#1: Dead battery..? Author: elliotsamuda, Location: United KingdomPosted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 1:34 pm ---- Last week i got in my car, turned the key (not to start) stereo was on, subwoofer blaring, everything good. Then i realised i'd forgotten a cd. Got out , locked the car, got the cd, got back in the car turned the key. DEAD. (i say dead, the lights still worked, very dim, but the car wouldn't turn at all).
Now I'd normally just assume the battery is dead, but can it really change from working perfectly (was driving the car perfectly before, and like i said the stereo and sub worked like 2 minutes prior) to completely dead like that?
#2: Re: Dead battery..? Author: dumdum0910, Location: letchworthPosted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 1:46 pm ---- yes it could die just like that. you could have a dodgey alternator and with your sub blaring could of drained just enough for your car not to start. i would stick a metre on the battery when the car is running make sure its charging
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