#1: 206 gti rear beam Author: rick-gti, Location: welshpool, mid walesPosted: Thu Dec 08, 2011 6:51 am ---- could someone tell me what the common problem is with the rear beam on the gti (140) have been told there is a common fault with them.
i plan on buying another gti but it needs a new rear beam.
#2: Re: 206 gti rear beam Author: Big_Rich180, Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2011 6:55 am ---- At a guess its the bearing on the trailing arms, they tend to fail.
#3: Re: 206 gti rear beam Author: rick-gti, Location: welshpool, mid walesPosted: Thu Dec 08, 2011 8:19 am ---- if thats the case then there should be play in the wheel. how hard are these to change?
only asking as im goin to look at a gti friday and will no whether it needs a new beam or not.
#4: Re: 206 gti rear beam Author: Big_Rich180, Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2011 8:37 am ----
rick-gti wrote:
if thats the case then there should be play in the wheel. how hard are these to change?
only asking as im goin to look at a gti friday and will no whether it needs a new beam or not.
Im not sure tbh but i think people charge £400+ to do the job, around here that is anyway.
Id guess once your past the torsion bars it shouldnt be that hard..but that is just a guess.
#5: Re: 206 gti rear beam Author: CD-B3, Location: Salisbury / New ForestPosted: Thu Dec 08, 2011 9:37 am ---- 4 bolts to replace the beam. Brake lines can be a pain though.
#6: Re: 206 gti rear beam Author: rick-gti, Location: welshpool, mid walesPosted: Thu Dec 08, 2011 12:06 pm ---- So if I view it and there is play in the trailing arms am I best to walk away? Im not looking to pay much for the car.
So if I view it and there is play in the trailing arms am I best to walk away? Im not looking to pay much for the car.
It depends on how much the car is and whether you want to do the job...only you can answer that question.
#8: Re: 206 gti rear beam Author: rick-gti, Location: welshpool, mid walesPosted: Fri Dec 09, 2011 8:33 am ---- Im hoping to spend no more than £400 for the car. Will have a good look at the beam, im hoping its just the torsion bars that will need removing and refitting.
#9: Re: 206 gti rear beam Author: Big_Rich180, Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2011 8:41 am ----
rick-gti wrote:
Im hoping to spend no more than £400 for the car. Will have a good look at the beam, im hoping its just the torsion bars that will need removing and refitting.
For £400 i dont think you can really complain if its a running car.
Even if the rear beam is on its way out its a £400 car, you cant really be expecting to much.
You would have to remove the torsion bars and the lateral arms then put new bearings in.
#10: Re: 206 gti rear beam Author: rick-gti, Location: welshpool, mid walesPosted: Sat Dec 10, 2011 11:38 am ---- Went to view the car today and it needs the bearings replaced on the rear o/s. Keep a look out as I might have a gti for sale after xmas.
#11: Re: 206 gti rear beam Author: rick-gti, Location: welshpool, mid walesPosted: Sat Dec 10, 2011 11:40 am ---- Went to view the car today and it needs the bearings replaced on the rear o/s. Keep a look out as I might have a gti for sale after xmas.
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