely with sensible(ish) driving for 3 years now, but those things I mentioned have started happening all the time. The juddering happens in all parts of the rev range in all gears at seemingly random times. When the juddering happens, unless I let off the accelerator straight away, that thing will happen where the car cuts the accel. pedal, engine management comes on and just slows to a halt. Sometimes i'll lose the accelerator pedal and get engine management without the juddering first for no reason just cruising along in gear.
Sometimes the car will just stall for no reason at all, I think this only happens while i'm changing gear though. Sometimes the car will stall when it's idling at traffic lights for no reason.
I hope i've explained all this without too much confusion. Please help!! I am more broke than you can imagine and cannot afford to send it to a dealer to get a diagnostic. I need a good rough idea what's wrong before I go to my mate who's a mechanic and we can work it out together.
EDIT: It's a '03 plate 1.4 HDI (pre plex) Last edited by Nikon1149 on Fri Dec 02, 2011 12:55 pm; edited 3 times in total
#2: Re: Major problem developing, no diagnosis, help? Author: Jammie_1989, Location: ManchesterPosted: Fri Dec 02, 2011 12:54 pm ---- Is it diesel or petrol?
#3: Re: Major problem developing, no diagnosis, help? Author: Nikon1149, Location: BristolPosted: Fri Dec 02, 2011 12:55 pm ---- Edited, 1.4 HDI
#4: Re: Major problem developing, no diagnosis, help? Author: Jammie_1989, Location: ManchesterPosted: Fri Dec 02, 2011 12:57 pm ---- Sounds like it may have something to do with the inlet manifold and a valve that filters out the soot. Not sure if these have ones but had this experiance on a vauxhall and a good clean sorted it out.
#5: Re: Major problem developing, no diagnosis, help? Author: Seabook, Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2011 2:13 pm ---- i would check the fuel system, i.e. rail pressure and injectors
#6: Re: Major problem developing, no diagnosis, help? Author: Antknee, Location: ManchesterPosted: Fri Dec 02, 2011 3:38 pm ---- check the air intake hasnt come out at the back of the engine, mine did and every time i put my foot down the air was bypassing the MAP sensor and flagging an error, causing teh car to go into limp mode and not rev past 3k revs, i have the same car as you
#7: Re: Major problem developing, no diagnosis, help? Author: Nikon1149, Location: BristolPosted: Sat Dec 03, 2011 3:20 pm ---- bump
#8: Re: Major problem developing, no diagnosis, help? Author: Lee, Location: EnglandPosted: Sat Dec 03, 2011 3:47 pm ---- Why bump when you haven't responded to the suggestions? We aren't mind readers.
#9: Re: Major problem developing, no diagnosis, help? Author: Nikon1149, Location: BristolPosted: Sun Dec 04, 2011 3:19 am ---- I was only hoping for more suggestions. I've checked the air intake and it's fine. So I've had two different suggestions apart from air intake which I am grateful for, but I have no way of checking fuel system /rail-injector pressure myself and there are always plenty of opinions to be had when it comes to undiagnosed car faults.
Why bump? I want to make sure anyone who might have any experience or maybe even a pug technician to see this without it falling down the list.
I know you are a respected and knowledgeable member here, so I mean no disrespect when I ask straight back to you....
Why respond like that with nothing constructive to offer? It's not like i'm spamming
#10: Re: Major problem developing, no diagnosis, help? Author: Lee, Location: EnglandPosted: Sun Dec 04, 2011 5:07 am ---- because how are we supposed to suggest anything else when you haven't said what you have and haven't tried. So it's impossible for people to know what to rule out
#11: Re: Major problem developing, no diagnosis, help? Author: Seabook, Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2011 5:11 am ---- because if you don't reply what have you checked no one will bother to reply you too.
it's a respect to us
thousand of people on here just ask question and then disappear; don't even bother to update the situation
#12: Re: Major problem developing, no diagnosis, help? Author: Seabook, Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2011 5:18 am ---- did you check the boost pressure?
if air intake and boost pressure is fine then it will have to be fuel system problem.
#13: Re: Major problem developing, no diagnosis, help? Author: Nikon1149, Location: BristolPosted: Sun Dec 04, 2011 8:34 am ---- I understand, my apologies I will update with every little development.
How do I check the boost pressure?
#14: Re: Major problem developing, no diagnosis, help? Author: Nikon1149, Location: BristolPosted: Sun Dec 04, 2011 8:43 am ---- It's due it's fuel filter change, i've never done it since i've had the car. What if previous owners neglected it as well, could that be a culprit?
#15: Re: Major problem developing, no diagnosis, help? Author: gazza82, Location: South BucksPosted: Sun Dec 04, 2011 1:43 pm ---- Possibly .. but I've not changed our 1.4's filter for years and it's fine. Unless the water in diesel light is on.
Have you had it connected to a diagnosis system?? If not, you will just be swapping parts for the sake of it and wasting more money than just on a diagnostic. As it's pre-04 diesel, it's unlikely to like most generic code readers, so you need to find someone with a PlanetPeugeot system or look for a peugeot/citroen specialist in the area.
BTW: I think you will find an '03 1,4 HDi IS multiplex. Unless it's an early one that sat in Pug's storage or a dealers for a while before being registered. If the airbag is clipped on (square holes in back of steering wheel) and the radio stalk is thick and short and not a long thin one, it's mutilplexed.
#16: Re: Major problem developing, no diagnosis, help? Author: Lee, Location: EnglandPosted: Sun Dec 04, 2011 1:58 pm ---- It's multiplexed, doubt it was sat in storage for 2 years
#17: Re: Major problem developing, no diagnosis, help? Author: Nikon1149, Location: BristolPosted: Sun Dec 04, 2011 6:39 pm ----
gazza82 wrote:
BTW: I think you will find an '03 1,4 HDi IS multiplex. Unless it's an early one that sat in Pug's storage or a dealers for a while before being registered. If the airbag is clipped on (square holes in back of steering wheel) and the radio stalk is thick and short and not a long thin one, it's mutilplexed.
I have crystal headlights but also all other signs are of preplex, so a while back I came on here to ask and posted my VIN. I was told it is definitely pre plex based on VIN. Not sure about steering wheel, it's the bigger chunkier one than i've seen in other 206's, and I can see the H4 to H7 converters for the headlights when i've had the lamps out too. I think it looks like it did in fact sit in storage for a while. Shame.
Thanks for the heads up on the potential diagnostic code problems, i'll try and find a local pug specialist.
I have a fuel filter here anyway from a while back I bought for the next service, so that's no cost, but I guess it's still a waste of time if it's not the problem.
#18: Re: Major problem developing, no diagnosis, help? Author: Nikon1149, Location: BristolPosted: Wed Dec 07, 2011 5:14 am ---- Could someone please help me with checking boost pressure? How do I do it?
#19: Re: Major problem developing, no diagnosis, help? Author: Lee, Location: EnglandPosted: Wed Dec 07, 2011 5:28 am ---- A boost gauge
Drive the vehicle until a normal water temperature reading is attained.
Choose a long straight empty road (preferably with a gentle incline). Steady the engine speed to around 3000 rev/min and select either third or fourth gear, depending on road speed.
Using your left foot on the brake pedal, gently increase throttle whilst applying the brakes to maintain 3000 revs/min.
When full throttle is reached at 3000 rev/min check the boost reading on the gauge.
If the boost pressure requires adjustment, consult the manufacture's recommendations.
#20: Re: Major problem developing, no diagnosis, help? Author: Nikon1149, Location: BristolPosted: Wed Dec 07, 2011 5:39 am ---- Thanks for the info
How do easy is it to fit a boost guage?
#21: Re: Major problem developing, no diagnosis, help? Author: Lee, Location: EnglandPosted: Wed Dec 07, 2011 5:43 am ---- There's a how to on here somewhere
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