#1: Horrendous MPG from 206 GTI Author: GTIjim, Location: LincolnPosted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 6:20 am ---- I've not had my 99k miles GTI long and its proving to be frustrating.....27mpg aint cool considering all of it's use comes from back roads and dual carriageways. It doesnt get a hard time, I think ive had it past 4000rpm a handful of times pulling onto the A1.
I've changed the fuel filter (and checked for leaks- none), used Forte injector cleaner and changed the air filter which wasnt particularly bad anyway. There are no fault codes stored in the memory.
So, could it be:
Map Sensor?
Worn injectors?
The idle too is a little lumpy which is felt in the car and observed on the rev counter, nothing erratic but a gentle flicker either way.
Any thoughts?
#2: Re: Horrendous MPG from 206 GTI Author: HDI90, Location: sunny stokePosted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 6:25 am ---- Thats about right isnt it? the most i had out of my GTI was about 35mpg on a 300 mile run to the I.O.W
You didnt say if its been serviced a good oil change and air filter , tyre presures? may help
#3: Re: Horrendous MPG from 206 GTI Author: Lee, Location: EnglandPosted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 6:27 am ---- Seems normal to me.
#4: Re: Horrendous MPG from 206 GTI Author: Big_Rich180, Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 6:28 am ---- Yeah pretty sure thats about right tbh.
#5: Re: Horrendous MPG from 206 GTI Author: MrBSI, Location: What's it to you? ? ?Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 6:30 am ---- 27 mpg from a GTI is about right, my 1.4 only does 33mpg average
My mum's 1.8 Mondeo when i've driven it only does 29mpg average.
#6: Re: Horrendous MPG from 206 GTI Author: Linkpad, Location: WalesPosted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 7:49 am ---- I got a 138 and does about that, although i do Kane it. U don't buy a GTI for fuel ecomomy !!
#7: Re: Horrendous MPG from 206 GTI Author: oldskoolz, Location: LondonPosted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 8:50 am ----
Linkpad wrote:
U don't buy a GTI for fuel ecomomy !!
#8: Re: Horrendous MPG from 206 GTI Author: Ghosty, Location: WiltshirePosted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 9:11 am ---- my HDi GTi, is getting around 38.9 in town, however i took it on a long drive to coventry at the weekend and got 58.9. and i know mines a diesel, but just thought i'd give you the comparison, lol .
#9: Re: Horrendous MPG from 206 GTI Author: Lee, Location: EnglandPosted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 9:21 am ----
Ghosty wrote:
my HDi GTi, is getting around 38.9 in town, however i took it on a long drive to coventry at the weekend and got 58.9. and i know mines a diesel, but just thought i'd give you the comparison, lol .
1.6HDI + Short Journeys = asking for trouble
#10: Re: Horrendous MPG from 206 GTI Author: Ghosty, Location: WiltshirePosted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 9:23 am ---- tell me about it, mine keeps trying to re-gen. might have to get it all removed
#11: Re: Horrendous MPG from 206 GTI Author: CD-B3, Location: Salisbury / New ForestPosted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 9:34 am ---- I'd get about 30mpg daily in my old GTi.
27 isn't that bad, my current is 16mpg
#12: Re: Horrendous MPG from 206 GTI Author: GTIjim, Location: LincolnPosted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 9:39 am ---- It was only a matter of time before someone 'piped up' with the old "you don't buy a gti for economy" comment, however, the combined figures are 35.something mpg. It isn't doing this which would lead me to believe there is a fault of sorts. I had asked about what sort of figures owners were getting before buying and the general opinion was that given my usage of the car 35mpg wasn't unrealistic.
I think you must have missed my description on how the car is being used. If it was being driven hard I'd gladly accept 27mpg but it isn't.
For those looking to stay 'on topic' keeping the discussion technical and avoid petulant comments, the tyre pressures are correct and checked weekly, I don't use supermarket fuel and the only modification is it's lowered.
Do Peugeot fit ECUs that 'learn' your driving style? Would disconnecting the battery for a set time reset the ECU?
#13: Re: Horrendous MPG from 206 GTI Author: Big_Rich180, Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 9:46 am ----
GTIjim wrote:
It was only a matter of time before someone 'piped up' with the old "you don't buy a gti for economy" comment, however, the combined figures are 35.something mpg. It isn't doing this which would lead me to believe there is a fault of sorts. I had asked about what sort of figures owners were getting before buying and the general opinion was that given my usage of the car 35mpg wasn't unrealistic.
I think you must have missed my description on how the car is being used. If it was being driven hard I'd gladly accept 27mpg but it isn't.
For those looking to stay 'on topic' keeping the discussion technical and avoid petulant comments, the tyre pressures are correct and checked weekly, I don't use supermarket fuel and the only modification is it's lowered.
Do Peugeot fit ECUs that 'learn' your driving style? Would disconnecting the battery for a set time reset the ECU?
Just because Peugeot "say" thats the averege it doesnt mean its the average for you, its probably an average if you stay in 3rd gear at 60mph on a very long road.
In the real world you will get around 27mpg, another example is the RX8, Mazda say you can get around 26mpg but in reality your luck to get 18mpg
Just live with it or get rid of it.
#14: Re: Horrendous MPG from 206 GTI Author: Lee, Location: EnglandPosted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 10:02 am ---- 35mpg that Peugeot tell you is at optimum air temperature, humidity, gear changes, acceleration, wind speed, etc.
Basically Lab conditions.
27mpg is fine.
The adaptive ecu is with regards of air flow, injection, and mechanical things, not the guy behind the wheel.
This is not your car....
#15: Re: Horrendous MPG from 206 GTI Author: spike_202, Location: West midsPosted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 10:13 am ---- i wish mine did that haha
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